When to plant pepper on seedlings, when tomatoes, aubergines?

Planting, sowing on seedlings... When to plant pepper on seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar, and when are tomatoes or eggplants? Terms of sowing - when will come in 2018? When to plant seedlings? The timing of planting seedlings in the open ground, how to calculate for the south or more northern regions? These are the questions that usually start to worry gardener, since January every season.

  • How many days do seeds come up or when sprouts appear
  • When planting seedlings in a greenhouse or an open ground
  • When to sow seeds for seedlings - the calculation of the sowing date for any crop
  • When to plant pepper on seedlings - calculations for 2018
  • When to plant tomatoes on seedlings - calculations for 2018
  • When to plant aubergines on seedlings
Pepper shoots

If you have opened this page, then, surely, the pleasant spring troubles approach: it's time to start growing seedlings, using all the possibilities: greenhouses, greenhouses, boxes, seedlings, peat pills.

Each culture has its own timing of emergence after seeding. These data will be useful to us in order to correctly calculate the seed sowing time, up to a specific date.

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How many days do seeds come up or when sprouts appear


  • tomato shoots appear after 6-10 days;
  • cucumber - 3-7 days after sowing;
  • pepper - 7-15 days;
  • squash, squash, squash - after 3-10 days;
  • salad - 4-10 days;
  • onion black cherry - 5-12 days;
  • leeks - 12-22 days;
  • cauliflower - 3-8 days;
  • cabbage cabbage - 3-10 days;
  • cabbage kohlrabi - 5-10 days;
  • eggplant - 5-10 days;
  • celery, rhubarb - 7-14 days;
  • melons - 7 days;
  • sugar corn - 10 days.
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When planting seedlings in a greenhouse or an open ground

To properly calculate the timing of sowing to obtain seedlings of any vegetable culture, you also need to know when it can be planted.

  • Celery is planted 60-80 days after emergence;
  • onion - after 60-70 days;
  • cabbage - after 50 days;
  • pepper, tomatoes - after 60 days;
  • eggplant - after 65-70 days;
  • squash, cucumber - after 30-40 days.
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When to sow seeds for seedlings - the calculation of the sowing date for any crop

Let's calculate the date of planting eggplants - the calculation is valid for any region, only the date of landing under the open sky or a greenhouse for everyone. Plant them in 65-70 days after emergence, later than tomatoes or peppers, since they are more thermophilic. Therefore, we will plant the eggplant seedlings from May 1 to 10 (the first decade of May). Count back to the calendar for 70 days - get the dates - from February 20 to March 2. These are the dates when we must have shoots. Usually eggplants do not grow as fast as tomatoes or peppers, they need 8-12 days to get out of the ground. Again, according to the calendar, we count back 8-12 days. We receive - on February, 12-18th. So, by this time we need to prepare the soil, capacity, seeds.

Pay attention, in the middle zone, seedlings of heat-loving eggplants are planted in the second half of May. Therefore, if you live in the middle band, count the days back in the calendar around May 10-18.

That is, if briefly, the formula is as follows:

seeding date for seedlings =
(day of planting - for open ground or greenhouse)
minus (number of days from shoots to disembarkation)
minus (the number of days needed to seed the seeds).

Of course, the weather can make its own adjustments, so the calculations are just a guide. Actually, before calculating the sowing day of any culture - tomatoes, peppers or eggplants, for example, I'm always interested in a long-term weather forecast for April, May, June. If, for example, April is expected to be cool, then the plants will have to be planted later.

Tomatoes outgrew

On the one hand, there is nothing terrible, but remember April 2015, we have (Kuban). Overgrown plants had to be planted in early May - the cold April did not let it. Therefore, experience tells me that it is better to sow a little later than the calculated time frame. It is better to plant small seedlings. After all, it is enough that the plants had 5-6 present sheets. It's better than planting overgrown sprouts.

What do my previous arguments say? The fact that gardening is a creative process, which means there is a place for improvisation!

One of the readers of my blog, who moved to Krasnodar Territory from Siberia, shared her thoughts: "My first summer here was successful. Almost everything has grown. But I acted like this: I compared the Siberian weather with the Kuban weather - I sowed it 2 months earlier. "

Be sure to adjust the timing of planting or planting dates, taking into account the recommendations of the lunar calendar of the trucker of the Kuban.

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When to plant pepper on seedlings - calculations for 2018

Pepper shoots on January 28 (2017) - photo of Prasol Mihail
Seedlings of pepper February 13 (2017) - photo Prasol Mihail
Excellent strong pepper seedlings ready for landing in the greenhouse - March 14 (2017) - photo Prasol Mihail

Most often they ask me when to sow pepper - they want to know for sure. But no one will say a specific date, but you can calculate approximately. Pepper is a more thermophilic plant compared to tomatoes, so it is sown later.

Experts believe thatthe best dates for planting pepper in the Kuban:

  • open ground - from 25.04 to 10.05;
  • The greenhouse is not heated - two or three weeks earlier - from about 4.04 to 26.04.

Recommended time for landing of pepper seedlings for the middle zone of Russia:

  • open ground - from May 20 to June 10;
  • The greenhouse - two or three weeks earlier - April 29 to May 20.

Using the formula I gave above, for sowing peppers we get the following dates:

  • in the Kuban to sow the seeds of pepper to grow seedlings for the greenhouse follows 20-25 January, and for open ground - from 10.02 to 1.03;
  • in the central strip of Russia approximate terms for pepper are those - for a greenhouse - from 19.02 to 11.03, and for open ground - from 11.03 to 1.04.

And now we will correct the dates taking into account the recommendations of the lunar calendar of the gardener (2018).

