Description of the Tibetan rosolist variety of strawberry raspberries


Raspberry, this is one of the most popular crops for growing among many summer residents. There are different varieties of this tasty and healthy berries.

One of the most unusualTibetan raspberries.


Table of contents

  • Variety description
  • Characteristics of Tibetan rosulist (strawberry) raspberries
  • Advantages and disadvantages, useful properties
  • Features of planting a Chinese hybrid
  • Care
    • Watering
    • Additional fertilizing
    • Loosening
    • Preparation for winter
  • Methods of reproduction
    • Cutting
    • Rhizome processes
    • Seeds
  • Diseases and pests

Variety description

Tibetan raspberry refers to the wild varieties of this culture. The first mention of it as a garden plant was made in Japan in the 19th century, also the Northern China and the Himalayas are considered the ancestral home.

The second name of this varietystrawberry raspberry. It is due to the fact that this berry is a hybrid of two cultures, both in appearance and taste.

The fruiting period lasts from the middle of July until the first frosts, hence the conclusion that such a plant brings a large amount of harvest.
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Such a shrubdiffers frost resistance and unpretentiousness to weather conditions. Growing can be practically in any climate, the main thing is to maintain favorable conditions, such as the absence of a sharp wind and the prevention of drought of the soil.

Tibetan raspberries are unpretentious to weather conditions

Characteristics of Tibetan rosulist (strawberry) raspberries

In wild conditions, this raspberry can reach 3 meters in length, but garden, domesticated plants have a more modest size, and reach a height of not more than meters. The crown creates a rounded shape.

Leaves- the biological name of this shrub raspberry roseola, which clearly indicates the similarity of this indicator in two cultures.

The leaves are painted dark green with yellowish veins, 5-7 pieces are collected on one petiole, small notches along the edges.

Flowers- raspberry of this variety forms white, single flowers, which differ in their large size, in diameter they can be up to 5 centimeters. They consist of 5 petals.

The flowering period continues until the middle of autumn and new inflorescences seem to replace already ripe berries.

Berries- juicy, have a sweet and sour taste and a tender strawberry flavor. The size of the berries can reach the size of a walnut, the color is coral-red.

From afar, the fruits of Tibetan raspberries resemble strawberries, thereby causing bewilderment and envious looks of neighbors.

Thorns- large and sharp, are not the most pleasant distinguishing feature of this variety.

Working with the Tibetan raspberries, do not forget about the presence of thorns, alwaysuse rubber gloves and be extremely cautious.

The berries of Tibetan raspberries look like strawberries

Advantages and disadvantages, useful properties

Fruits have an unusual taste, resembling a blackberry with light notes of pineapple. This combination is rarely found in nature.

Appearance, long fruiting and flowering, which last from the middle of summer to the end of September, make Tibetan raspberries an ideal addition to various landscape designs.

With its help you can build an alpine hill or make a hedge.

Uncomfortable care. This variety does not require special attention and constant monitoring. It is only necessary to water the bushes in time, that he would continue to please with his appearance and tasty fruits.

It grows in almost all weather conditions. It has good frost resistance.

Poorly transported, so the Tibetan raspberries are extremely rare on the shelves of stores.

Creep of the root system is more of a disadvantage than a plus, because if you do not stop erratic growth in time, you will have to dig a site, freeing up space for other crops.

Sharp spikes can easily injure a person, so working with this variety can be dangerous and unpleasant.

Tibetan raspberry to taste like a blackberry with light notes of pineapple

Features of planting a Chinese hybrid

When choosing seedlings, you must pay attention to the external state. Any damage, in the form of twisted sheets or yellowing can talk about the damage to the plant.

This bush is unlikely to survive on the site and will soon die.

Depending on the climate, Tibetan raspberriescan be planted both on sunny areas, and in the penumbra. It is worth noting that she loves warm and sunny weather. It is not necessary to choose low places, where snowmelt and puddles accumulate after the rain.

It is best to plant shrubsin late September - early October. It is during this period that there is the greatest chance of maintaining the viability of the plant.

Prefers fertile lands with a neutral or alkaline reaction. For the best arrangement of raspberries in a new place, it is recommended that one bucket of peat and half a bucket of manure be poured into each pit.

Set the bushes better in rows, with the distance between plants is 80-100 centimeters, the depth of the pit should be 50 centimeters.

After placing the seedlings in the hole, it must be covered with fertile soil and watered abundantly.

This variety has a very developed root system. And in order that raspberries do not oust other cropsIt is necessary to provide a clear framework for growth.

