How to choose a home blender - 8 important parameters to consider


  • 1 Advantages and disadvantages of two types of blenders
  • 2 The right choice - 8 criteria
    • 2.1 The choice of the immersion model - 4 nuances
    • 2.2 Buying a stationary model - 4 nuances
  • 3 Results

A modern blender is a very useful device that can easily replace a variety of appliances in the kitchen: from a food processor and meat grinder to a coffee grinder and a mixer. But in order to fully experience the benefits of this technique, you need to know how to choose the right blender for your home. I will try to help and tell you what to look for when buying.

The blender can be used not just for grinding food, it will replace a food processor, coffee grinder, meat grinder or mixerThe blender can be used not just for grinding food, it will replace a food processor, coffee grinder, meat grinder or mixer

Advantages and disadvantages of two types of blenders

In fact, it is very difficult to answer which is the best blender - submersible or stationary. The best device will be suitable for your needs. Each type of blender has advantages and disadvantages:

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Illustration Type of blender and features
polarisers Submersible

Consists of a "handle" with a motor and a rotating nozzle.


  • mobility and compactness;
  • the ability to handle small portions;
  • the presence of additional attachments;
  • the ability to change the position of the knife, adjusting it to specific products.disadvantages:
  • When working, the submersible model must always be held in hand.
  • In case of carelessness, there is a high risk of splashing the contents of the container.
yarolovraravraoly rvalo2 Stationary

It consists of a motor and a jug, at the bottom of which a knife is installed.


  • In the process of work does not require your participation.
  • Easy to clean, most models are equipped with a self-cleaning function.
  • Allows you to simultaneously cook food for several people at once.
  • The price for stationary models is usually lower than for submersible ones.disadvantages:
  • Stationary options are much more cumbersome, unlike the immersion blender.
  • The inability to cook food in small portions.

The right choice - 8 criteria

It is not enough to simply decide on the type of blender that best suits your diet and preferences. It is important to know what to look for when buying.

The choice of the immersion model - 4 nuances

On the technical characteristics will depend on the service life of the immersion device. But do not forget about the additional features:

A photo Instruction
Spawning the sealant 1 Power

This is the first thing to look for in the selection process. Power submersible models can range from 140 to 1200 watts.

  • 450 watts - the minimum figure that allows you to cope with most of the tasks assigned to him.
  • 600-800 W - power that allows you to grind solid foods (carrots, meat, etc.).
  • Power 1000 W and more most often used for professional purposes.
Spawning the seal 2 Speed ​​modes

The number of speeds in the immersion blender can be from 1 to 30.

  • The higher the speed, the faster the immersion blender will grind, blend or beat the products.
  • At low speeds, the blender should be used to process solid and viscous products.

    It makes no sense to buy a model with 30 speeds - in most cases, 5-9 speeds are enough.

Spawning the seal 3 Material

Typically, the body of the handle or the main nozzle of a submersible device is made of metal or plastic.

It is better to choose the option with a metal coating - so you can immerse the device even in a hot dish.

Spawning the seal 4 Nozzles

Different nozzles allow you to use the device for cooking a variety of dishes. Usually the package includes: a nozzle-blender, chopper and whisk for beating.

  • Blender head. Crushes and mixes products. Allows you to cook cream soup, smoothies, smoothies, etc.
  • Corolla. Beats eggs, cream, butter, kneads dough.
  • Bowl Chopper. Most often used for making stuffing with their own hands.

Buying a stationary model - 4 nuances

If you want a stationary appliance to cope equally well with the preparation of most dishes - from cream soup to baby food, with the purchase you should pay attention to several important parameters.

A photo Instruction
arylovralovyraoyla1 Power

Typically, the power of a stationary blender ranges from 500 to 1000 watts and higher. The higher the power of the product, so it is more effective. But at the same time more expensive and louder.

arylovyralovyraoyla 2 Knives

Another important element on which the performance of the model depends. In a bowl 1 or 2 knives can be installed.

It is better to choose a good option with large curved knives made of stainless steel - they are most effective.

arylovralovyraoyla 3 Bowl volume

Considering the question of how to choose a stationary blender for the house, you can not lose sight of the volume of the bowl.

  • 1 liter jug suitable for cooking baby food or cocktails for 1-2 people.
  • 1.5-2 l bowl - the best option to cook all sorts of dishes at once for several people.

    Note that the actual volume of the bowl will be less than the indicated volume on the package for 200-300 ml.

ары ра ары ра ол 4 4 Materials

The jug can be made from:

  • Plasticswhich is lightweight, easy to clean and relatively cheap.
  • Glasseswhich looks attractive but can break.
  • Metalwhich is practical and durable, but costs more.


I described the advantages and disadvantages of different types of blenders, and also told what to look for when buying such a useful device. Also I suggest you watch the video in this article with a clear demonstration of the capabilities of blenders.

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