Autumn is a wonderful time, which pleases with a variety of colors, but it is considered the most favorable time for preparation for planting works in the garden or cottage area.
Experienced and inveterate summer residents primarily pay attention to raspberries. Those who want to get a rich harvest of useful berries in a season, it is necessary to transplant or plant it in the autumn season.
.Table of contents
- How long does it take to plant raspberries in autumn?
- How to plant: step by step instructions
- Proper preparation of seedlings
- Where to Plant: Choosing a Good Place and Soil for Growing
- How can I plant on a site in the open ground?
- The correct distance between raspberry bushes and rows
- After-plant care
How long does it take to plant raspberries in autumn?
The question of when it is best to plant raspberries, is relevant every year. Planting raspberries in many waysdepends on climatic conditions and variety of seedlingseach region.
It is worth noting that the autumn transplant is recommended only after aging. This can be understood by replacing the kidneys that appear on the root of the plant by the end of the season.
Season or replant raspberries must be completed before the beginning of frosts, and it is better for a month. This time is enough for the shoots to take root well.
In the south and in the southern regionsThe best time to plant is mid-September beginning of October. Young seedlings have time to take root before frost, well overwinter and in the spring will begin to develop actively.
For northern regionsSiberia and the Urals planting should be carried out in early September. And sometimes you do not even have to deal with this process at all.
This is due to the fact that autumn is mostly rainy, cold and prolonged. Plants do not have time to get accustomed, and as practice shows, they often freeze.
As for the middle band, Moscow is a good time to plant - autumn and spring. Choose only you. But keep in mind that the autumn planting is much better, the plant can yield in the summer.
Raspberry must be planted in the open ground from the first half of September to the 20th of October. The plant will have time to develop the root system, as a result of which the severe winter will be wonderful.
Early and slightly frost-resistant varieties planted under the winter is not recommended, they have a very low survival rate.
Every summer resident should watch the weather, as every autumn presents new surprises, solanding time may differ from previous seasons.
What is the best period for planting: September and the first half of October, but in some cases the first half of November.
The landmark for transplantation is the period of biological rest, that is, the end of the fall foliage, so every summer resident should follow closely the plant.
Storage in the basement and dropping- this is the most common ways, but what is snowing?
SnowingIs a way of keeping seedlings on the street. That is, the seedlings are well packaged and buried under a good layer of snow.
The advantage of snow is to prevent a drop in temperature around living stems.
.How to plant: step by step instructions
The step-by-step guide to planting in the autumn season is no different from the usual landing.Only one year old shoots are needed for planting, which grew from subordinate buds on the roots of the plant.
Young shoots dig, examine the roots, if they are damaged and sick, they are removed. For a successful landing, you must follow certain rules.
Select only the strongest and best shoots. Choose powerful shrubs with strong and healthy root shoots. The thickness of the root should be at least one centimeter. The pruning of a new plant is carried out at a level from the root by approximately one meter.
Where is the best way to plant and grow: for plantingselect the most lit place on the cottage site. Raspberry refers to light-loving plants, in the shade it grows poorly.
Prepare the soil, dig up, loosen and remove all the weeds.
It is better to plant a raspberry in a trench coat, that is, in rows. Planting should be such that each plant plant does not obscure the previous one. The distance between the rows should be at least two meters.
After the prepared soil, you can begin to carefully extract the bushes and transplant them into the prepared wells. Each plant should be tied to pegs.
When boardingfollow the roots of the plant, they must be spread outso that they do not look at the surface of the earth.
After plantingraspberries need to be cut offso that about 20 centimeters of the trunk remains above the ground.
Do not forget about watering. Each bush pour water bucket. For three days, the plants must be sprayed from the spray gun.
Do not forget about mulching. It must be made with rabbit litter, sawdust, peat or chopped straw. Mulching will facilitate the growth of the bush, and prevent the emergence of weeds.
After all the activities carried out, check the quality of the landing. Each bush gently pull, if it can be pulled, it should be transplanted otherwise it will freeze in winter.
If you planted raspberries, you observed all the necessary rules, then for the next summer season you can collect a generous harvest of raspberries.
Advantages of autumn raspberry planting:
.- In the autumn, raspberry seedlings can be purchased at an affordable price.
- Large selection of planting material. Plants are sold with the last leaves, sometimes with fruits, which makes it possible to look at the crop of the acquired planting material.
