Choose a vacuum cleaner: a container or a garbage bag?

Choose a vacuum cleaner: a container or a garbage bag?


Is it time to choose a new vacuum cleaner? Great! Very soon a new assistant will appear in your house. How nice it will be to clean it! But what kind of vacuum cleaner is better to buy: with a container or a garbage bag? The opinions of friends are divided: each of them protects "their" model and does not want to talk about its shortcomings. We tried to objectively consider this issue and show you all the pros and cons of different types of vacuum cleaners. So, get acquainted.


  • 1Garbage bag: an advantage or a burden?
  • 2Container for dust collection: pros and cons
  • 3Vacuum cleaner with aquafilter: helper or wrecker?
  • 4So which vacuum cleaner to choose?

Garbage bag: an advantage or a burden?

A vacuum cleaner with a garbage bag is known to everyone. It was such an assistant who was booming in many families, shouting all the rooms with a roar and "telling" neighbors about cleaning in your apartment. The most interesting began when it was necessary to shake out this very bag: dust and strove to go to its former place. Especially zealous owners from excessive efforts garbage collected, creating new problems.

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Fortunately, modern models with a bag are spared from the shortcomings of their predecessors. They work much quieter and have a number of advantages:

  • simplicity in operation: how to use such an electric appliance will understand and the schoolboy;
  • there is no need to wash, clean and dry the vacuum cleaner after each use;
  • in many models it is possible to regulate the power of the device;
  • if you use a disposable bag, cleaning becomes a simple and even pleasant procedure;
  • if you do not have time to buy a paper dustbin, you can use a reusable one;
  • big choice.

But before deciding which vacuum cleaner to choose, read about the drawbacks of using a dust bag:

  • it is necessary to monitor the filling of the dustbin: if there is a lot of dust, the suction power of the device will drop noticeably;
  • additional operating costs: you need to buy bags;
  • not always on sale there are disposable dust collectors of the desired brand, and universal may not be suitable;
  • reusable garbage collectors with long-term use tear and lose their advantages;
  • cleaning the textile dust collector - the procedure is unpleasant.

It is curious that in Europe they prefer to use classical devices with a bag for garbage because of their simplicity of operation.


There are no problems with the purchase of quality disposable dust collectors, and their cost is low. Threw such a bag and forgot. We do not really like extra expenses (however, it's hard for us to blame), so the models with the container are in great demand. But are they so good?

Container for dust collection: pros and cons

Vacuum cleaners with a container appeared on the market not so long ago. They seem to many more modern and perfect models. These electrical appliances operate according to the cyclone principle: air is sucked in by a vortex flow, and debris and dust settle on the walls of the container. As a rule, in the dust collector there are several departments (at least two), in the first of which large debris settles, and in the last one - the smallest dust.


However, these models have their own weak points. For example, the vortex easily gets stuck from any interruptions in the supply of air (curtain intake, accidental kink of the hose, etc.), which affects the quality of the device.

Dust does not get into the dust collector, but immediately settles on the filters, instantly clogging them.

There are other models with containers:

  • centrifugal force acts badly on small particles of debris and dust, so they settle immediately on the filters, quickly disabling them;
  • some owners of such models complain that their device accumulates static electricity;
  • most varieties do not have a power adjustment function due to the fact that the vortices react poorly to changes in the rate of air suction;
  • weak place of models with a container - filters. They clog up too quickly and may require replacement;
  • Cleaning the dust collector can not be called a pleasant procedure;
  • large debris particles scratch the walls of the plastic container, because of which it loses its transparency;
  • from time to time, the dustbin must be washed and thoroughly cleaned of all removable filters, otherwise the suction power of the device is reduced.

But not everything is so sad. Models with containers have a lot of advantages:

  • there is no need to constantly purchase dust bags;
  • ease of cleaning: remove garbage - it's two seconds;
  • Several sections inside the dust collector allow you to sort the garbage. This is especially appreciated when there are kids in the house who are trying to leave small toys, hair bands or even your decorations on the floor. Opening the container, you immediately notice all the "values" that accidentally dragged out during cleaning;
  • The filled container does not interfere with the operation of the device;
  • The vacuum cleaner is stored assembled, which greatly facilitates the cleaning process.

Models with a container have one more variety: vacuum cleaners with aquafilter. What are their features and is it worth to acquire such an assistant?

Vacuum cleaner with aquafilter: helper or wrecker?

Vacuum cleaners with aquafilter are considered more hygienic models, which are perfect for allergy sufferers. They pass the polluted air through the water, dissolving the dust and not allowing it to escape. But they also have their pros and cons.


  • collect garbage, which dissolves in water;
  • do not require the purchase of bags;
  • refresh and moisturize the air in the room;
  • garbage is easily removed: just pour out dirty water.


  • after each cleaning such an appliance should be disassembled, washed and left to dry in the unfolded form, otherwise it will quickly become a source of fungus in the apartment;
  • take up a lot of storage space;
  • poorly cope with garbage, which does not dissolve in water;
  • if the dust gets inside the air bubble, then it is not filtered, but simply comes out when the bubble bursts;
  • Use this model carefully: sharp turns, inclines and overturning lead to the fact that water is poured;
  • It is necessary to monitor the amount of water and top up it in time (sometimes right at the time of harvesting);
  • large dimensions.

Summarize. Vacuum cleaner with aquafilter is convenient to use for general cleaning, as it is better than other models coping with dirt and dust. But for small permanent cleaning, it does not do at all: it takes too long to disassemble and wash it.


Some housewives have at once two types: one simple for quickly bringing the apartment in order, and the second - for general cleaning. Whether it's up to you to become one of these housewives.

So which vacuum cleaner to choose?

Still have not decided what to choose a vacuum cleaner? Then here's a comparative table for you:

Name With garbage bag With container With aquafilter
Additional expenses Yes (purchase of disposable bags) No No
The need to monitor the filling of the waste container (a tank of water) Yes (with sack filling the suction power is reduced) No Yes (with lowering the water level, the air is filtered worse)
Cleaning A disposable waste basket can simply be removed and discarded. Reusable have to shake out. Rubbish spills out quickly and easily, but there is little contact with the dust. Water pours out easily. There is no contact with dust.
Observance of extreme caution when cleaning No No Yes (at sharp inclinations and turns water can be poured)
Storage After harvesting, just put the corner. After cleaning, just put in a corner. You only need to store it in disassembled form.
The need to clean all filters and wash the dustbin No, if you use disposable bags. Yes, if you use a reusable dust bag. Yes (about once a month the container needs to be washed and dried, and also carefully shake out all removable filters) Yes (after each use the device needs to be washed and dried)
Humidification of air No No Yes

We hope that now you can easily decide which vacuum cleaner to choose. In each model there are pluses and minuses, and only you can understand what is really important, and what you can and close your eyes.

Feel free to choose a new and such a necessary assistant, and let it serve you for a long time, making the cleaning process easy and enjoyable. Successful purchase!

Take note: which vacuum cleaner is better

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