Painting cymbals with your own hands for beginners - 5 master classes

  • Master-class №1: chiseled plates
  • Master-class № 2: painting plates on stencils and templates
  • Master-class No. 3: Hand painted by brushes
  • Master-class № 4: painting with markers on ceramics and glass
  • Video lesson: stained glass on glass

Painting plates with their own hands - this is creativity, which is available for both experienced and beginners decorators. After all, technology is very easy to master, does not require the purchase of expensive materials, wasting time and effort, so you can not be afraid of losing interest in the process. And hand painting on glass and ceramics can become your constant hobby, a method of relaxation or even a hand-made business on Internet sites like the Fair of Masters or Etsy.

In this material, we will consider the following methods and techniques of painting plates with their own hands, which are suitable for beginners:

  1. Spot painted plates;
  2. Painting on stencils and templates;
  3. Artistic hand-painted plates;
  4. Stained glass on the glass.

Master-class №1: chiseled plates

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Point-by-point painting of cymbals (pique or point to point) is a technique of drawing and contouring with points, thanks to which you can achieve the effect of embossing, inlaid with stones, colored rhinestones or embroidery beads. In the photo below you can take note of the successful combinations of colors and patterns (turn the photo to the right).



But the idea of ​​decor pialas in the technique of pique.


For work you will need:

  1. Cotton cleansing wheels and cotton buds to correct the unsuccessful pattern;
  2. Ethyl alcohol, nail polish remover or special degreaser;
  3. Contoured acrylic colors of the right colors;
  4. Aerosol varnish for fixing and protecting the pattern;
  5. Needle and paper for cleaning tubes.


  • If you want to use plates for their intended purpose, then choose baked acrylic paints with the signature dishwasher ability or dishwasher resistant. Durable contoured paints can be found in Hobby Line Kreul, Decola, Marabu and Pebeo Vitrail.
  • The paints should not be too thick or too liquid. Check it in the following way: click on the tube - if the paint comes out easily, but a puddle, then the consistency is too liquid, if squeezed hard - it is too thick. Before starting the work, every tube should be tested, since different colors of the same type of paint can be of different consistency.
  • You can draw points with a small thin brush, needle or toothpick, using acrylic paints for ceramics in ordinary jars, if drawing from tubes seems difficult.

Technique of drawing

The first thing to do is to degrease the surface of the surface with alcohol or degreaser with a cotton pad and only then proceed to the creation. Experienced masters can draw directly on a plate, without using any sketches and markings, coming up with patterns right in the process of work. You too can trust the free flight of thoughts and improvise. But if you want to implement a certain artistic idea, it is better to first draw a sketch, a template, a stencil or a markup, having thought out the color range and ornaments.

For painting on glass it is convenient to apply templates that can be glued on the back of the plate.

Advice for beginners: before writing a plate, practice on paper to put small points, medium and large size at the same distance from each other with the same pressure and pressure on tube.

  • The main rules: in one line there should be points of the same size, and between points the same distance, and, it is very important that it (distance) be minimal, that is, so that the points are "read but not merged into solid contour;
  • Remember that the larger the point, the greater the distance between them. Conversely, the smaller the point, the less should be the spacing from each other;
  • Draw on the principle of general to specific, that is, starting with large contours and finishing with the drawing of small details.

After work, the paint should freeze. You can dry them in three ways:

  1. Natural way for 1 day - if you want to use a plate, rarely or even use it only as a piece of decor.
  2. Dry with a hair dryer, then 10-12 h. leave the paint stiffened naturally.
  3. Bake at a temperature of 150-170 degrees for half an hour, and then, without taking it out of the oven, let the dishes cool down - in case you want to eat from the painted plates. It is advisable after washing not to wash the painted dishes for 20 days - so the paint will last longer.

After the paint on the decorative plate dries, you can fix it with a varnish.

Master-class № 2: painting plates on stencils and templates

Another way that anyone can master is painting dishes using stencils and templates.

