One way against the horseshoe is the larvae of the May bug in the garden

I used to write about this pest. In spring it is a beetle of May. Khrushch is his larva, which lives in the soil. The beetle eats young leaves, shoots, flowers in the garden, the garden. The term of his life is -2 months. If there are a lot of beetles, they, of course, can cause considerable damage to gardeners. But still the most harm from his larva - the horseshoe, which is in the ground, develops for 3-4 years.



I can not say that he bothered me before. I dug up the damaged potato. It's unpleasant, of course. But these were isolated cases. And, this year I was surprised - not one damaged potato, not one larva has been dug.

But carrots are not lucky. Not so much I planted it, but when I cleaned it, then along with the root crops I dug out the cracks. Naturally, there was a lot of damaged carrots. It was a feeling that all the carrots that crawled onto my seven carrot rows were not only living on mine, but also in the neighbor's field. Then I could not find an explanation for this situation.

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But, as often happens, the case helped. I bought the August issue of the magazine "Ogorodnik" in the kiosk. And there an article by Alexander Bendrik "Against the larvae - a phacelia". And everything became clear to me.

It turns out that Khrushchev attracts a phacelia. And last year, just at the place where this carrot was, I grew a phacelia.I sowed it like a sender. But I did not know about such a property of the facelia - to attract crunches. However, I will give below the text of the entire article, which helped me guess why the crunch attacked only carrots.


So, read ...

A year ago in the early spring on my garden plot I planted mustard and feces. Sowed them in rows, alternating with each other. It's time to plant tomatoes and melons in this area.
Picking up Fokine's plane, he began turning siderates into mulch. Quickly coped with a row of mustard and switched to a row of phacelia. And suddenly he began to notice that some plants are easily pulled out with a root, and in it the larvae of the May beetle grow white. The beetle got me! For a long time already I plant tomatoes with correction for the beetle, in order to replace the eaten plants as they fall out. Already as I "metarizinil" (metarizin - an ecologically safe preparation against soil-infecting pests. - Ed.) The sowing area, all to no avail. Look, here and there the plant suddenly fell, whether beans or tomatoes, onions or strawberries if you immediately dig it up, you will see one and two pests in the roots.
After the destruction of another pest, extraction from the root of the phacelia, a guess struck me. I decided to check - I took a shovel - I just dug a fatselya with the root and mustard.
And here is the result: in all the rows of mustard - not one larva of the beetle, and a large group of pests accumulated from the phacelia. The beetle, it means, can not stand mustard, but he loves the bevel! Therefore, he left the mustard crops and gathered himself in rows of phacelia.
This year, I already had a plan for getting rid of the larvae of the May beetle. After the melting of snow, as soon as it became possible to go out into the garden, I planted a whole phacelia on the whole area of ​​the row (about a row at a distance of 90 cm from the row), and between them - rows of mustard! Harvested the "harvest" of the beetle larvae at the end of April - early May.
The results of the experiment were simply stunning. Of some rows of phacelia, especially those that bordered the crowns of trees, he chose up to three dozen larvae of the May beetle, in addition, many wireworms got caught. Planted "for the beetle" spare plants in the future were almost unclaimed.
Still, an amazing and useful plant - a phacelia, not only bees love it. And I fell in love with her, because she helped get rid of such misfortune as the larvae of the May bug, and without much difficulty and most importantly - without chemistry.
Alexander Bendrick
Gardener. - №8. 2015

I hope, now you also know that if in your area this disgusting horsecloth is wound up, it is necessary to sow a phacelia, but do not cut it, as we usually do with the siderates, but pull it out with a root and manually select pest. In this way, if not completely withdrawing the bush from its site, then significantly reduce its number.

Successful harvests to you!


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