Cultivation of juniper of Chinese Strict

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Juniper of the Chinese Strict was bred in 1945 by breeders from Holland. This tree belongs to the genus juniper of the cypress family. Used for landscaping gardens, parks, suburban areas. Having an attractive appearance, the variety was very popular not only in its native regions, but also in other countries, including Russia.


The description of Strikt's juniper makes it possible to study the variety before going to the nursery for the seedling.

The plant is considered a dwarfish tree, its growth reaches, meter. The diameter of the juniper is, meter. Life expectancy of the tree is about 100 years. Valued by Russian gardeners for their stamina and resistance to frost.

Straight and thin branches are densely and evenly distributed on the sides. Grow up at an acute angle. The crown of the tree is flat and dense, a conical shape. Needles are sharp and not stiff, gentle bluish tinge. Fruits such a juniper with pine cones with a dark blue wax coating, which give the tree a beautiful view.

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When planting juniper Chinese Strait should follow the following recommendations and rules:

  1. When buying a plant, you need to pay attention to the fact that the young tree was grown in a box with a closed root system. In the open air, the roots dry up and die.
  2. Planting must be carried out on the sunny side. It is allowed to grow in the shade.
  3. Planting a young plant is best done in April, May or in the first autumn month.
  4. For the cultivation of such a crop it is necessary to apply nutritious, moistened soil with a neutral or slightly acid reaction. Prepares soil from turf, peat and sand in the following proportions 1.
  5. The size of the pit for planting should be two times or three times more than the earthy seedlings. The pit for an adult juniper of the Chinese Strict is digged to a depth of 60-70 cm. On its bottom it is necessary to prepare a drainage consisting of sand or broken bricks, 20 cm thick.
  6. When planting the plant, it is necessary not to soil the root neck of the juniper into the soil. It should protrude upward by 6-10 cm. from the edge of the excavated pit. After that the land will settle, it will rise to the required place.
  7. The distance between young junipers should be about one meter, in order to ensure the free development of the root system of conifers.
  8. Soon after planting, make mulching, that is, cover the soil with "breathing" material (pine bark, leafy foliage, wood chips, chips, cones, paper, peat or a simple cloth). The height of the layer should be 10-12 cm.

Young shoots of Juniper juniper may be exposed to sunburn. Therefore, in the first time in summer it must be protected from the aggressive rays of the sun.

Watering and care

That the plant has grown healthy and beautiful it is necessary to look after it properly. To do this, follow the tips:

  1. Provide abundant watering of coniferous trees. It will be enough to water once a month. In hot, arid weather, sprinkle the water of the juniper crown once a week. It is preferable to perform such procedures in the morning or in the evening.
  2. After watering, you need to loosen and weed the ground near the coniferous tree.
  3. In frequent fertilization, Strikta juniper does not require any need. It is enough to fertilize an adult plant once in the spring, adding 200-300 grams to the soil. nitroammophoski.
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In winter, the adult coniferous tree does not need special care. Take care of the young trees growing in the open ground. That the juniper did not die in severe frosts to perform several procedures:

  • tie the branches and press them against the trunk so that they do not break under the weight of the snow;
  • cover a burlap with a tree, agrospan or kraft paper, secure with a stapler;
  • to insulate the near-trunk circle with pine or spruce lapnik.

If the tree grows in a container, then it should be sheltered or moved to a warm room.

If pests are found on the plant or its disease, measures must be taken. From aphids, spider mites and juniper scabs will help treatment with an insecticide.

Spraying not only the affected juniper, but also closely located shrubs and trees.

Such a variety can be subjected to the following fungal diseases:

  1. Drying of branches. With such a disease, the bark dries, branches, turns yellow and needle cones fall. Affected branches need to be cut off, and the places formed after the cuts should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate (1%) and cover with paste "Runnet".
  2. Rust. During such a disease on the trunk and branches, brown outgrowths are formed with a golden and orange bloom. Subsequently, the affected areas wither, conifers become brown and start to crumble. In the fight against such misfortune, the "Arzerida" remedy will help.
Read also:Features of cultivation and reproduction of juniper Cossack

At the first detection of the disease or pests, you must immediately begin to eliminate them.


Planting and care of stripe juniper must be carried out in a timely manner. The healthy appearance of the plant depends on this.

Read also:Description of varieties of juniper in order to help the dacha

Photo of juniper in landscape design

This kind of juniper is often used in landscape design.They are decorated with park areas, gardens, suburban areas and much more.Perfectly harmonize with the derehn, mountain pine, barberry. A photo of Strict juniper in landscape design is presented below.

The plant looks great both in the group version and in solitary.Coniferous tree is originally combined with stone and wooden buildings, reservoirs.In urban conditions you can see decorated coniferous trees in containers.

Interesting about Strikt juniper - video

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