Planting potatoes with eyes, growing technology

Potatoes are grown by many, but not always it is possible to get a sufficient quantity of seed material. The reasons can be very different. How to grow potatoes from the eyes? Planting potatoes with ocelli will allow cutting the planting material in 2-3, even more, times without sacrificing yield. Usually for one hundredth when planting under a shovel it takes from 15 to 20 kg of tubers, and at current prices it is expressed in thousands of rubles.

  • Selection, germination of tubers with good eyes
  • Division of a tuber into parts with eyes
  • Planting potatoes with eyes, care for seedlings

This technology allows, by reducing the consumption of seed material 3-5 times, to get a good harvest. On average, only 8 kg of tubers are consumed per one hundred square meters.

Once for planting, I used tuberous eyes. But this is not the main thing, but the fact that I combined this technique with the technology of growing potatoes on the ridges. This allowed not only to reduce the consumption of seeds, but also to significantly increase the yield.

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On the soil I will only say that it must be prepared in a timely and qualitative manner. In my garden, I dig the soil manually in autumn, and in spring, when ripe, I level with rakes or a light cultivator.

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Selection, germination of tubers with good eyes

Particular attention should be given to the preparation of seed potatoes. I must say that not every tuber will have eyes to be fit for planting. You can not, for example, use sick, frozen tubers for this purpose. I select healthy, medium-sized (50-70 g) tubers. Significantly less productive are the eyes of small potatoes.

The harvested parts of the tubers must be preserved until the planting time. If they are poured in a thick layer in the basement immediately after cutting, they will quickly decay, and from long storage in a dry and warm room will dry out.

To avoid this, it is recommended to keep the cut potato pieces with eyes for two or three days at room temperature, scattered in a thin layer in one or two rows. If there is no such possibility, then they can be directly transferred to the basement, but first to pour in a layer of 5-7 cm, hold it for 8-10 days until the slices are hardened (they are crocked).

During storage of pieces of potatoes with eyes, careful supervision is established behind them. If there are rotting, it is necessary to organize a bulkhead with the removal of patients, suspicious specimens. In the case of strong wilting (drying), it is useful from time to time to lightly spray with water.

In order to increase the yield and obtain more equalized tubers, before planting pieces of potatoes must be subjected to light vernalization. Its essence lies in forcing the eyes to germinate in scattered light at room temperature (15-20 ° C). Such sprouts are called light. They thus turn out short, thick, green with rudiments of leaves, even roots. Vernalization reduces almost half the period from the moment of planting to the appearance of shoots.


For 35-40 days before planting, the seed potatoes must be removed from the vault and warmed well at a temperature of 18-22 degrees 4-6 days. As soon as the eyes are visible, the tubers are laid out in 2-3 layers in boxes and put into the light, while reducing the temperature to +8 degrees.

To do this, I carry out the boxes to the street, adjusting the temperature with a transparent polyethylene film. Seed tubers continue to germinate, and they form healthy greenish-purple sprouts 2-3 cm high. This takes 28-35 days. One day before planting or on the day of planting, I cut potatoes into slices: how many on the tuber are eyes, there are as many lobules - on each one.

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Division of a tuber into parts with eyes

There may be confusion with the tip of the seed tuber, where there are many ocelli, they can not be divided, so to speak, "individually." I cut the top of the tuber by 2-3 slices vertically, but when planting I try not to land next to each other.


In the literature it is often written that when dividing a seed tuber, it is necessary that the tuber with a papilla weigh 5-10 g. In practice, I was convinced that the lobules weighing 2-3 g also give full sprouts, form a good harvest.

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Planting potatoes with eyes, care for seedlings

Having prepared 2-3 buckets of potato lobules with eyes, I proceed to their planting. Using a cord, I beat off the direction of the first row (it is better from the south to the north), I cut the groove with a groove 6 cm deep. If the open furrow is dry, lightly moisturize it from the watering can, I spread the pieces of seed potatoes sprouts upwards, slightly pressing them into the moist soil. The distance in a row is 10-15 cm. Large clusters of potatoes are decomposed less often, small - more often. The decomposed pieces are covered with soil so that a continuous roller is formed on top of 8-10 cm in height, about 35 cm wide at the base.

After, -3 weeks, when the potato shoots will be "under the top that is, it will remain 2-3 days before the release on the surface, forming a more powerful roller over the first height of 25-27 cm, width at the base of 65-70 cm. In this crest, then the harvest will be formed.

After 5-8 days, seedling seed crops will appear above the surface of the crest, will begin to grow intensively. Evenly located plants quickly gain strength, close over the aisles, jam the weeds.


If during the vegetative period of the potato dry weather develops, watering is very desirable. This year, when there was no rain in May, I poured potatoes once at a rate of 15 liters of water per 1 sq. Km. m, pouring water into the aisles, which after the formation of the crests have the form of a deep furrow.

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