Choosing for the design of your plot juniper scaly Blue Carpet

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Juniper Blue Carpet is an evergreen coniferous shrub. It is characterized by a flat leaf crown. The grade received the name for needles of silver-blue color. Under favorable growing conditions can tie berries of dark blue color.

Varietal characteristics

Description of the Blue Carpet juniper is as follows:

  • bush height 30-40 cm;
  • width up to 1.5 meters;
  • life expectancy of over 200 years.

Juniper juice has toxic properties, so all care work is best done in rubberized gloves.

The main value of the Blue Carpet variety is unpretentiousness and rapid growth.

Planting and care

Planting and caring for juniper Blue Carpet is not particularly difficult. The plot for its cultivation must meet the following requirements:

  1. High level of illumination.
  2. Lack of closely located groundwater.
  3. Non-saline soil.
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The best time to land a Blue Carpet juniper for a permanent place is spring or early autumn. The size of the planting pit depends on the size of the acquired seedling. On moist soils at the bottom of the landing pit, drainage is necessarily equipped with a layer of rubble or broken brick. After the completion of planting work, the stem of the plant is desirable to be mulched with a layer of peat.

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Care for the flaked Juniper Blue Carpet after planting is systematic watering. Adult specimens are usually more drought-resistant than young ones, so they are watered only during severe droughts.

Juniper responds very well to the evening spraying of the crown with cool water.

Also, do not forget about the removal of weeds. To reduce the amount of weed pristvolny circle covered with a layer of mulch from pine bark, chips or gravel. Every spring in spring junipers fertilize with special fertilizer for coniferous crops. In his absence, you can also use nitroammofoskoy.

Juniper Blue Carpet can sometimes suffer from the rays of the bright spring sun. To protect the plant from sunburn, its crown from the fall is covered with a non-woven covering material in white or a special green mesh. He does not require additional protection from the winter cold. In most regions, it tolerates even the most severe winters.

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lawn mowing technique The Blue Carpet variety does not need formative pruning. The exceptions are cases when there are diseased or dry branches on the plant. When growing juniper in the vicinity of deciduous plants, when preparing it for wintering, care should be taken to ensure that no leaf litter is left in its crown. In the process of decay, it can damage the branches or even cause the bush to partially decay.

Photos of juniper Blue Carpet in landscape design

Photos of juniper Blue Carpet can often be found on specialized resources devoted to landscape design. It is quite popular, affordable and unpretentious plant. You can use it in a variety of garden compositions.

Very often from Blue Carpets create spectacular single groups against the background of the lawn. The only drawback of such compositions is the inconvenience of mowing the lawn around them. It is much more convenient to include juniper in other groups of conifers. For example, creeping Blue Carpet can be planted in the foreground, and taller juniper varieties can be placed behind it.

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You can also create more complex compositions using other coniferous crops, deciduous shrubs and herbaceous perennials. The flowering annuals look good against the background of juniper. When creating such groups, the most important thing is to maintain the correct distance between the plants so that they can fully develop without overwhelming each other.

Thanks to the creeping form, Blue Carpet can be used for decorating slopes, as well as a ground cover plant. It is suitable for growing on an alpine slide or in flat rockeries. It is possible to decorate this juniper even the coast of a garden reservoir.

Especially good Blue Carpet combines with the following plants:

  • roses;
  • garden geraniums;
  • spring bulbous;
  • grassy ground cover.

Indispensable in urban gardening. This variety is highly resistant to polluted urban air and perfectly amenable to artistic formation. If necessary, it can even be used as a container culture.

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