When growing seedlings of tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, cabbage and other garden crops after the appearance of the 1-2th present leaflets, the seedlings are dived, that is, they are transplanted into separate containers. Do we need seedlings? What is the purpose of the pick? The fact is that the so obtained seedlings during the planting is completely preserved clod of earth, the root system is not injured. When transplanting plants quickly take root, grow well, do not get sick.
Here, of course, the choice is yours.
When a seedling is needed
First, the picking is necessary, if the seeds you sowed immediately into a common vessel. Pikirovka, behave in time to protect plants from the interlacing of roots, make it easy to plant the plants in a permanent place.
Secondly, you can not avoid a pick, if the seedlings have risen a lot. In addition, they still have to be separated from each other. So it is better to do this when the seedlings are still small, and their roots do not grow.
.Thirdly, picking allows you to select the best, healthy seedlings for planting.
Fourth, it may happen that you sowed the unprocessed seeds or soil soil you got infected (alas, so it also happens). Thus, in plants already at an early stage there were signs of a disease. So the picking will help to save still not infected plants from fungal diseases, pathogenic pathogens which may be in the soil.
Fifth, the picking promotes the development of the lateral roots, which means that your seedling will have a powerful root system after the transplant.
And finally, the picking will slow down the growth of the seedlings when there is a danger of overgrowth. That is, transplantation will help delay the development of plants.
I think that I convinced you that the picking is very important and you must take it with all responsibility. From its quality depends the further growth and development of seedlings.
Methods of picking seedlings
You can dive in two ways.
Transplanting seedlings
The first way is transplant. To extract plants from the pot was easy, problem-free, pour them 2 hours before picking. A well-soaked clod of earth can be easily removed from any container.
Those pots, cups, boxes, in which you will transplant the seedlings, fill the prepared soil with 3/4, compact it. A wand, a pencil or just an index finger makes a groove in the soil. Here drop the root, the stem of the seedling.
There are some rules of picks for different cultures.
.The seedlings of tomatoes can be cut almost to the cotyledon leaves, and peppers or eggplants should be planted at the same depth that they grew up to picking. In this case, the seedlings are kept for cotyledons, and not for the stem, which can easily be damaged during picking.
If desired, you can pinch the main longest root of the plant by 1/3 of the length to stimulate the formation of lateral roots.
.Then gently compact the soil around the seedling. You can even check whether you made a high-quality pick: lightly support the seedling for seven-leaf leaves up. With an unsuccessful picking, the plant is pulled out without difficulty, that is, the soil does not fit snugly to the root and stem. And with good - you can even tear off a seven-legged leaf, but the seedling will hold tight in its new place.
After picking, the seedlings are watered. If it is very small plants, for example, celery, then the pots are put in a tray, and the plants are sprayed. After picking the plant, you can even put it in the shade, away from the bright light - so they will better bear the stressful situation.
Transshipment of seedlings
The second method of picking seedlings is transshipment. This technique is good because the roots of the plants are not damaged at all. Seedling generally does not take time to adapt and their development will not slow down at all.
When transshipping a couple of days before the procedure, they stop watering the seedlings so that the earthen can freely leave the glass. As with the first method, fill in 3/4 those containers in which you will transfer seedlings, soil.
Small glasses with seedlings are turned upside down, skipping the ground parts of the plants between the fingers. Then, gently press on the bottom of the glass - the plant, together with the clod of earth, remains in its hand. Then the plant is placed in a large container, and the empty space is filled with soil.
.I advise transshipment to use pike seedlings of peppers and aubergines, since their tender root system is very painful to undergo transplantation with the exposure of rootlets.
That's all the wisdom. I'm sure that your seedlings will transfer the procedure perfectly and will please you in the future with a good harvest.
.And one more chip in conclusion. I looked at one of the forums. After picking up the seedlings, put a piece of foil on top of the soil - the intensity of the lighting will increase. This will help the seedlings not stretch.