To do this, along the perimeter of the landing, a fence of slate with a depth of 1 meter is built in.

It is best to plant Tibetan raspberries in late September - early October


Tibetan raspberries are not much different from other varieties of this plant. It is unpretentious andrequires minimal attention.


The best thingperform this procedure on a daily basisto prevent drying out. On one bush an average of 10 liters of water.

In rainy weather, raspberries can not be watered at all, but in drought the amount of moisture must be increased.

Tibetan raspberriesdoes not tolerate dry and hot weather. Therefore, in such periods, in addition to root irrigation, rain is also realized.

Additional fertilizing

Feed the plant twice a year:

  1. In spring, immediately after the melting of snow along the basal zone, it is necessary to disperse granules of ammonium sulfate.
  2. Sulfur potassium is used in autumn. It does not need to be diluted, it is applied directly in dry form.

To make fertilizer as efficient as possible, after the procedure it is necessary to cover the root zone of mulch from peat, manure or humus.


Tibetan raspberries have a very delicate and fragile root system, which is also very close to the surface of the earth, soloosen the ground very carefully.

The same applies to the removal of weeds. These actions are best done manually, without the use of special tools.

Rinse Tibetan raspberries very carefully

Preparation for winter

This variety does not require any special preparation and creation of special shelters. In autumn, after the green part of the plant withered away,It needs to be completely cut off, leaving branches with a height of 4-5 centimeters.

After which they needcover with lapnik and cover with soil. Such preparation will help the bush to survive even the lowest temperatures.


Methods of reproduction

Tibetan raspberries can be propagated using various techniques and technologies.


The best time is autumn,it is best to perform the procedure after harvesting. It is necessary to dig a bush and divide it into several parts, and on each part there must be a kidney.

Then the obtained seedlings are placed in a pit, the size of which exceeds the dimensions of the roots. And at the end all adult stems are cut off, leaving a small stump, up to 3 centimeters high.

Rhizome processes

Usually, around adult plants, the age of which exceeds a five-year boundary, a lot of young growth is accumulated.

It must be uprooted with a sharp shovel and put the bush in a spacious landing pit.

This kind of breeding is suitable for both autumn and spring periods. The main thing is to make sure that the raspberries are either already dead, or have not yet entered the active growth phase.


This method is the most complex of all the, requires a lot of strength and patience:

  1. Of the overripe berries you need to carefully select the seeds. For this, the fruit should be crushed slightly and left in this form for 2-3 days.
  2. After that, the resulting gruel is washed with a sieve. The resulting seeds must be dried.
  3. Then they should be placed in containers with sand to a depth of 2-3 mm.
  4. This design is put for a month in the refrigerator, and then moves to room temperature.
  5. Then you need to monitor the moisture content of the soil, and after 3-4 weeks, the first shoots will appear.
Tibetan raspberries are propagated by cuttings, seeds and rhizome processes

Diseases and pests

In this aspect, the Tibetan raspberries differ little from other representatives of this culture.

Measures of prevention will be permanent and quality care, which is expressed in the following factors:

  • timely top dressing;
  • frequent weeding;
  • prevention of waterlogging of the soil;
  • cleaning of dry branches and foliage, because it is in it that various parasites can live.

But if the plant was still affected,to get rid of parasites it is necessary to take the following measures:

  • For the control of pests, DDT, Carbophos and the solution of DeToyle will be effective;
  • from diseases will help to get rid of a solution of copper sulfate or Brodsky liquid;
  • The most practical method is to remove the infected parts of the plant. They must be burned, because the use of diseased branches and leaves to make compost or mulch can lead to a deterioration of the situation.

The most common ailments that affect raspberries:

  1. Raspberry weed-weevil- it feeds on the leaves and flowers of the plant and can lead to a significant loss of harvest.
  2. The raspberry beetle- likes to eat fruits and leaves.
  3. Anthracnose- manifests itself in the form of light brown patches of oblong form, which gradually increase.
  4. Yellow Mosaic.
  5. Root Cancer- is a bacterial disease, it affects the root system of young and weak plants.
  6. Chlorosis- begins yellowing and the gradual withering away of the foliage of the plant.

Raspberry pink (Tibetan or Chinese), description of the properties:

Tibetan raspberry is a beautiful and unusual plant that combines the signs of two cultures. It does not require special care, but it yields a good harvest.

Many gardeners refer themselves to fans of this shrub for its incredible taste and beautiful appearance.

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