Economical heating your own garage: 5 heating systems

Many motorists are anxious about cars, so they are ready to invest time and energy in the improvement of their garages. Often, the room performs not only its direct functions: it is used as a workshop, storeroom, and even a place to relax in the men's company.

If you arrange economical heating of the garage with your own hands, it will be comfortable to stay in it for many hours. Let's try to figure out how to properly arrange the heating of the garage and what you need to pay attention to in order not to go broke paying bills.

The content of the article:

  • Advantages and disadvantages of various systems
    • Option number 1 - classic water heating
    • Option number 2 - heating with gas
    • Option number 3 - electric heating
    • Option number 4 - solid fuel appliances
    • Option number 5 - oil furnaces and boilers
  • What type of heating is most profitable?
  • How to reduce heat loss and not go broke?
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Advantages and disadvantages of various systems

The garage heating system should be cheap, and this is the main requirement. The owner of the garage has to invest a lot of money in the maintenance and repair of the car, the arrangement of the room for him. It is expensive, and you should use any opportunity to reduce the cost of heating.

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On the other hand, the savings should be reasonable: not to the detriment of the efficiency or safety of the system.

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Water heating in the garage

If the garage adjoins the house, it will be cheaper to connect it to the common heating system. It is enough to install one radiator, and its power will suffice so that the temperature in the room does not fall below 5 degrees

Ceiling infrared heater

Heating with infrared heaters has its advantages. Some garage owners choose this option, despite the high cost of the appliances and electricity. The main plus - extremely rational power consumption

Gas heat trap in the garage

Gas heating is best suited for non-residential premises that are not connected to centralized systems. This option can be chosen if there is electricity in the garage, but the wiring is not designed for additional load in the form of a powerful heater or you need to save on electricity

Diesel fuel rail

Diesel fuel diesel fuel or diesel fuel are excellent for heating garages, car repair shops, etc. If you can buy inexpensive liquid fuel, this is a good solution. You can also save money on the instrument itself by assembling it with your own hands.

Water heating in the garage

Water heating in the garage

Ceiling infrared heater

Ceiling infrared heater

Gas heat trap in the garage

Gas heat trap in the garage

Diesel fuel rail

Diesel fuel rail

There are many different types of systems and appliances that can be used to heat a garage. They are not perfect, have their own shortcomings. Each owner has to decide which selection criteria are most important for him.

Option number 1 - classic water heating

It is not necessary to install a separate boiler to connect the heating to the garage, however an additional load is placed on the overall system. This should be taken into account when purchasing heating appliances and taking them with a margin of power.

Fuel consumption is also increasing, but the costs are still lower compared with the arrangement of a separate heating system for the garage.

Standard radiators in the garage

It is cheaper to heat the garage, which is adjacent to the house or is located nearby (no further than 15-20 m). As a rule, the area of ​​the room is small, and for its heating one radiator is enough for 6-20 sections (depending on the size and layout of the building)

The second option - arrangement of the heating system of the garage with a separate boiler. This is a good solution if the building is far from home and heat loss when moving heated water through pipelines is too high.

When arranging a water system with a separate boiler, it is worth using antifreeze as a heat carrier to prevent possible defrosting.

Local water heating system

In the garage you can install a separate boiler. It can be any: solid or liquid fuel, gas or electric. It depends on what kind of energy the owner of the premises prefers.

The coolant is heated in the boiler and piped to the radiators. Cooling down, he returns to the heater. The system can be one-or two-pipe. It determines whether radiators are connected to the boiler in parallel or in series.

The first type of connection guarantees the same heating of all radiators, but it requires two pipelines.

For the garage is best suited one-pipe system. This scheme allows you to arrange heating with minimal material costs, and installation is also simplified. If there are several radiators, they are connected in series.

It is worth considering: in each subsequent device the temperature of the coolant decreases.

Homemade gas stove

Many owners independently assemble boilers or stoves for their garages, connect old radiators, and expansion tanks are made of plastic tanks. This allows you to achieve the ideal temperature in the room with minimal cash outlays.

Spacious garages, commercial auto repair shops, service stations will be equipped with a full-fledged dual-circuit heating system. We have to spend money on more materials and complex installation, but the heating of the room will be even and efficient.

