Zest of the garden: thuya with a spherical crown shape

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Frequent visitors to the gardens are thuya globular. The size of this plant can vary from several tens of centimeters to one and a half meters. The color of the crown varies in different varieties.

Grow this decorative tree is not easy. Only the correct landing and care of the thuja globular shape will provide her with a healthy thick crown and an effective rounded shape.


Before proceeding with the care recommendations, one should understand the origin of the tuja with a rounded crown shape. They are not a separate species, but represent a collection of specially derived varieties. In our climatic conditions, Western Tui varieties have spread. There are several explanations for this:

  1. Thujia is globular and unpretentious and suitable for growth in our country.
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  3. Variety variety of this species is so great that it is possible to choose the appropriate variant from the available varieties. In addition, the selection of new varieties continues to this day.

Globular forms are found among other species of thuja (Japanese, Korean and others), but these varieties are difficult to grow in our climatic conditions in the open air. Further care recommendations refer specifically to globular varieties of western thui.

Planting and care

Proper planting and grooming in the garden behind the throat is a prerequisite for good tree development.

When and where to plant?

When choosing a place for planting, give preference to partial shade. In the shade, the plant will lose its decorative qualities, the crown will become rare, and the branches will stretch. In territories with a short light day, it is possible to plant globular thuja in a well-lit place, but in conditions of the steppe zone, direct sunlight and low humidity will lead to sunburn and shattering needles. Also, the plant is negative for drafts, so the landing site must be protected from wind.

Tuya is unpretentious to soil, but the best result can be achieved on fertile, moderately moist soils. In places of high groundwater occurrence. In the lowlands of the beams and on loams, a drainage layer of thickness up to 20 cm is laid on the bottom of the landing pit.

In the active vegetation phase, the plant enters May, so it can be transplanted in early spring or autumn. The pit is cooked 2 weeks before planting, moisturized and filled with soil mixture: turf earth + peat + sand ( 1). The composition for transplantation can be further enriched with nitroammophic.

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Transplanted plants that have reached the age of 5-7 years, together with the root lump. Below is a globular thuja prepared for transplantation.

The root neck is not buried, it should be at the level of the soil surface. After planting, the plants are watered daily for a month (1 bucket of water under each tree). The first year after planting, the plant is sensitive to direct sunlight, so it is shaded with kraft paper, cloth or a sun screen.


Watering and loosening

Thuja with a spherical shape of the crown is resistant to a short drought, but if the plant grows in the conditions of water shortage for a long time, its crown becomes thinner. At the end of the month after planting, young plants are watered once a week (10 liters for each plant). In the dry period, the number of irrigation should be increased to 2 times a week.

In order for the roots of the plant to "breathe after each watering the soil is loosened to a depth of 10 cm and mulched with peat, shavings or compost. The thickness of the layer of mulch should be at least 7 cm.

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Preparation for winter

Adult plants are well tolerated even in frosty winters, and young ones should be covered in late autumn with linden, fallen leaves or special agro-materials. When the air temperature drops to -5 ° C, the plant is additionally wrapped with a film.


The conservation of the spherical shape of the crown was taken care of by breeders, so there is no need to further shape the plant. Every spring, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing the dead and sick branches. In the spring and at the end of the summer, the thai are cut off, which is used as a fence.

Due to the thick crown, the tree can be molded easily. An experienced gardener is able to give him various forms.

Additional fertilizing

Tui is referred to slowly growing trees, so fertilizer should be carefully applied. The first 3 years of life after transplantation are not recommended. In subsequent years of life the amount of fertilizers applied depends on the growth rate of the tree: under dwarf varieties - less, for tall ones - more.

Experts are skeptical about introducing organic fertilizers for coniferous trees. It is better to use the complex fertilizers for sale.


At home, thuis is propagated by cuttings. It is carried out in the autumn after the termination of a vegetation or in the spring before bud opening. For planting, cuttings with a length of 50 cm with a well-formed "heel" are used. In the lower part of the cut cut the needles and process with one of the root-forming compounds.

For planting a special soil mixture is prepared: turf earth (1 part) + sand (1 part) + peat (1 part). The stalk is buried in a moistened mixture for 3 cm and covered with a film to maintain the moisture level. If cuttings are carried out in autumn, care should be taken to ensure that the seedlings are well lit. Spring landing, on the contrary, obscure.


The variety of tuja with the spherical form of the crown is great. Trees differ in both size and color. Below are photos of varieties and species of globular thuja, which are most widely distributed, as well as their description.

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Globose is a tall variety, the height of grown plants reaches, a meter. The color of the needles varies depending on the season: in summer it is green, in winter - brown. Plants of this variety do not require molding - by the age of 5-7 the trees become spherical, the further increment is 5 cm in height and width annually, and the crown grows thicker with age.

Thuya globular Danica is a low-growing variety (height of adult trees is up to 80 cm). Popularity was due to unpretentiousness, winter hardiness and the ability to maintain a shape without pruning.

The high quality of the variety is Reingold. The main feature of this tall plant (up to, m) is the unusual color of needles: pinkish in spring, light golden in summer, and copper-yellow, almost brown in autumn.

One of the novelties of selection is thuya dwarf globular Teddy variety. The height of this extraordinarily dense shrub reaches 30 cm, while atypical for tui needles is memorized: smooth, saturated green and not prickly. The plant is resistant to sunburn and does not lose its decorative effect for a long time.

Application in landscape design

Wide application was found by Thuja globular in landscape design. These universal trees are perfectly combined with other plants and various decor items. Due to the slow growth of the composition with Tuyus for a long time retain a pristine appearance, so they are often used in mixborders, rock gardens and Japanese gardens.

Dwarf varieties grow well in containers and pots, with their help you can create a kind of coniferous lawn. As a curb or hedge, you can use a medium-sized variety of spherical thuja.

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