Quite by accident a few years ago I bought seeds of chives. Since then, I have never regretted it - it is so good! Cultivation of chives from seeds did not bring me much trouble. It can be planted everywhere - it does not matter shaded this place or sunny. This is a long onion with a small onion. It grows like bushes - one bush consists of a lot of onions - there are no less than twenty, and maybe even more. The height of the plant is only 25-30 cm.
.Thin, tubular, awl-shaped leaf-feathers are always tender, tasty and less acute than the greens of onions, and most importantly, it is always at hand. Bulbs of chives are not torn from the ground, I only tear off leaves from the early spring and frost for food, but they can not come to us in the Kuban.
To the soil, chives are not exacting at all. I had a small spot near the fence - there was a compost heap before - the sun was only there until noon, and then a shadow from the dogwood. Since then, he is growing there.
Caring for chives is simple. In the spring, dry feathers should be removed, the soil around loosened up slightly. You can sprinkle ash, compost. To peep the chives long remain green and juicy, in the dry season it should be regularly watered. And, of course, do not give the weeds to hammer the bushes.
A characteristic feature of the chives is excessive overgrowth.
.From planted in the spring of a single feather by autumn, a whole bush is obtained. Several times she divided the bushes in autumn, but only then, to plant in a pot - to use fresh greens in the winter. And it happened that my friends asked me to share. Collecting their seeds and sowing them did not try, but I heard that the seeds of chives can be sown throughout the growing season.
.Cultivation of chives onion from seeds is the same as for common onions. The trouble, however, is somewhat larger: the seeds of chives are finer. To more evenly distribute the seeds along the groove, it can first be outlined by pushing the board into the ground with a rib.
At the first stage, it is very important to destroy the weeds in time, because the appearing tender shoots of chives are strongly inhibited by weeds. But it must be done carefully. Since along with the weeds sprouts of chives are easily pulled out.
The roots of the young onions are very weak - for them the drying of the upper soil layer is impermissible, therefore, for irrigation use a watering can with the smallest holes.
.By the way, shnitt-onion takes care of itself. At me it multiplies by self-seeding. The plant is sufficiently frost-resistant, resistant to disease, in one place it can grow up to 5-10 years. And his ability to winter forcing makes it possible to use this variety of onions all year round.