How to make vertical flower beds with your own hands?

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The phrase "vertical flowerbed" sounds somewhat unusual. But if you understand the features of this word gaining popularity, then, undoubtedly, before each gardener will open new horizons of gardening their own possessions, because under the vertical flower beds understand a variety of elongated structures: arches, columns and wall paintings from plants, screens and the pyramids.

Originally from Babylon

Today, vertical flower beds - this is a true trend in garden design, valued and the owners of small plots, where each meter counts, spacious estates and even houses. An unusual look at landscaping allows you to arrange a real garden where there is a place, perhaps, on a flower pot.

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However, do not consider vertical gardening something new. The Babylonians became famous for their hanging gardens two thousand years ago. And the second birth of an unusual way of decorating space gardeners owe to the true ascetics of vertical gardens Patrick Blanc. French specialist in garden design has become famous thanks to such living houses as this museum in Paris.

The photos of the vertical flowerbeds from this master simply amaze the imagination, and it may seem that creating such an ordinary garden plot, few on the shoulder. However, this opinion is deeply erroneous. To equip, let not such a grandiose, but just as beautiful a flower bed under everyone's power, especially since the matter is simple and does not require special expenses.

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How to make a vertical flowerbed in the country?

In addition to the wall arrangement of vertical flowerbeds, there are many options for their installation and on the soil. Such flower beds occupy little space and can become a bright element of the decor of any garden, cover up an unsightly site, disguise a dead wall or a fence.

Advantages of vertical flower beds:

  • The variety of forms and their compactness allows you to green a balcony.
  • Ease of device and care.
  • Isolation from the soil level prevents access to plants for many pests.


  • Because of the small amount of soil, plants need regular feeding.
  • Such planting often freezes, so the construction should be insulated, cleaned for winter in heat or planted on vertical flowerbeds frost-resistant annuals.
  • Vertical plantings need frequent watering.

You can prevent moisture shortage in two ways:

  1. hydrogel, which is introduced into the soil, where the plants are planted.
  2. device for drip irrigation. This is the most effective way, but because of the high cost, it is justified only on large objects.

Vertical flower beds from bottles

One of the most popular and democratic methods of the device involves the use of simple plastic bottles. Before embarking on the creation of a flower bed, the bottles should be thoroughly washed and removed from them all labels, and the lid is loosely wrapped so that when excess moisture appears, it can drain through an improvised drainage hole.

  • The prepared bottle is cut in half.
  • On the top of the bottle make a rope or wire fastening.
  • In the upper part with the lid the prepared soil is filled and seedlings are planted.
  • A plastic container with a plant is placed in the bottom of the bottle and the structure is attached to the surface to be decorated.

Similarly, from any pots, cans, other home-made containers and, of course, bottles easily to create vertical flowerbeds with their own hands and to plant any vertical plane.

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True, on such a design it is better to make holes from the drain of water. And, if desired, such unusual containers can be painted with acrylic or aerosol paints.

Making of vertical flower bed of PVC pipes

Such flower beds are good for growing very proliferating flower plants, for example, petunia or nasturtium. And if desired, on these columns grow strawberries and many green crops.

  • The structure consists of two plastic pipes with drilled holes, an external pipe planted seedlings, and through the internal supply of moisture and fertilizers.
  • The watering pipe is best wrapped with sackcloth or nonwoven material, and its lower end is tightly closed with foil or tape.
  • It is important to carefully structure the structure in an upright position.
  • Inside the outer pipe, watering is placed, in the interior space, small claydite is first filled, and then the soil is primed.
  • Plants are planted in the holes on the outer pipe.

The original flower column can be constructed from a reinforcing mesh reinforced in a pot, a plastic film or a dense bag for garbage collection.

Original vertical flower bed of flower pots

For the cultivation of annual flowers, an ideal flowerbed of flower pots or any other containers at hand is ideally suited.

The tanks are threaded on the reinforced base through a drainage hole in a staggered order.

Vertical flower bed from a bag

This option will require a minimum investment and time for the arrangement of the flowerbed.

  • To a dense sack sew strong handles or other fasteners and fill the tank with nutrient ground.
  • On one side, cuttings are made for planting seedlings, at a distance of about 20 cm.
  • The bag is hung on a permanent place and plants are planted.
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For the reliability of the design inside the bag, you can make a liner from the film, and after filling the bag with the ground, squeeze it so that the ground does not fall to the bottom.

Doing a vertical flower bed with your own hands, instead of a bag, you can take, for example, old, out of fashion bags.

A living wall can be built using a non-woven fabric with pockets sewn onto it.

Flower screen of pipes

Beautiful green screens are obtained from horizontally reinforced drainpipes or heating pipes. The first are equipped with side plugs and a strong frame, while in the second holes for plants are drilled.

Vertical carpet of car tires

Make a vertical flowerbed in the country house easily and from old tires. The construction does not need an additional frame, and different ways of arranging the tires make it possible to create flower beds of all shapes and sizes. And to hide the unsightly black rubber, tires paint harmless acrylic.

A balcony for a balcony of old pallets

This is an original stylish solution for decorating any balcony, gazebo or patio.

  • As the basis suitable unnecessary pallets, wooden or plastic boxes.
  • On the back of the box, a net is attached, which is compacted with straw, or nonwoven material.
  • The container is filled with soil, into which seedlings or seeds are planted.

Tips for making a vertical flower bed

Picking plants for a vertical flower bed is important to remember that each of them gets a little nutritious soil.

All species must have close living conditions. And it is better to give preference to unpretentious plants with a good ability to take root. It can be alpine flowers, ivy and creepers, mosses and purifiers.

Video - vertical flower beds

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