No cultivated plant can grow normally without the micronutrients participating in the process of photosynthesis and fertilization. And tomatoes are not an exception. They make every effort, using special fertilizer complexes, to get the most abundant harvest.Here, calcium saltpeter, which optimizes the acidity of the soil, comes to the rescue.It is good as a root feeding in the spring period of the year and foliar top dressing during the growing season. This is a kind of "building material" in the process of forming stems and active protection against many parasites and diseases. We will talk about its application for fertilizing tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers in the garden in our article.
Table of contents
- Composition and purpose of the preparation calcium nitrate
- Advantages and disadvantages of feeding for cucumbers, tomato and pepper
- Instructions for use in the garden
- How to properly apply niter for seedlings
- Fertilizer of tomatoes after planting seedlings
- Safety measures when working with the product
- Compatibility with other drugs (potassium and ammonium nitrate)
Composition and purpose of the preparation calcium nitrate
Calcium nitrate is an inorganic salt of nitric acid, presented in the form of granules or crystals that dissolve easily in water.What is characteristic of salt, it is hygroscopic. That is why it is recommended to ensure the tightness of the packaging material for the safety of the fertilizer. This mixture consists of 19 percent of calcium and 13 percent of nitrogen. This is a unique nutrient, irreplaceable for normal nutrition or fertilizing of cultivated plants.
Most gardeners are mistaken, thinking that calcium for soil is not as necessary as phosphorus or potassium.However, they do not take into account that this particular component contributes to the good assimilation of nitrogen, which is necessary for the vegetation process. Even taking into account the fact that a lot of nitrogen enters the fertilizer composition, this does not affect the acidity of the soil. Therefore, it is possible to apply such a nutrition complex for any type of soil. In this case, the use of calcium nitrate will be just a necessary measure to improve the composition of heavy podzolic or sod-podzolic soils with high acidity.
The main benefit of using this complex is calcium supplementation. This allows us to accelerate the process of maturing tomatoes, positively affecting the development of the root system.
Advantages and disadvantages of feeding for cucumbers, tomato and pepper
The positive qualities of fertilizer are as follows:
- acceleration of photosynthesis, which actively affects the general state of tomatoes;
- promote the growth of greenery and accelerate the development of the bush in general. If such a nutritional complex is used, the productivity of tomatoes will increase significantly;
- If calcium is enriched with calcium nitrate, the seeds will grow much earlier;
- due to the active effect on the roots of the tomato bush, the plant will develop more quickly;
- increase the resistance of tomatoes to various diseases and parasites;
- increasing the exposure of a cultivated plant to temperature differences;
- improving the presentation of fruits and increasing the period of their preservation;
- improvement of taste and aroma of tomatoes.
The main disadvantage of using calcium nitrate is considered to be the harmful effect of fertilizer directly on the root system or leaves of the bush.But this is only if illicit or untimely application of the nutritional complex. If you follow all the recommendations for use, then there should not be such problems.
.Instructions for use in the garden
According to the instructions for the use of calcium nitrate fertilizer is recommended in spring, when there is a digging of the land.In autumn it is not necessary to feed the soil, because after melting snow, nitrogen will be washed, and therefore, calcium will not be absorbed.In addition, in spring fertilizer is vital for tomatoes. If necessary, the composition can be used for foliar treatments in the first decade of the growing season.
It is worth paying special attention to the fact that spraying of tomatoes is done only before they blossom. Therefore, you need to properly dilute the drug. For tomato, the optimal time, this is the first week after transplanting the bushes into the open ground.
Earlier we already said that it is necessary to water the fertilizer correctly, otherwise you can damage the plant. And at each stage of growth and development of a tomato has its own characteristics and the use of fertilizer. Next, we'll talk about this in more detail.
.How to properly apply niter for seedlings
To get a good seedlings of tomatoes, the plant must be supplemented with calcium and nitrogen. The first component is necessary for the normal development of the root system, and the second - for better germination of seeds. And if these substances are not enough, then the plants will develop worse.
Calcium nitrate is needed for seedling tomato. And the first top dressing is performed after the appearance of the first three leaves of the plant. In this case, it is necessary to prepare the following composition: for 10 liters of water, 10 g of calcium nitrate, 5 g of urea and 50 g of wood ash are taken. But this solution must be carefully poured into the root, if it gets on the surface of the leaves, they can get burned.
.Fertilizer of tomatoes after planting seedlings
In the process of planting tomato seedlings in the greenhouse, the soil is actively fertilized with the solution by spraying.It is important to follow the instructions for use carefully, observing the dosage, otherwise you will damage the seedlings.
To create a solution, you need to use 50 g of saltpeter for 5 liters of water. Such a composition will protect plants from various kinds of pests, for example, mites and slugs, as well as diseases in the form of vertex rot.
Accumulated before this time, the substances will create good immunity to the bush, even after the termination of top dressing with calcium nitrate.
The distribution of the composition is uniformly distributed throughout the crop. This method of fertilization is called foliar feeding.
Primary use of saltpeter is performed ten days after planting the seedlings, and then every half a month before the ovary appears.Next, use the composition is not necessary, because nitrates can accumulate in the fruit. And this is very harmful to humans.
.Safety measures when working with the product
Calcium nitrate is not a toxic drug. It is absolutely safe for human health and life. Fertilizer does not cause allergic reactions. By classification, it refers to the 4 group of low-hazardous substances.
When working with calcium nitrateIt is recommended to use common security measures. In this case, rubber gloves to protect the skin will be enough. Although there will be no particular harm to the granules of the drug with bare hands, there will not be a drug. But it's better to be safe and to grow pellets in gloves.
Compatibility with other drugs (potassium and ammonium nitrate)
It is strictly forbidden to mix nitrate with chalk, lime, dolomite, manure, phosphates, sawdust, strawand other components of organic origin, since the mixture can self-ignite.
Simultaneously with a solution of ammonium nitrate, it is possible to use urea and wood ash. These components are well combined and will achieve a better result in the issue of fertilizing tomatoes. Potassium (potassium) saltpeter is best used separately.
It is also not recommended to combine nitrate with simple superphosphate, including fertilizers that contain sulfur and phosphorus.
The main task of any trucker is to get a good and delicious harvest. But for this it is worth to work hard, only then your efforts will be really rewarded. In this case, we are talking about fertilizing the garden with ammonium nitrate, which promotes the development of the root system, the stems of the plant and protects the bush from a variety of pests and diseases.
But here you must strictly follow all the recommendations of the instructions for use.Although the substance is non-toxic, its incorrect or untimely use can damage the plant and human health.For example, if you use nitrate after the appearance of the ovary, the fruits can accumulate harmful to the human body nitrates. A failure to comply with the dosage of the drug can lead to burns on the surface of the leaves. Be careful and alert to use saltpeter for good.