- Simplicity of leaving in the autumn time. Weather will provide moist soil. Despite the fact that at this time the plant is at rest, its roots continue to grow. During the planted plant will have time to take root to the first frost.
- Saves time in the midst of the summer season. In autumn there is not much work in the garden, so you can give enough time to plant raspberries.
- The opportunity to get a good harvest in the summer.
- Almost 100% of the raspberry planting habits in autumn.
Proper preparation of seedlings
The choice of planting material is a crucial moment, you need to know exactly what to plant. Experts recommend choosing healthy shrubs with three matured stalks and a developed root system.
Before landing themcut, so that the length of the seedling does not exceed 30 cm.
.Where to Plant: Choosing a Good Place and Soil for Growing
Choose a place for raspberries preferably sunnyand protected from strong gusts of wind. Raspberry can also grow in partial shade, but this affects the amount of harvest.
The soil for raspberries should be fertile and at the same time drained, it should hold water well. Ideally suitable for easy loamy soil, sandy and sandy loam soils are also suitable.
How can I plant on a site in the open ground?
As soon as they decided on the landing site, they picked up the seedlings, it's time to sort out the methods of planting.
The way of rowing or rowing, a fairly convenient way to grow raspberries, but laborious. This type of planting is used by many gardeners. In turn, the method is divided into two types: trench and pit.
Trenching method- time-consuming, but efficient. This is due to the fact that all plantings equally receive nutrients and evenly fructify.
Trenches should be prepared several weeks before planting. Prepare the soil, remove all the weeds. Trenches are digging in depth and width of 50 cm.
If a plot with fertile soil, then manure will not be needed.As fertilizer, use ashes: it not only enriches the plant with useful substances, but also improves the taste of berries.
Before boardingit is recommended that the roots of the plant are dipped in a solution based on Mullein with clay, they can so quickly adapt to a new location. Then gently lower into a furrow and sprinkle with soil.
Watch the roots of the plant, they should not be confused, gently spread them so that they are horizontal on the ground. Shake sprouts so that the soil evenly covers the roots.
Next, pour the plants well.Seal the ground around the seedling and blanchsawdust or small straw. Mulching will help to avoid the appearance of weeds that love fertile soil.
You may be interested in these publications:
- Correct reproduction of raspberries in spring, summer and autumn.
- Why does raspberries dry and what should I do?
- Top dressing for raspberries in August and in autumn after pruning.
Pit Type- effective, it is still called a bush by many. Pits must be prepared in advance one week before planting.
They are made deep and about 40 cm in diameter. Between the rows the distance is not less than one meter, and the distance between the bushes is up to 1 m.
The bottom of the holes is filled with a fertile layer, which must be loosened during planting. Plant seedlings carefully so as not to damage the root system. Seal the soil around the seedling, pour abundantly.
The cluster methodnot less popular. The bottom line is that the bushes are planted at a distance, a meter from each other. For a year the bush grows.
In a few years you can see already more than a dozen developed healthy shoots. Weak shoots are cut every year. Thanks to this method of planting, raspberry bushes become fluffy.
To save space in the suburban areait is recommended to grow raspberries in tanks. They can be both plastic and metal.
A container with a cut-off bottom is dug into the ground, filled with fertile soil.This method does not allow growing sprouts, so the place next to the raspberries can be used for other plants.
.The correct distance between raspberry bushes and rows
Plant raspberry bushes shouldwith an interval of at least 70 cm between the bushes. As for the rows, there should be at least a distance between them, m.
This is considered the optimal distance, which will allow easy care for the plant in the process of active growth.In each hole it is recommended to plant no more than two shoots.
Such a planting will allow the plant to receive the necessary amount of sunlight, which will lead to abundant fruit bearing and growth.
Planting raspberries in autumn:
After-plant care
Care of the plant must be permanent, especially this applies only to planted seedlings. It is necessary to provide favorable conditions for the development of the root system and wintering.
Save only the planted plant is necessary from the atmospheric moisturewith a polyethylene film, make a frame.
The skeleton will create a dry air space for raspberries, as a result of which it will save it from the first frosts, the northern wind and snow. In the early spring, polyethylene is removed.
If the beds with small seedlings are small, you can cover each plant individually.
Raspberry is a plant with useful and tasty berries. It does not require special care, specific irrigation,it is enough to follow certain rules to get a good harvest in a timely manner.