Instructions for potato processing


Potato is considered the main vegetable grown in the kitchen gardens. Thanks to this product you can cook a huge number of dishes. Therefore, in order to obtain a good harvest, potatoes require proper care for it. Very important in this matter is the safety of it from all sorts of diseases, and of course, from pests. One of the most effective methods of protection will be the use of a drug called Klubeschish. Processing is done according to the instructions.


Table of contents

  • Description of the facility
  • Instructions for use and processing
  • a brief description of
  • Form of issue
  • Precautionary measures
  • Validity
  • Reviews

Description of the facility

The most common pest for potatoes is considered to beColorado beetle. Its harm lies in the fact that hitting this vegetable at an early stage reduces yields by more than half.

In addition, another dangerous pest is considered to bewireworm. It already affects the tubers themselves, which leads to a loss of harvestby 90%.

. . Colorado beetle - the most dangerous pest of potatoes.. The wireworm infects potato tubers.
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To avoid this, the planting material is treated with special preparations.

Today, there is a huge amount of funds for combating potato diseases, as well as pests. A very good drug is the Clubknife, which almost completely eliminates pests and protects against disease.

The main advantages of this tool are that:

  • Used in any climatic zones, as well as on any kind of soil;
  • In addition, it makes it possible to rid the growing potato from the Colorado beetle and its larvae approximatelyfor 2 months. Just during this period, the formation of a bush and tubers takes place;
  • Due to its effectiveness, its use will reduce the financial costs of acquiring many other drugs, as well as save time.
Rid the potatoes from the pests for the entire period of maturation is one of the most important conditions of care

Instructions for use and processing

Clubcloth is sold in vials25 and 60 ml each. Basically, this amount allows you to process about 60 tubers, about 2 hundred will be obtained, planted potatoes. Before planting, it is necessary to treat the planting material with a solution that is prepared according to the instructions.

How to grow a pro-activator Klubnoshchit:

Norm of use of the product Processed culture Pests Method of processing
25 ml (bottle) on, 5 0 liters of water Potatoes - 25-30 kg Colorado beetle, aphids, common scab, wireworm, rhizoctonia Processing is necessary before planting. The flow rate of the liquid is 100 ml per 10 kg of potatoes
. . The order of application Klubneshshita.. Tubers need to be sprayed with an atomizer.

To prepare the planting material, it is necessary initially to lay out the potatoes on a polyethylene film and, with the help of a spray or a sprayer, to treat the tubers.

The landing of the already prepared potatoes must be carried out immediately.

In addition, this method makes it possible to exclude the possibility of getting the drug on a nearby growing crop plants. This is due to the fact that if you get it on edible vegetables and fruits themyou will not be able to eat for 3 months. Because such a time period for the decay of the components of this drug. The same applies to young potatoes.


a brief description of

Clubknish is aetchantfor potatoes. Its composition contains COP imidacloprid - 140 g / l, as well as pencicuron - 150 g / l.

Its main property is that itdoes not affect potatoes, but still use the vegetable is recommended after three months after treatment.


Form of issue

Klubnoshchit is produced in vials of 25 and 60 ml

This drug is sold in vials of 25 ml and 60 ml each. The amount of preparation to be processed will accordingly befrom 25 to 60 kilograms of potatoes. Since it needs to be diluted in the ratio of the amount of content in the vial to the same amount of water, and there are also ampoules in 10 ml bags.


Precautionary measures

Using the drug, it is worth to observe the safety measures, because the etchant contains poisonous substances.

Therefore, during workyou can not drink, eat or even smoke. If it happened that the drug was used inadvertently, then it is necessary:

  • If you get on the body, be sure torinse with running waterand wash the skin with soap. After again rinse your hands well;
  • In case of inhalation, the victim should be taken away to fresh air;
  • As a result, getting into the eyes, then you need to do a quick washing, it is advisable to use a jet of water;
  • But, if the drug got into the mouth - you need it wellrinse and drink activated charcoalwith the calculation of 1 g per 1 kg of body weight and drink with water, preferably warm. Then try to induce a vomitive reflex.
If the product gets on the body - it is necessary to rinse this place with water

When the first aid is provided, it is worthwhile to go to a doctor for advice. Due to the fact that there is no antidote to the remedy.



Due to its composition, Clubknish has a period of validity60 days from the date of processingplanting material and planting it on the garden.

Due to the fact that the potato growth period is 80 days, it is safe to say that this drug protects potatoes from the Colorado beetle all season.

Processed potatoes before planting makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of eating a garden product. As well as new tubers are protected from a pest such as wireworm, which will keep the potatoes after harvesting.

Club nonshatter helps protect potatoes for the whole season - from planting to harvesting



Clubknish purchased this year, for the first time. I used other drugs before, but they did not help much. Klubneshchit actually helped to get rid of the invasion of the Colorado beetle, and the wireworm is practically invisible. A good remedy for all kinds of insects.


I have been using this drug for two years already. The result is really excellent. Colorado beetles were only a few pieces, probably came to the exploration, but then disappeared.


The club litter with respect to the Colorado beetles is an excellent remedy, but, as for the wireworm, it has not gone anywhere. As a result, a lot of spoiled potatoes, which is very insulting.

Clubknish is consideredone of the most effectivepreparations for the control of garden pests, as well as fungal diseases. Thanks to processing, the potato can be stored for a long time without fear of the occurrence of various diseases.

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