Full description and characteristics of the tomato orange variety

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Giant bushes with orange tomatoes that are exotic in color will provide a good harvest of tasty tomatoes. In order to avoid mistakes when growing, you should rely on the advice of experienced gardeners and know the description of the characteristics of the selected variety. Tomato "Orange" is quite resistant to disease, and in the care of unpretentious.

Table of Contentsgardeners look cautiously at any other varieties. And in vain! Thanks to breeders, it is possible to grow white, orange, raspberry, purple, black, brown tomatoes in your garden. They taste no worse than red, and sometimes even surpass. Sort "Orange" only looks like citrus. Thick orange fruit is characterized by the following features:

  • tomatoes are early ripening varieties;
  • maturity period occurs after 100-110 days;
  • tall bushes require pasynkovaniya;
  • grown in greenhouses, open ground, under the film;
  • bush height can reach 150 cm;
  • plant necessarily tied up;
  • harvest takes place from June to July;
  • average weight of ripened fruits 200-250 gr.
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Tomato fruits on an

bush With 1m², it is really possible to collect up to 20 kg of orange fruits. Orange variety of tomatoes is recommended for fresh salads, blanks, baby food. Due to the rich content of carotene, tomatoes are used for medicinal purposes. Many gardeners put a high mark on the variety, celebrate great taste, good yield.

In order to consistently receive the harvest throughout the summer, it is necessary to step the bushes, tie up.

Breeding history and region of growth

A relatively new variety of tomatoes was registered in the domestic registry of breeding achievements in 2000.The authors of the variety are employees of the research and production corporation V. Korochkin, S. Korotkov, A. Dynnik. Tomato "Orange" - not an industrial variety of it, first of all, gardeners and owners of medium-sized farms will appreciate. The variety is suitable for growing in all regions of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Crimea

Tomato Seeds Orange

Planting Seeds

Seeds can be harvested from ripe tomatoes from the previous season or purchased in specialized stores. Before planting the seeds must be checked, they must not have mold, damage. Their shelf life should not be overdue. Seeds are suitable for planting up to 3 years.

  1. It is possible to increase the stress resistance of seeds with cold extract. For this purpose, they are placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  2. You can test the quality of planting material by germinating seeds in a damp cloth. As soon as the seeds sprout, they can be planted on seedlings.
  3. Soil for seedlings is sold ready, if desired, it can be prepared independently. Fertile soil must contain - peat, humus, rotting sand.
  4. To kill, the bacteria in the soil is heated inside an oven or watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Seeds are planted not deeply, lightly sprinkled and gently tamp the soil. Watering before the emergence of good shoots should be done with a spray. Water must be separated, for growth it is possible to use a growth stimulator. Add it to water for irrigation or spray it with seedlings.

To sow the seeds of tomatoes until mid-March, if you do it earlier, the seedlings can be very much upward.
Sprouting a seed before planting

Planting seedlings in open ground

Timing depends on the climate and the region where they will be grown. The main thing is to come steadily warm days. Usually this period falls on the end of May, the beginning of June.

  1. The beds for tomatoes are prepared in advance, dug, fertilized, loosened.
  2. Mark the distance between the rows, it should be 60x50 cm. Less often you should not plant, the giant bushes will interfere with each other.
  3. A little sawdust and ash can be put inside the hole. Sawdust loosen the soil, sulfur protects against disease.
  4. Sprinkle boxes with seedlings, or plant them together with peat pots on the garden bed.
  5. Sprouting on an open ground after planting we water it regularly, drying the ground is unacceptable. Until the sprouts root, they cannot be loosened.
It is better to plant seedlings when the sun is down, the best time is the second half of the day.
Planting seedlings in the ground

Conditions for growing tomato

Mineral fertilizers are applied on day 10-12, root dressing will stimulate growth. It is better to form a bush in 1-2 stems, side stepchildren are removed. A month before the end of the growing season of tomatoes, you need to pinch the top of the main stems. Remove inflorescences that do not have a large ovary. Thus, fruiting is stimulated until the onset of autumn.

Peculiarities of

variety fruiting Based on the feedback from experienced gardeners who successfully grow this variety on their plots, good yields can be achieved. High bushes can sag under the weight of large fruits. Tomatoes grow in bunches - it is very difficult for the plant, so it is important to tie them up. 3-5 tomatoes can be tied in one brush. Harvest from 1m² to 20 kg of fruit.

How an Orange grows

To get a harvest as early as possible, seedlings are covered with a wrap. Timely dressing with organic matter, a sufficient amount of sunlight and the absence of drafts - ideal conditions for tomatoes "Orange".Over the entire period the plant requires at least three times feeding. The first time is 10-11 days after the transplanting, the second time is when the brushes are formed, the third is how the first crop will be harvested.

Humus( for 10 liters of water 1 part of manure) or mineral fertilizers are excellent for feeding.

Diseases and their prevention

Gardeners in the process of growing tomatoes faced with various diseases. If they are not recognized in time, the treatment takes a lot of time and effort. The most dangerous disease is bacterial wilting of the plant. Affected seedlings can die in just a few days. The cause is bacteria, which means that the seeds were not processed. If time to process bushes with Fitolavin-300 solution - it can help.

Bacterial wilting of tomatoes

Sick and dead bushes are removed to avoid infection of other crops, they must be burned. Breeders assure that the variety is less prone to late blight. However, for the prevention of bushes is better to handle effective means: Barrier, Barrier, Fitosporin. Preparations that contain copper will help protect the plant from fungal diseases.

The agronomic process of growing tomatoes may seem complicated. However, due to the correct formation of the bush, a rich ovary of the tomatoes is formed. Bush up to 1.5 meters can give a good harvest and at the same time save space on the site. Large orange fruits with juicy pulp will delight with their appearance and taste. The orange variety is a worthy competitor to the traditional red fruits!

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