Option number 2 - heating with gas

Gas heating - the cheapest, but to connect to the highway will have to issue permission of the relevant services. In many cases, garage owners try to avoid a long negotiation process.

Gas infrared heater

Devices rationally consume fuel and warm objects, and not directly the air. Advantages of infrared heaters: instant creation of a local comfort zone, soft heat, high efficiency

Another caveat: for unauthorized connection to the trunk pipeline or commissioning, you can pay a serious fine.

Therefore, it is advisable to do everything according to the rules or use balloon gas mixtures.

Gas convector in the garage

One of the main advantages of the convector is a very fast air heating. This is important if the owner does not constantly heat the garage, but only during the time spent there

If you connect to the highway, you can provide cheap and highly efficient heating. If you have to use liquefied gas, then you should choose a device that economically consumes fuel. This may be a gas heat gun, infrared heater or convector.

Option number 3 - electric heating

Electrical appliances are considered the safest. They are convenient in operation, compact, effective and able to instantly warm up the room. Any buyer will find a model of the desired power and with the necessary technical parameters.

Electric heat gun

The design of the devices has much in common with the device fan heaters: the fan delivers cold air to the heater, and then with a force throws into the room

The only drawback of electricity is the high cost, and this erases all advantages at once. Such appliances should be chosen only for rooms where the owner spends a little time. Electric heaters are unprofitable for permanent garage heating.

A rational solution is to buy a mobile infrared heater, a convector, fan heater or heat guns. They are easy to carry, rearrange from place to place. The most powerful and practical devices - heat guns.

Electric Convector Design

Modern electroconvectors - devices with high efficiency. They are light, comfortable, economical and occupy a minimum of space. Their main advantage is absolute safety.

Unsuccessful option - oil heater. The device has its advantages, but more suitable for long-term heating. In addition, he spends a lot of energy, slowly heats the air.

However, there are exceptions. So, a homemade heater, assembled from an old cast-iron radiator and heating elements, will cost literally a penny. The power of the heating element is chosen by the owner himself, and used oil can be used as a heat carrier.

Oil Heater Radiator

The device of such a heater practically does not differ from the design of industrial models. If there is a used cast iron radiator, heating element and wire, the whole process of self-assembly will take several hours

If you add metal legs and attach a dryer to a homemade heater, you get a convenient multi-function device. How to do it, described in the master class, which can be found in our collection of videos.

Option number 4 - solid fuel appliances

Boilers, solid fuel stoves are very profitable due to the cheap coal and firewood. The disadvantages include the need chimney constructionthat leads to some appreciation of the system.

These costs are paid off due to the long life, efficiency of stoves, low cost of fuel (waste can be used: sawdust, wood trimming, any combustible materials).

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Potbelly stove in the back room

Good old stove ideal for a garage. When installing it, you should follow the rules and regulations of fire safety. Under the heater enclose a sheet of asbestos, metal or any other material. You also need to take care that there are no flammable objects in the garage.

Self-made oven long burning

Long burning stoves are economical and efficient heating devices. This kind of oven is universal: it is suitable for both constant heating and temporary heating. One small portion of firewood is enough to heat the furnace for several hours.

"Buleryan" - a good option for the garage

The design of the furnace provides two fuel chambers. Thanks to this device, the efficiency of the device can reach 86%, which is quite good for a solid fuel stove. The heating rate is high: it gets warmer in the room immediately after stoking the furnace

Homemade stove "Bubafonya"

The unique pyrolysis oven "Bubafonya" was invented by the Russian Athanasius Bubyakin. It is easy to make such a furnace yourself from a gas cylinder. Air access is regulated by means of a movable metal pin. Extra heat is removed from the chimney thanks to the water jacket

Garage oven "Alaska"

This is a successful modification of the popular Buleryan furnace. It is not only effective, but also looks stylish. This option will appeal to those who like to gather a friendly company for a purely male gatherings in the garage. The cooking surface is provided in a design, and the case does not overheat that excludes burns

Lineup "Termofor"

Models of the Termofor trademark are various. It is easy to find a stove of suitable design and of any capacity. The main feature is special convection tubes, due to which furnaces are distinguished by high efficiency. Models can operate in two modes - pyrolysis and conventional fuel combustion.