So, in 2018 -residents of the Kuban recommended planting pepper seeds on seedlings for planting it in open ground February 25-26.
For the greenhouse in the second half of January (2018), suitable dates in the lunar calendar are January 29-30.

In the 2018thfor the middle Russia of the date of seeding pepper seedsfor planting seedlings in the open ground are as follows -March 30-31, in the first half of April there are no favorable days for the lunar calendar. For the greenhouse, the dates are 25-26.

Be sure to take into account that the tender pepper roots do not tolerate the picking, so it's best to place the seeds in separate pots with a diameter of about 8 cm or peat tablets with a diameter of at least 4 cm.

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When to plant tomatoes on seedlings - calculations for 2018

Very topical issue. The calculation for all regions is the same. But the dates of planting in all regions are different. Most importantly - the recommended date of planting seedlings for open or closed soil for a particular region.

For example, for the Kuban this is the third decade of April-1st decade of May, for Moscow region or the middle zone of Russia - May 25-30 - mid-June (open ground or temporary shelter).

To calculate the date, we will again use information on the timing of planting tomatoes in the open ground in the Krasnodar Territory. Experts advise - from April 20 to May 10. Let us verify these dates with the lunar calendar (2018). Successful days for planting seedlings in the open ground - April 21-22. In the first half of May, for the Krasnodar Territory, the lunar calendar for planting seedlings of tomatoes of favorable days does not show.

If you believe long-term forecasts, the site novokubansk.nuipogoda.ru/april.html promises for my Novokubansky district in the second and third decades of April (2018), the average air temperature + 18-20 ° C, frosts not expected. Therefore, you can take these days for calculation - April 21-22. In the last ten days of April, a low night temperature is expected - + 2 + 5, so prepare a sponge for shelter on just in case, as the night temperature below + 10-15 ° C will stop the growth of seedlings, and this is a big blow for the future harvest.

But while to calculate the date of planting tomato seedlings in the open ground, choose April 21-22. And if the air temperature is below 15 ° C, they can be landed under temporary shelter or simply cover for the night. Towards the end of April, of course, we will better orient ourselves. In the meantime, so be it.

So, from April 21-22, we count 60 days back - get the date February 21-22. But I would have corrected the date of seed sowing, too, according to the lunar calendar - this is February 25-26. The lunar calendar for 2018 is not very generous for favorable days for tomatoes, these are the only two days in February for the favorable seeding of tomato seeds for seedlings. Try to germinate seeds to this day, then shoots can appear in 2-3 days.

So, we have chosen for seeding tomato seeds for seedlings -February 25-26, 2018- The lunar calendar is a great time forseeding of tomato seeds on seedlings in the Kuban.

My experience of recent years has shown that something has happened to our Kuban climate. It was in recent seasons that I planted overgrown seedlings. The experience of the year before last - I even had to lay down the seedlings, they grew so high. The trouble was not special - the harvest was not bad. It is believed that even useful to lay tomatoes when planting lying, they say, the root system will be more powerful, and plants will be able to get more nutrients from the soil. But, if I had a plot near the house, I would not particularly consider an earlier landing so carefully. But to me, and, maybe, not only to me, it is necessary to deliver seedlings to the place of disembarkation. The dacha, though not far from the house, but still not close. Therefore, it is more comfortable for me to plant normal, not overgrown tomatoes.

Decide for yourself! Determine the approximate date of planting (open ground or greenhouse). Count from it 60 days ago. From the received date, take another 6-10 days back or 2-3 days, if you plant seed sprouts. Get your date of sowing tomato seeds for getting seedlings.

For residents of the middle belt, the planting period for seedlings for open soil is the end of May or the beginning of June. So, for tomatoes, the optimal sowing period is the end of March. But this is a rough calculation. I think, it is necessary to take these terms to my peasants gardeners from the central part of Russia for a basis.

Look at the long-term weather forecast: from the end of May to the first half of June (2018). Be sure to adjust these dates in accordance with the weather forecast of your region. Of course, consider the recommendations of the lunar calendar. To plant seedlings in the open ground will be favorable on May 26-28. I looked for weather forecast for Nizhny Novgorod region - nnov.nuipogoda.ru/june.html. It will come true or not, it is not known. But so far I can say that it is unlikely to plant seedlings these days in this region. The forecast promises to rain with snow these days, at night the temperature is + 1 ° C. What kind of planting is there?... The following favorable days for planting seedlings are June 22-24. If the forecast comes true, the first half of June will be rainy, night temperatures will be below + 10 ° С. So, perhaps it is necessary to plant seedlings in the last decade of June. Take the dates of June 22-24 as the basis for the calculation.

Here's what I gotfor the Nizhny Novgorod region(Non-Black Earth). The optimal time for planting tomato seedlings in the open ground, as we have already determined, is June 22-24. Count back 60 days - get the date - April 24-26. Another 6-10 days ago - and here it is the date of seed sowing for the Nizhny Novgorod region - March 15-17. Again, look at the lunar calendar. Astrologers do not recommend landing 13-15, March 17 (2018). The moon will be supportive for tomatoes sown on March 24-26. Maybe it will be a bit late, so I can advise planting germinated seeds. Seedlings will appear in 2-3 days. Therefore, for the Nizhny Novgorod region, good dates for planting tomato seeds to obtain seedlings -March 24-26, 2018.

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When to plant aubergines on seedlings

Details on the timing of planting eggplants in the article - Eggplants - the secrets of successful growing


Successful harvests! I hope my reasoning, calculations, when planting tomatoes on seedlings, when planting peppers, aubergines, will be useful to you!
Thanks to everyone who left their comments here. But they accumulated a lot, so I created a separate page: Archive of comments to the article "When to sow the seeds of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants ...". None of your message is lost!

Article updated January 5, 2018

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