Choosing a horizontal juniper Blue Chip to decorate your garden

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Among the groundcover varieties, the Blue Chip juniper is considered the best. Its hairy shoots, with a slightly raised core and ends, spread evenly and densely along the ground, forming a green carpet. Needles are short and dense, needle-shaped and prickly. Needles change color depending on the season: in the summer needles of a rich silvery-blue hue, spring appears young bright blue twigs, in the fall it is filled with brown and lilac paints, and in winter its tone becomes almost purple.

The juniper horizontal Blue Chip represents an excellent option for stony compositions, rockeries and rock gardens, it harmoniously looks in combination with other coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs. Juniper is a natural healer, it effectively cleans and disinfects the surrounding air within a radius of 10 meters.

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Description of the juniper of the horizontal Blue Chip

The birthplace of the juniper Blue Chip is Canada and America, in translation its name means a blue chip. The plant grows in a horizontal direction, it is perfectly adapted throughout the territory of Russia, starting from the southern borders and to the northern latitudes. Its height is small - the height of an adult shrub is 20 to 30 cm, and the crown in diameter can reach, meters. This beautiful dwarf representative with an interesting needles and a slow growth rate can decorate any landscape design.

Read also:Cultivation of juniper of Chinese Strict

Description of the juniper Blue Chip:

  1. Appearance. It refers to dwarfish creeping evergreen juniper varieties, is small in size and compact form, raised by the middle and high decorative characteristics, has a fine needle needles. Seeds are spherical and spherical in shape and black in color, reaching 5-6 mm in diameter.
  2. Requirements. He loves light and good soil moisture, is resistant to frost and drought, suffers urban pollution and air pollution, does not tolerate excess moisture and excessive salinization of the soil.
  3. Where to use. It is often planted as a support for stony slopes and walls, to strengthen slopes and curbs. The ideal solution for landscape design of rock gardens and heath gardens, looks good in a container with the need for decorative molding of the crown.

The beautiful, thick and fragrant horizontal juniper Blue Chip, with its long creeping shoots and bright unusual coloring, is used by gardeners to create live softwood carpets.

Junipers Blue Chip - landing

Young seedlings are planted in planting pits with a depth of 50-70 cm with a sufficient drainage layer on sunny or slightly shaded areas. shrub prefers a nutritious, moderately dry soil mainly with an alkaline or acidic medium. Culture does not withstand stagnation of moisture and soil salinity, regular shallow loosening is required to achieve the best decorative results.The optimal distance between neighboring plants is 1-2 meters. For the winter, the conifers are sprinkled with peat up to 10 cm, during temporary snowfalls, temporary protection is built around it.

Agrotechnical features of the juniper of the Blue Chip variety are abundant watering after planting, obligatory mulching to preserve moisture, regular sanitary haircut.

Junipers Blue Chip - reproduction and care

Blue Chip bush reproduces by layers. Gardener chooses healthy and quality shoots, prepares the ground for rooting - digs up, loosens with peat and sand, fertilizes and moisturizes. With the help of the staple, the selected branch is fixed on the ground, the bale is planted for half a year or a year.

Read also:Find a place in the landscape design of the site of the juniper Repanda

Planting and care of Blue Chip juniper include the following activities:

  1. Top dressing after planting is carried out three times per season: in spring with nitrogen fertilizers, in summer with phosphorus-containing compounds and in autumn - with mixtures for coniferous rocks with potassium. The plant gratefully responds to the application of organic fertilizers around the trunk.
  2. Watering is regular, but not excessive. For the best moisture retention near the trunks, the mulch from wood chips or sawdust generously falls.
  3. Pruning is carried out in the spring period - dry and broken shoots are removed, old and frozen branches are cut.
  4. Weeding and loosening are carried out if necessary, excess of weeds harms the decorative characteristics of the plant.
  5. Diseases and pests. Coniferous culture can suffer from radical fungus and rot, often infected with mites and scutes. For preventive purposes, juniper bushes, in spring and once a month during the warm season, are treated with fungicides and insecticides.
Read also:Description of the virgin juniper and its most popular varieties.

Juniperus Blue Chip is picturesque at any time of year, with its help colorful corners are created near stones and near reservoirs, flowerbeds and flower beds effectively decorate it. An additional advantage is that the plant creates around itself a useful for people microclimate.

Photo of Blue Chip juniper in landscape design

Acquaintance with the juniper Blue Chip - video

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