When you want to just setup a satellite dish Tricolor, difficulties arise, the operation clearly stated in the instructions. Harder dopolnitelnopodklyuchit couple of foreign channels. There is a linear polarization may be different satellite. Then use the multifeed, sometimes in addition positioner. To acquaint the reader with the terms. Happens, you will need a satellite dish setup yourself. Theoretically will be ready!

Adjust antenna location
How to set up the antenna on the number of satellites
Satellites soar traditionally on the geostationary orbit from the Earth look stationary. Except for Eutelsat satellites with orbital inclinations. If you take the said French provider manages one control and positioning of the center and satellites cover almost the entire globe. As Eutelsat experts say - two-thirds of the human population of the planet. And the provider by the number of connections in the third position. We assume leading positions went to Asians - although iron is no certainty - there resides the lion's share of the world's population.
It is interesting! Relative to the Earth satellites lie, flying in the sky with a surface speed. Periodically, the position and velocity are corrected with the Earth.
If you take the Eutelsat, told off key positions Ku and C bands. Present Ka. For example, at W8 satellite transponders it is 40 to 10 at Ku and C bands. Total fleet Eutelsat for 2014 consists of 39 satellites, 32 are owned directly by the French company, and the rest are taken in the sublease. ISP offers on the official website (Russian version available) brochure, where anyone sees the map of the location of aircraft. To the satellites is a detailed dossier, which are the appointment of the aircraft (of course, except for the secret), the composition, the approximate number of channels.

Set up the antenna
Applied coating zone indicating power in dB. This is extremely useful information for readers. Take a look at http://www.eutelsat.com/en/satellites/the-fleet.html, You find out what satellites are visible on the horizon.
In the English lettering, painted card, it is easy to see where the light transponders. Eutelsat said that the average age of the satellite is 6.5 years, it is useful to find the «Launch Date» next to the map. For example, Eutelsat 117 W A launched in March 2013. Near flaunts expected duration of use. It turns out to pick up information on multifeed. then it is logical to see the list of frequencies and polarizations of channels, the eye is not caught. By the way, there is a calculator to calculate the angle position of the antenna (or azimuth).
Take Eutelsat W4, popular in Russia. Let's see map and contact information. To find, ask the coordinates 36 degrees east longitude (East). It is written that it is a satellite to the Russian Federation, officially use the services of 8 million. TV viewers. Maps are under the names:
- Uplink Coverage - coverage for loading data to the satellite;
- Downlink Coverage - coverage for packet transmission to subscribers.

antenna signal
Note the two satellites - A and B, and in any number of coverage map. Choose the one that called and Russian Beam Russian Uplink. Although, frankly, some European rays are not worse cover Russian territory. Scroll, you will see that it is possible to catch the sky. How to find the right angle to turn the antenna issue unresolved. Initially, the frequency table. Try through Yandex. Gaining «Eutelsat W4 table of frequencies."
Opens a window where the numbers of transponders (ie, broadcasting frequencies) are given at the end of the letter contains:
- L / R refers to the left and right circular polarization.
- H / V - linear horizontal and vertical polarization.
Recall that differ converters for signal presence or absence of depolarizing plate, individual users self-clean and put in place to provide the required characteristics. We are changing the polarization of the right to the left, turning the plate 90 degrees. Ultimately installation angle is 45 degrees in both cases. So, you choose a provider, see the broadcast frequency and polarization. Enough information to select the antenna. Selected providers impose the equipment, but is already included in the loaded receiver channel plan.
antenna pointing to the satellite
When the selected antenna (descend almost any) and converter (transponder according to parameters selected the range and type of polarization, if necessary, the type of polarization being finalized), it's time to estimate a place for installation. Calculate the point of the spacecraft in the sky location. On Web sites with the broadcast plan indicated even cards, but no calculator.
Here tricolor78.ru/karta.html detected card data. satellite (in the list, probably, the majority of Eutelsat) initially selected, and then need to poke the mouse on the map location. Top boxes will be highlighted in elevation, azimuth. For linear polarization specified angle converter. Necessary data are found. For example, for the Novosibirsk and satellite Eutelsat W4 we see:
- Elevation - 14.64 degrees.
- Azimut - 232.56 degrees.
- the rotation angle converter - 27.09 degrees.
A full set of figures. Whether visible from Novosibirsk satellite in the sky, look at the map. How to do it, already discussed. It's time to pick a place. This section of the roof, walls, seen from a given point of the sky. Avoid the slightest obstacle, mountains, houses, forests, trees. Seeking a place chosen by the condition of minimizing cabling. People put the plates on the balcony and inordinately pleased. Worry about the length of the cable there is no need, in the television line shows good performance. How to choose, already discussed in the thematic topic earlier.

Assembly and installation of the antenna
Before installing the antenna supposed to collect. The box is an instruction according to which twist the bracket plate with the feed. At home or on the roof, decide on their own. If you found a device for determining signal strength, time to go to the installation site. Arm hung at anchor on the number of seats. Installation note that the strength characteristics of the products are given the conditions that the hole done in the thickness of the brick or plate without cement. In the subsequent dismantling of the possible holes just are sealed with a special compound.
Then begins the setup of satellite antenna to the satellite. To do this, the compass (some prefer the original Sun) exhibited the desired azimuth. Then gently start fine exhibition. The search appliance is connected via a single F-connector to the converter through the other - to the receiver to the TV. Power is taken from the equipment in the apartment, plug in and run required for admission. Separate devices are powered by batteries or via a typical bus Diseko (13/18 V). Such subtleties are implemented, if necessary, adjust the list of converters. Then put on multifeed units are combined into a single bus via a switch (referred Diseko).
To search for on the device, select the satellite, there are frequency and polarization. Now is the time to start to move the dish to find the desired position. Individual instruments beep, others in another way give to know that the channel is found. Self-configuring the satellite antenna is in progressive scan a small space. At the end of the dish should look in the right direction.
If several converters are combined through Diseko. Professional equipment for satellites catching support switch control, as well as receivers. But the plate and has induced the converter does not move. On multifeed is exposed in the right direction of the second converter. It is done according to the law of mirror: the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. known (see azimuth. above, how to find coordinates) relative to the spacecraft already caught appreciate, to move the second converter in any direction. It is easy to measure is usually transported. For example, if the second satellite is the first west converter to put it to the left (for the Northern hemisphere) than the already standing. And by the same degree with respect to the center plate.
When the spacecraft to a single captured, the satellite antenna tuning is completed. Begin to adjust the channels. If the receiver of the service provider, the action takes a matter of minutes, the information already included in the memory. Otherwise, use the instructions for the equipment. By the way, elected TV receiver is already built, it will be able to save a little. DVB-S2 - second generation celestial broadcasting.