For work you will need:

  1. Acrylic paints on glass and ceramics or markers for painting utensils, which come in different colors and thickness of the rod. In Russia, most often you can find markers from Marabu;
  2. Artistic synthetic brushes of suitable sizes (if necessary) or a sponge for tamping;
  3. Liquor for removing varnish, alcohol or degreaser and wadding disks for degreasing;
  4. Everything you need to draw and cut out a stencil or a template: paper, cutter, pencil.

Technique of drawing


First you need to draw yourself or print a ready-made stencil / template, and then cut out the holes with a knife. Perhaps, in this technique, only this stage can be called labor-intensive. Further everything is much simpler: degrease the surface and glue the template on the bottom with scotch tape.

Then paint / tampuyu pattern on the stencil. Then on your picture you can place accents, draw details or outlines.

If you painted with acrylic paints, then you can dry them naturally, with a hair dryer or in the oven, according to the recommendations of the first master class on the dotted plates.


Master-class No. 3: Hand painted by brushes

Painting plates in the traditional way, that is, with brushes and paints - is the best way to write a real masterpiece.

For work you will need:

  1. Artistic synthetic brushes of different shapes and sizes;
  2. Acrylic paints for glass and ceramics or baked stained-glass paints on a water basis;
  • Advice: the stained-glass paints are more transparent and, at the same time, bright, but with them it is slightly more difficult to work because of the liquid consistency and properties spread over the surface, so they are often used in combination with their contour paints. In addition, keep in mind that solvent-based stained-glass paints are not suitable for painting plates that will be used for their intended purpose.
  1. Any degreaser.

Technique of drawing

First you need to write the podmalevok, that is, draw large parts of the composition, which will be its basis. Next, add volume and depth to the drawing, using dark and light colors. And then look into the details. At the end of the work, use the recommendations for fixing the paint from the first master class.



  • Mix colors and play with semitones to get unusual colors and effects.
  • Painting a ceramic plate with a matt glaze will be easier than painting on glossy ceramics or glass, as the paint will lie denser and more even.

Here are simple but interesting ideas for painting plates with brushes and acrylic paints for your own beginners (turn the photo to the right).


Those who have the skill and experience of drawing suggest to be inspired by the next selection of photos of painted plates.


But a great idea for painting dishes and plates from old tea sets.

Master-class № 4: painting with markers on ceramics and glass

Drawing markers and felt-tip pens is familiar to all of us from childhood. With the help of special markers for painting dishes yourself, you can quickly and easily decorate the ceramic plate with inscriptions, and also depict a graphic and very detailed picture. Examples of this decor look in the next selection of photos.



For work you will need:

  1. Any degreaser and cotton wool;
  2. Felt pens of different colors and thickness of rod.

Technique of painting

  • Before you start drawing on the dishes, do not forget to degrease the surface.
  • The main rule - try to draw lines and outlines of the picture in small, frequent strokes - so you are less likely to make a mistake.
  • Also try to keep the drawing from the general to the particular.

  • Pre-outline the outlines of the picture, use a template or a stencil if necessary.
  • Most markers dry up in 24 hours, do not require burning and do not get washed off in a dishwasher.

Video lesson: stained glass on glass

And finally, it was the turn of the stained glass plates. This is a slightly more complicated technique of drawing on dishes because of the paint itself - as already noted, the stained-glass paints are liquid, and therefore they often fill out the contours. And they are more transparent, glossy and less resistant than acrylic. If you want to use "stained-glass" plates, then choose exclusively water-based paints, and at the end of work bake dishes in the oven at a temperature of 170 degrees. If you want to hang a painted dish on the wall, then the colors can be chosen not to be baked on the basis of a solvent and, in this case, do not forget to purchase a varnish to fix the pattern.

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For more details on the stained-glass technique of painting glass plates with your own hands, see the following video:

Read also:

  • . Painting glasses for themselves for beginners and experienced decorators.
  • . We decorate the walls with plates - master class and 100 photos for inspiration.
  • . Painting of glasses and ceramic mugs - 3 master classes and ideas for inspiration.
  • . Hand-painted vases: 3 master classes and 45 decor ideas.
  • . 12 super-ideas crafts for home and kitchen.
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