Awesome snow ball - viburnum bulden

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Kalina buldenezh - a tree widely distributed in the middle belt. High decorative and undemanding to the conditions made her an honored guest in the gardens and parks. This old variety was appreciated by gardeners even under Catherine II for lush white inflorescences, similar to a snowball. The name of the variety is Boule de Neige - translated from French and means "snowball". For the first time the description of the guelder-rose was made by the French breeder Lemoine, who brought out this variety.

Variety description

Kalina buldenezh is a variety of the Kalyna vulgaris and is a wide-spread tree with a height of up to 4 meters. With good care this plant lives up to 50 years and more and every year pleases with long flowering. Blossom buldenezh globular inflorescence in early summer. Flowering is long, from 2 weeks to a month. Blossoming flowers first have a greenish tinge, then they turn bright white, at the end of flowering turn pink.

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A characteristic feature of the variety is the complete absence of odor in flowers. The plant is winter hardy, but it can partially freeze out in severe winters. Root system of surface type.

Planting a seedling

The life expectancy of the blooming bougaines and its flowering largely depend on the correct site of planting and subsequent care. The most suitable place for her is a well-moistened soil and a light penumbra. It is desirable to transplant in spring or autumn, as in the summer heat the seedlings are worse rooted. Place for planting is prepared in advance:

  • dig a pit the size of at least, x, meter;
  • to the bottom lay drainage - fragments of bricks, crushed stone, sand;
  • prepare a nutritious mixture from compost, ash, complex fertilizer and garden land.
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The sapling is immersed in a pit on a hillock from a nutritious mix, spread out roots, deepen a few centimeters root collar and fill the remaining soil. After planting abundantly watered and after subsidence they pour more land. Above, the landing site can be walled up so that the land does not dry out quickly.

In group plantings, each seedling needs at least 4 square meters, since the tree is heavily spread.

Care for the viburnum

Care for the viburnum bullpen is in the spring and autumn pruning and regular watering in the dry period. In spring, the tree is examined and cut out broken, dry and diseased branches. In autumn, the forming pruning is carried out - excessively thickening and growing crowns are removed. With the help of forming trimming, the tree can be turned into a bush - cut the trunk to the stump level. In the spring, numerous lateral shoots will start to grow from the root.

All spili after cutting should be disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate and grease with garden fume.

In the mid-zone conditions, abundant water-charging irrigation of the viburnum is carried out in October. Its purpose is to stimulate the increased growth of roots and prevent their freezing in winter. Before watering the tree is desirable to feed.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

For abundant and prolonged blooming, guelder rose should be regularly fed. In the first 2-3 years the plant has enough nutrients embedded in the planting pit. In the following years, he is fed in the spring with nitrogen fertilizers or compost, in the fall - phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Fertilizers can be sprinkled in the near-barrel circle, loosened by rakes and abundantly watered. In order for all nutrients to fall directly to the roots, use one more method:

  • along the whole circumference of the stump circle make holes in the ground depth of 20-30 cm with the help of a garden borer, a crowbar or a wooden stake;
  • in each pour a little fertilizer;
  • the whole norm, calculated on a tree, is divided by the number of holes;
  • then the trunk circle is spilled with water.

The fertilizer rates indicated on the package should not be exceeded. The plant will not be able to assimilate them. This will lead to the growth of weeds and soil contamination with nitrates and other chemicals.

Before the beginning of flowering, the viburnum can be sprayed with a complex fertilizer containing boron. This microelement stimulates abundant flowering.

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Variants and methods of reproduction

Reproduction of the viburnum canada is possible only in the vegetative way, as it is sterile and does not give seeds. Propagate it in three ways - by layers, by dividing the bush and cuttings.

In order to get a new plant by layers, you need to do the following:

  • In the spring near the bush dig out the longitudinal grooves;
  • lay branches in them;
  • press down to the ground with wooden staples;
  • to fill this place with earth and keep it moist all summer.

By the autumn, the layers have their own roots, and in the spring of next year, sprouts appear. In a year, when the brood becomes stronger and the root mass grows, the new plant can be separated from the mother plant, cutting a dug spade between them.

Propagation of the viburnum by the second method - dividing the bush - is much faster, but more painful for the whole plant, since the roots are more traumatized. This method is suitable only if it was formed as a bush and from the roots there are many branches. To do this, the root system is partially digted with a shovel and cuts the bush so that each part of it contains both roots and branches. Then all the parts are planted separately. After planting, the seedlings are watered.

The easiest way is to propagate ornamental viburnum with bulbs by cuttings. For cuttings fit healthy branches, removed during the spring pruning. On each cut should be several kidneys. They are buried in the ground obliquely in such a way that half of the kidneys are in the ground. Their them subsequently formed roots. Cuttings regularly watered. When a young bush with roots and branches is formed from the cuttings, it can be deposited on a permanent place or left on the same place.

The earth around the seedlings should be kept moist and friable so that the roots have enough moisture and oxygen.

The wreckers of the Kalina and the fight against them

The leaves of the guelder-rose are severely affected by three pests: leaf beetle, scab and aphid.

Read also:Reproduction of a viburnum by a layer: an easy way of success

The leaf beetle nibbles the leaves to the veins and is capable of destroying the entire bush. To combat it, Kalina 2 times in a season sprayed with carbophos: in May to destroy the larvae, in August to get rid of adult individuals.

To destroy the scabbards and aphids, the plant is treated with Aktara, Fufanon, Agravertin. With a small defeat, you can do with folk remedies: infusion of garlic or ashes with laundry soap.

Also, viburnum bullae suffer from powdery mildew. From this fungal disease will help a set of measures:

  • spraying,% with a solution of copper sulfate in the early spring before the leaves blossom;
  • reduction irrigation, water should only under the root;
  • treatment in the vegetative period with a Bordeaux liquid;
  • the destruction of weeds that tolerate powdery mildew, primarily wheat grass.

The incidence of viburnum is influenced by the crowded plantings and thickened crown. In any photo of a healthy bulbous viburnum tree you can see that it grows freely, the crown is rather thin, and the grass under the tree is cut out.

The implementation of these simple recommendations will help grow a healthy and beautiful tree. Decorative viburnum will live in your garden for a long time and every year will please with an abundance of magnificent snowballs.

Kalina buldenezh in landscape design, the photo of which only slightly reflects its exotic beauty, is used everywhere:

Miracle color of the viburnum bullpenage - video

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