How to use yogurt

Manual preparation of yogurt is shown on the packaging of the leaven. Buy strain is possible in a pharmacy, dry starter for yogurt can not be called a rare product. Readers read method of preparation, how much water to breed, the volume of the finished product. See often use only a portion of the leaven, the rest is left up to the following inclusion yogurt. It is written on the packaging. Shoplifter in yogurt is not recommended to take as a leaven.

Yogurt in

Yogurt in

What is yogurt

The operating principle of yogurt is to maintain a constant temperature in the working chamber. Long process, have patience. Operating Instructions for yogurt prompt way to configure the settings. We will focus mainly on the device design recipes. The right to use the recipe which is sold together with a culture of bacteria.

Yogurt preparing 8 hours at a temperature of 40 degrees. gentle, easily spoiled product. If cooking conditions are violated, it does not work. Therefore, the device needed for yogurt. It is hidden inside an electric heater controlled by a thermostat. Ease yogurt design does not require complex solutions. The thermostat is designed for a single temperature. Therefore, in case of breakage easily find a replacement, an arbitrary suitable thermostat, manufactured commercially at a predetermined actuation temperature, e.g., KAD 301-48.

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Work compartment possesses inertia, so the temperature is higher than PETN. Power typical yogurt is 13 - 18 watts. Yogurt can not be considered a spendthrift. Process of preparation of battery cans would be one tenth kWh, which is 1 Ruble.

Home yogurt

Home yogurt

The bottom part with the yogurt and the sensor TAN flat, dome-shaped top lid. Krai often make an angle, turns the box. The form is different:

  • a circle;
  • oval;
  • square;
  • rectangle.

The difference in the form of a tray there. Yogurt, except the temperature control is provided with a timer. Formulation different, and 8 hours typical cooking time. Some models are equipped with a timer for yogurt delayed start, others are able to signal the end of the program. Price range fits up to six thousand, between the devices there is no significant difference.

Separate devices superheated yogurt broken technology, defective product is obtained. Why pay more for yogurt. Will tell you about the high quality steel tray, ergonomic display, it does not matter when cooking. It is important to withstand the thermal conditions for yogurt.

It is interesting. In microbiology decided to grow a culture on nutrient media at 37-38 degrees Celsius. Such conditions are created in the intestine, where bacteria multiply.

yogurt works

yogurt works

Add two aspects:

  1. Fire safety.
  2. mode exposure quality.

Evaluate how a simple yogurt. For the first item it is desirable to have a steel body to ground. Within the required thermal fuse, 80 degrees Celsius. Quality ground - an indispensable attribute of art. Learn the details of the inner structure can be the consultant and technical support products. Regarding yogurt modes, enough opportunity to look at the type of sensors. Thermal sensor on the basis of said bimetallic plate primitiveness of maintaining the function modes. Installed thermocouple say about controlling the temperature: higher stability. It is clear, and is worth a higher price, first-class equipment to implement the entire voltage of 220 V. Electronic yogurt be much more expensive.

Rules making yogurt

sourdough powder is often sold in a sealed beaker. Craftsmen poured warm water or milk (body temperature), shaking until a homogeneous mass. The mixture is then poured into the large bowl. Complemented by half a liter of milk until, for example - it's more convenient to divide into jars. Yogurt already accommodates complete container. Jars are placed inside, and then the process starts. All have a cap (cap), respectively recipe.

homemade yogurt

homemade yogurt

To divide equally between the jars diluted leaven the mix is ​​poured into a half-liter jar. It's easier to control the level. Banks in yogurt are filled by 80%, close the lid, put reach.

If for a particular strain of the preparation procedure is different, instruction purchased at a pharmacy pack will correct.

Therapeutic yogurt Evitaliya

This yogurt contains 5 well-known bacterial strains, 3 secret - know-how! Other leaven to include three strains. Wherein the concentration of bacteria is less. The main thing is the recipe printed on the network does not reach. Evitaliya sold in packs of 10 vials, with 300 mg of 2 liter suffices for the finished yogurt. How yogurt together.

Typically 1.5 liters and above. Bought yogurt can not accommodate all. Important in detecting instrument, intended for physicians, it is written, how to deal with leaven. For example, the contents of the vial should pour hot water or milk drink without incubation for preventing dysbiosis. Strains multiply in the stomach longer.

The meaning of the procedure: bacteria make up for the lack of microflora caused due to some factors.

The second method relates to the preparation of yogurt ferment. About the recipe clearly states that the instruction sheet is included. But it is mentioned that one bottle is preparing to 2 liters of yogurt and 600 milliliters postponed for the future. It will also ferment. You must use within 15 - 18 days. Each time taken quarter (150 ml) and used for production of another 2 liters of yoghurt. Total 10 liters is obtained minus 600 grams of each bubble. This is a large amount, which is enough for a single person rate. Each time with 150 ml 1850 ml did not take, and exactly 2 liters of milk. Therefore, we believe that 10 liters of delicious yogurt obtained without any deductions.

Ferment kept semi-closed (not completely closed lid) in refrigerator compartment at a temperature above zero. Ready to take the yogurt needs three times a day:

  1. Morning and afternoon for 20 minutes before eating.
  2. In the evening, 1 hour before bedtime.

Children a quarter or half a cup, an adult and a half times more. We see that ten liters for 18 days is sufficient for the treatment of dysbiosis. Add to this that the yogurt in the finished product is white and sour. If you want a berry or fruit flavor, add the ingredients.

This is done when the yogurt is ready. The product was then serve. Do not forget the milk is not desirable to boil, then if you plan to use as an ingredient. Better to take pasteurized with as little as possible shelf life. So the milk retains a maximum of useful qualities. If boiled, the product quality will deteriorate.

Now readers know how to use yogurt, Evitaliya approved by the Research Institute of Nutrition RAMS. Use yogurt Moulinex, enjoying the exquisite taste.

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