"Breneran" - the domestic equivalent of "Buleryana"

The main advantage of the Brenran furnaces is a reasonable cost. The device practically does not differ from the “Buleryana” design, and the lower price is due to the fact that the devices are domestically produced, and not imported

Stove for garage with convector

Solid fuel stoves equipped with convectors quickly heat the air, so they are often installed in garages and workshops. The most popular is the "Varna convection". This furnace is equipped with a special convector casing around the entire perimeter of the casing, thanks to which it quickly begins to give off heat

Potbelly stove in the back room

Potbelly stove in the back room

Self-made oven long burning

Self-made oven long burning

"Buleryan" - a good option for the garage

"Buleryan" - a good option for the garage

Homemade stove "Bubafonya"

Homemade stove "Bubafonya"

Garage oven "Alaska"

Garage oven "Alaska"

Lineup "Termofor"

Lineup "Termofor"

"Breneran" - the domestic equivalent of "Buleryana"

"Breneran" - the domestic equivalent of "Buleryana"

Stove for garage with convector

Stove for garage with convector

Solid fuel stove is cheap, does not require connection to centralized communication networks, obtaining permission to install. However, it is worth mentioning the disadvantages: increased fire hazard, the need for constant monitoring of combustion, the smell of smoke in the room, the release of harmful substances into the air.

Option number 5 - oil furnaces and boilers

Popular heating devices operating on diesel fuel, diesel fuel, mining. They do not necessarily buy in the store. It is quite possible to assemble a liquid fuel boiler, garage stove and even a heat gun. Cases of such devices are made of gas cylinders, old barrels, heat-resistant steel sheets.

Miracle stove for garage "Sologaz"

The efficiency of such a compact stove reaches 97%. It works on diesel and spends a minimum of resources. 0.3 l of diesel fuel is enough for heating the room for 1 hour

Home-made stoves are not as economical as industrial production models, but they also make it possible to save well on heating. Fuel consumption of artisanal miracle furnace or heat gun hand-made is about 0.5-0.7 l / h, depending on the power.

What type of heating is most profitable?

It all depends on the specific operating conditions and preferences of the owner of the garage. The cheapest system is a single-tube water boiler powered by a gas boiler.

We will have to invest a lot of money in its arrangement, but it is so economical that the costs will pay off for 1-2 heating seasons. However, this solution is not for everyone.

Gas Ceramic Heater

Gas and diesel appliances equipped with thermal sensors and automation cannot be considered completely non-volatile. They require electricity, but no more than a light bulb consumes.

It is economical to heat a garage using gas cylinders or solid fuel. These options are not suitable if it is not possible to control the operation of the devices, but for heating during the time when the owner is in the garage, they are good.

How to reduce heat loss and not go broke?

No heating system will be profitable and efficient if you do not take care of reducing heat losses. Heaters will be wasting a huge amount of energy. It is expensive and impractical, so you have to warm the gates, walls, floor and roof.

It is possible to use expanded clay, polystyrene concrete, foiled insulation, but the cheapest and most versatile option is foam plastic. It is suitable for insulating all elements of the structure.

It can also be used for thermal insulation of the floor, provided that a floating screed is made: the foam does not tolerate mechanical impact, therefore it is poured with cement.

Warming garage doors

For covering the garage door is ideal foam. Insulation attached to a special crate, and the top is covered with outer cladding - MDF boards, chipboard or plywood

Polyfoam sheathe the ceiling, walls and gates of the garage. There are two options - exterior or exterior wall decoration. Both are equally effective and allow you to achieve excellent thermal insulation of the building. Should choose, based on considerations of convenience of the owner of the garage.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

We offer a selection of videos that will help to better understand the issues of heating and insulation of the garage.

Instructions for assembling a super-economical water heating system:

Mini-review of an economical gas stove that consumes 0.5 l of gas per hour:

Tips for self-assembly oil heater from a used cast iron radiator:

Video instruction on the rational organization of heating in the garage:

Recommendations for reducing heat loss in the garage:

The issue of heating the garage is easy to solve. It is enough to deal with the main advantages of each heating system and with possible limitations in its use. Should choose, focusing on their own needs.

The main thing is not to forget about the rules of fire safety. No savings are worth putting your car and your health at risk.

Perhaps you have personal experience in arranging heating for the garage? Please share your own opinion with our readers, tell us what kind of heating system you prefer and why. Leave your comments, ask questions in the box below.

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