Salad rooster plant - cultivation, useful properties, use in cooking

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Rukola is a salad plant, which is appreciated for its spicy, pungent taste. Cultivation of arrows is not difficult. Like most salad plants, it grows very quickly. Mediterranean cuisine without a rucola is not a kitchen at all. Italians do not represent without her salads, she generously chews pizza, pasta, all sorts of soups-minestrone. This is the main ingredient of almost any dish. But if the local gourmets respect the ark from the times of Ancient Rome, then the Russians spiced the "Italian" and appreciated it only recently, for a long time it was considered just a weed.


  • Useful properties of arrows.
  • Cultivation of arrows
  • Pests and diseases of arrows
  • The use of arrows - with what it is eaten?

Useful properties of arrows

Green leaves of arrows - not only the decoration of the table, but also a storehouse of useful substances. There are vitamins, especially A, B9, C, trace elements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, iron and flavonoids. Bioactive substances that they contain, have a beneficial effect on digestion, promote immunity, normalize water-salt metabolism, and reduce blood sugar levels. American gastroenterologists even recommend rukule as a safe remedy for the prevention and treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers. And the flowering rukola is a melliferous plant, it is very popular with bees.

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In Slovenia, the rukola is added to the cheese cheburek. In Italy, they use it for pizza: usually the rucola is placed just before the end of cooking or immediately afterwards. Use it as well as the ingredient for the sauce of the pesta in addition to the basilica or replacing it.

As for the gastronomic virtues of the spicy "Italian then if anyone has tasted it, then the food without its spicy, nut-pepper bitterness seems already boring. Therefore, its popularity among Russian truck farmers, farmers grow every year. Rukola is in great demand among restaurateurs, in supermarkets, in vegetable markets. For example, in Moscow, according to popularity, it has already come to third place after traditional dill and parsley.

As a food plant, two of its types are popular: the cultural ark (eruca sowing, induu sowing) and wild rylla (two-rowed finelygreen and wild rocket). In Russia, wild ruka is the most common, so we will talk about it.

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Cultivation of arrows

Rukola - a plant cold-resistant, usually prematurely - is ready for consumption early in the spring or in the first half of summer, when other vegetables are not yet ripe.

In the Kuban it can be sown already in March, because the most comfortable temperature of the soil, at which it germinates - from 5 to 12 ° C. Well ricoche on various types of soils practically throughout the whole territory of Russia. You can grow it in an open and protected ground by direct seeding or through seedlings. Stepwise crops are carried out in 10-15 days. Care consists in loosening the rows, timely watering, mulching rows with humus or low peat.

If you want to grow lush greens wild rukola early or faster, then we recommend to stop your choice on the variety of Solitaire - one of the most popular among Russian truck farmers.

So, Solitaire. Selection grade of the firm "Gavrish". Early ripening, the beginning of the commodity's validity comes in 20-25 days after emergence. Rosette leaves semi-elevated, 15-18 cm in diameter, 18-20 cm high. The sheet is very textured and picturesque - medium in size, lyrically-dissected with incisions along the edge, the surface is smooth, the color is green. The average weight of the outlet is 20-45 g. Productivity kg / m2.


To the soil of the ark is undemanding. But still, planted in a light, fertile soil with a neutral reaction of the soil solution, it will thank a particularly rich harvest of quality greenery and will not accumulate nitrates.

In the open ground seeds of arugula can be sown immediately after melting snow until mid-August. The seeding rate is 30 g per 100 m2. The minimum seed germination temperature is 9-10 ° C, the optimum temperature is 18-24 ° C. The maximum depth of seed sowing is 3-4 cm.

The distance between the plants in the row is 8-10 cm, between rows - 30-40 cm. As necessary, weeding, loosening rows, as well as thinning plants, as the seeds have an extended period of germination. The emergence of sprouts is possible throughout the growing season.

The plant does not require special lighting, it grows well in the shade, but the aggressive sunshine resists the coarsening of the leaves, the rifle. And more - the hands need timely watering, otherwise the leaves will be wormwood-bitter.

In sheltered ground, arugula is grown on soils and by the method of flowing hydroponics.


When cultivated on salad lines, 30-35 seeds are sown in one standard pot for the cultivation of green crops. Seedlings appear after 2-3 days. In the seedling, the seedlings grow 10-12 days, after which they are put on the line. Harvest is removed after 23-25 ​​days.

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Pests and diseases of arrows

Among the pests of wild ark in the open ground are cruciferous fleas that damage the leaves quite severely.

When the fungus Peronospora parasitica is affected, dark brown spots appear on the leaves. And the fungus Fusarium oxysporum causes chlorosis: the leaves of the diseased plant lose color, turn yellow, their vascular system manifests as brown or black strips.

Among the methods of combating the plague is crop rotation, soil preparation, weed control.

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The use of arrows - with what it is eaten?

Fresh young leaves, shoots of wild arrows, give a refined sharp note to salads, dishes from pasta and beans, curd or cheese snacks, but just sprinkle with boiled potato boiled potatoes - it will acquire a new, unusual taste.

Seeds of arugula are used in the preparation of sharp mustard, and seed oil is used in preserving vegetables.

Like any greenery, the rucola most clearly manifests itself in fresh form: a long heat treatment kills its taste and aroma, not speaking about a vitamin set, therefore in hot dishes a rucola is added in the end of preparation or in already ready dish.


Green rucola wild can be stored in the refrigerator for several days without loss of quality.

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