Planting onion-sowing for winter and growing it from seeds (cherry)

Onions grown by sowing are the ripening, its maturation coincides with the period when there is a lot of heat. This method is particularly effective where there is no artificial irrigation. Planting onions for winter in the Kuban is most favorable towards the end of autumn (November), as it will mature in late May or early June. The advantages of onion culture through seedling are especially pronounced in the cultivation of early and acute varieties. For such varieties, the seed culture is as necessary as the seedling method for the early cabbage. But before planting the seedling, it must be grown. How to grow it from seeds (black cherry) - this we will also talk about.


  • How to grow onion seeds from seeds (black cherry)
  • How to plant onion-seedling - treatment before planting
  • Sorting of Onion by Bulb Size
  • Terms of planting onion-sowing for winter, norms



When sowing onion seeds (black cherry) in the first year, planting material is obtained - onion onion (oatmeal), from which bulbs are harvested for the second year. This method grows early, middle-aged varieties, semi-sharp, sharp: Ellan, Yurzek, Strigunovsky, Eldorado, Apogee.

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How to grow onion seeds from seeds (black cherry)

Onions for sowing are planted on clean fertile areas from weeds. The timing of sowing depends on the weather conditions. It can be sowing in the "February windows" - often it is warm. It can be sowing seeds (black cherry) in the early spring - as soon as possible to pass through the dug up land. Sowing in early spring is taped, multi-line. Sowing scheme: the width of the stitch (strip) is 8-10 cm, the distance between the strips is 20-30-45 cm. Such a scheme provides a high percentage of standard-size seed output.


To germinate onion seeds requires a large amount of moisture, so they should be sealed in a moist layer of soil.

Seeding rates (seeds) of the first class are 7-8 kg per 10 hundred parts or 700-800 g per 1 weave.

It is necessary to note the peculiarity of agrotechnology of growing seedling. The size of the grown onions depends on the depth of seeding. The best shoots are formed when the seed is buried at a depth of 2-3 cm. A smaller embedding gives unfriendly shoots, thinned crops. And the result of this - a large non-standard sekok. With deep sealing, seeds grow worse, smaller bulbs are formed, even they may not form at all.

The technique of seed preparation, harvesting, and maintenance of plants are the same as in the cultivation of onions - planting seeds in the soil.

The harvesting season for onion-sowing dates in July. It is removed in dry weather, during the lodging phase of the leaves, i.e. when the bulbs are well formed, they have the upper dry scales. Full lodging or leaf drying should not be expected, since small bulbs without leaves are difficult to clean, most of them are lost, they are difficult to find on the bed. With cleaning, you can not be late for cropping, because ripe in rainy weather, it starts secondary growth, forms new roots, is difficult to dry, poorly stored.

You can clean the nets with green leaves, but only in this case the shrinkage will be 2 or more times than when digging out from the lagging tops. Cleaning it in different phases of ripeness of the foliage on the quality of onions is not affected.

The technique of harvesting is simple. Plants are selected from the ground, stacked immediately for dosazrivaniya and solar drying. In sunny weather, a rapid outflow of plastic substances from green leaves to succulent scales occurs, the bulb increases, and the leaves and neck dry up. Such onions are well kept in cold sheds, in attics of economic or residential buildings with insulated roofs. Keep it better than the heaps, with the unpolished tops. The additional shelter of the sowing with mats or straw with the onset of frost prevents it from sudden temperature fluctuations. Sevok slowly freezes, also slowly thaws (which is very important), due to which tissue cells are not ruptured and it does not die.

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How to plant onion-seedling - treatment before planting

For a week or two before planting in the ground, the sowing is cleaned from the leaves, sorted, removing all dried, diseased, sprouted bulbs, moisturized, dusted with phenenturam or TMTD preparation (4-6 g per 1 kg of seedling). The processing of TMTD can be carried out by immersion of onions in 2-3% working solution for 20 minutes. Then it should be dried.

The drug TMTD is not so easy to buy for private use. Most often it is used by farmers and farms that grow onions in large quantities.


Processing of the seedling before planting is usually done this way. I place it in a plastic net or from a fabric, I lower it for one or two minutes into hot water. Water temperature 50-60 ° C - the hand hardly suffers such temperature. Then immediately lower it for the same time in a container with cold water - 15-18 ° C - water of this temperature usually flows from under the tap. This treatment of onions with contrasting temperature water prevents premature formation of arrows on the onion.

You can then withstand the onion for 8-10 hours in any nutrient solution. How to cook it? Make a solution of nitrosfosco, nitroamofoski or any complex fertilizer, for example, Kemira Lux, according to the instructions. For example, a solution of nitrophosphoric or nitroammophoski - 1 tablespoon per 1 bucket of water.

Now the scourge of all our garden plants is a fungal disease. They do not bypass the onion. Therefore, I advise, after such a temperature and nutritional treatment, to withstand sowing in any copper-containing a drug that will kill fungal spores on the surface of the bulb or prevent them from being hit if the pathogen is in the earth. Use a solution of copper sulfate - 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water, or a solution of potassium permanganate is bright crimson. It is enough to sustain the seedling for 5-10 minutes, but before that you do not need to wash off the nutrient solution. That is, these operations - heating, cooling, treatment with nutrient solution, copper sulfate solution or manganese - are a continuous process, after which you can start planting.

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Sorting of Onion by Bulb Size

In the technology of growing bulb onions for winter (winter), planting dates, the size of onion-onion sowing are of great importance. This depends on the quality of storage of the harvest in winter, it depends on it, whether it will be fired or not, this determines the timing of harvesting.

The main task is to get standard-sized onion-sow, cm (the first group), since the yield of onion depends on it, its quality. From sowing the size, cm (the second group) get the biggest harvest, but it takes too many onions, -2 kg per hundred square meters. The disadvantage of a large seed material is that it reduces the marketability of the crop due to a large percentage of the planting plants. Therefore, usually farmers (for planting for sale) use a mid-sized onion-sieve with a diameter of, cm (first group). He also gives a high yield, as large, but the consumption of onions is 2-3 times less. Onions with a diameter of up to, cm (oatmeal) practically do not form arrows, it allows to get high-quality products (end of May or beginning of June), however, the onion turns out to be the least hardy.

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Terms of planting onion-sowing for winter, norms

For the northern areas of the Krasnodar Territory, the best planting dates for sowing are the third decade of October, the central ones are the end of the first decade of November, the subtropical ones are the end of November. The optimal time for other regions of the country - for 4, weeks before the onset of cold weather. Calculate it is necessary so that the bulbs had time to frost to take root, but did not begin to grow.

Verify the timing of planting onion-sowing with the lunar calendar of planting for 2017.


If you plant a seedling before the recommended time, then not all the uprooted bulbs will winter, the shoots will be rare, weakened, and there will be a lot of rifling onions. With a late planting, plants may not have time to put down roots, which will also lead to the fact that not all of them will be able to survive the winter.

Planting onion-seedlings of the first group (in diameter, cm) increases the preservation of plants after wintering (up to 90-96%) and yield, but somewhat reduces the yield of standard products, postpones the ripening of bulbs for 5-7 days due to bolting (10-15% of plants).

Norm of planting onion-seedlingfor 1 weave depends on the accepted sowing / planting scheme and the sowing group. For small (oatmeal) - 350-500 g, for the first group - 500-800 g, the second kg.

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