This garden plant is considered the most popular among truck farmers. Varieties and varieties of onions are so many that it is easy to get confused in such abundance. German breeders offered to breeding onions Bamberger, characterized by a slightly island taste and medium sized bulbs. We'll talk about its description and characteristics below.
Table of contents
- Description and characteristics of onion bamberger
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Landing requirements
- Care instructions
- Methods of reproduction
- Diseases and pests
- Harvesting and storage
Description and characteristics of onion bamberger
This is the kind of new generation, used for spring planting to produce greens and turnips. Scales yellow, inner part - fleshy, white.
The medium-born variety forms a small amount of green shooters, it has good taste characteristics. Bulbs of rounded shapes, weigh from seventy to eighty grams, perfectly adapted to long-term storage. The maximum yield can be achieved if you plant a bow in a sowing plant.
The plant successfully resists the main diseases, but it can be affected by the larvae of the onion fly.
Onion bamberger shows exactingness to the fertility of the soil composition.In this regard, for its breeding it is better to use plots with sandy loam and light loam. It is considered important to cultivate and acidity of the earth, which should be neutral. The location of onion beds in moist lowlands is not recommended. This can affect the rate of maturation and the appearance of fungal formations.
Advantages and disadvantages
The time of cultivation of onions should not be regarded as a stable characteristic. He is described as middle-aged, and medium-late. But to the first group it can be attributed, if the landing is made for the pasture of the pen. But the growth of bulbs and their full aging can occur in different ways, based on the growing regions.
Onion sowing has an elongated shape that distinguishes it from other varieties.This feature is also retained in the grown bulb, which is easy to clean and cut. It should be noted that the necks of the bulbs almost do not rot.
A special advantage is the difference in taste. Onions are considered soft to the taste, used for salads. There are also shades of burning in it, but they only add an extra flavor. The bulbs are soft, crunchy and very juicy, perfectly cleaned from the husks covering them.
Especially it is necessary to allocate excellent safety and lezhkost.Onion bumberger can lie down until the next harvest.
The variety has three types of resistance - to the arrows, the formation of fungal diseases, the defeat of parasites.
But the planting material from Chuvashia grows best in the Volga region. It costs a little cheaper, but in cold climates it is not capable of producing excellent harvests.
.Landing requirements
Bamberger does not belong to capricious cultures,grow it according to the standard rules of breeding onions. But nevertheless, there are certain features that should not be neglected.
In addition, early planting can additionally protect plants from harmful parasites and diseases.
On the eve of the landing, the planting material is warmed for several days to ensure the amicability and rapidity of the shoots, to be kept from the rifle.
Sevok from Holland should not be warmed up, but it is necessary to soak it in a humate solution.
Choosing a garden for a bow, you should take into account the rotation, illumination, ventilation. The soil must be light. As fertilizer components it is recommended to apply organic so that the tender root system does not suffer from an overabundance of mineral salts. It is best to fill the bed with perestablish organic substances, adding a small amount of wood ash.
.Planting of onions is carried out by seeds and sowing. In the first case, the material prepared for sowing is planted at the end of April. Technically, it looks like this:
- grooves are prepared, the depth of which is from five to seven centimeters, the distance between them is fifteen. If the soil composition is too dry, it must be watered;
- the bottom of the furrows evenly wakes up with repaired manure and simple superphosphates (5 to 1);
- The sowing is carried out by a depth of two to three centimeters. Seed fund consumption - up to three grams per square meter;
- furrows are poured over the soil and compacted.
Planting with sowing is somewhat different. The earth should warm up to fourteen degrees. The landing operations are carried out in the following sequence:
- arrange furrows with an interval of twenty centimeters, the depth of which reaches five;
- On one square is brought about fifty grams of the manure, which is done on the day of disembarkation;
- the depth of landing is four centimeters. The gaps between the bulbs should be ten centimeters;
- furrows are poured, a little thickened.
Care instructions
Having finished the planting, the beds should be covered.This measure will provide an opportunity to artificially organize the conditions for long-term moistening soil composition, if there is a dry period or there will be no possibility to organize regular watering.
When the first shoots appear, the onions should be fed. As a rule, complex mineral components, cow dung, are used for this purpose.
The regularity of watering is one of the main conditions for growing. In the first two months, this procedure should be carried out in moderate doses, while the soil in the beds is loosened.
.Methods of reproduction
It is best to do this by sowing. Prior to sowing, the material is sorted, the dried up, diseased and rotted bulbs are removed. The transferred material is divided into three groups, according to fractions.
Deferred for planting sowok dried for several days,then warm up. It should also soak the sowing in warm water with the addition of manganese before planting in order to protect the planting material from diseases. After this, the sowing is washed and can be considered prepared for disembarkation.
.Diseases and pests
The main disease of onions is downy mildew. Disease can be identified by a characteristic touch of gray hue on the affected foliage. Fortunately, our onion variety perfectly resists such a disease.
Another dangerous manifestation is cervical rot. Infection occurs when the ripening of the crop occurs, the disease manifests itself finally during the storage period.
Of harmful parasites capable of hitting onions, it is possible to identify the nematode and the onion fly.
In order to avoid such problems as much as possible, the onion should be planted early, and it should be sprayed using Diazon or Boreas preparations.
Harvesting and storage
Ripe onions can be started to clean from the middle of August. The turnips are dug out, dried under a canopy for a couple of days until the scales turn yellow and the necks do not dry out.
The onion moves, the leaves and roots are trimmed.The harvested crop is laid in the vault.
The bamberger variety is considered unpretentious in growing. If the planting material has been prepared qualitatively, the soil composition is suitable for acidity, the proper care is organized - you are provided with a crop.