It's about delicious, healthy, unpretentious mushrooms, how to grow oyster mushrooms in the home, about all the stages of this process. After all, we are happy to eat mushrooms, like to wander through the forest, collecting them, but if there are suitable conditions, interest, a great desire, it is possible to grow mushrooms yourself. It is worth noting the amazing adaptability of the veshnok: they can grow on stumps, on the tyrs (wood sawdust), even on paper. They do not need soil. They differ fast fruiting - 1 a month.
- Selecting a room and preparing the substrate
- How to grow oyster mushrooms in the home
- How to grow oyster mushrooms at home on hemp
Selecting a room and preparing the substrate
To grow the veshenok it is necessary to equip a non-residential place in advance. For these purposes, well-suited basements, garages (in which there are no cars), cellars, sheds or specially equipped rooms for this purpose. Before starting any preparatory work, it is necessary to disinfect the place where we will grow oyster mushrooms.
A mortar of lime (4%) will handle this well. Floor, walls, ceiling - all available surfaces must be thoroughly disinfected, then close the room for a couple of days. After the specified time, you need to open the door open and carefully ventilate this place until the smell of lime disappears completely.
The technology of growing oyster mushrooms at home means choosing the most suitable material for these purposes. The substrate creates optimal conditions for growth: it can be wood shavings, corn stalks, husks from buckwheat or sunflower, stalks of cereal crops. Large fragments of the substrate, on which we will grow oyster mushrooms, should be finely chopped.
.Any material that you choose needs treatment - pasteurization:
- Fill the substrate with warm water, not hotter than +23.. + 25 ° C, holding time - 20-30 minutes. In this case, stir the mixture in a container, as if washing it from the contaminants.
- Drain the dirty water, squeeze the material and re-fill it with water more hot (+80.. + 90 ° C) and press down on top with a heavy object (under oppression). We leave the substrate so for 6-7 hours, after which the water is drained and finally squeezed.
- To increase the productivity of the material and the subsequent fruiting, it is necessary to impregnate the substrate with active elements. Superphosphate, gypsum, limestone and urea are taken in the proportion,%: 2%: 2% %.
- During the "fertilization" of the substrate with additives, its moisture content should be about 70% - this will allow the chemical elements to linger inside the mixture, not to flow out with water.
After the premise is prepared and disinfected, and the substrate is pasteurized, the turn of the mycelium in the mixture follows. Mycelium cherry can be bought in the mycology laboratory. Among the extensive selection of commercial grade mushrooms, you will be able to choose a product of the best quality. Specialty online stores are also at your service.
Preliminary calculate the volume - for seeding a 10 kg block you will need 200-250 g of mycelium oyster mushroom (if it is of imported origin) or 100 g more if the raw material is domestic.
↑ back to content ↑How to grow oyster mushrooms in the home
The mycelium is added to the substrate at a rate of 300-500 g per 10 kg of the mixture. Thus it is necessary to watch, that the temperature of a material at the moment of addition of a mycelium did not exceed + 30 ° С (not to ruin raw materials).
Next is the preparation of bags for the laying of the mixture and the mycelium of oyster mushrooms. For these purposes, it is very convenient to use dense plastic bags and bags. Dimensions 40 × 60 cm and 50 × 100 cm - the most optimal. The resulting composition is laid out in sacks and carefully tightened, while inside there should be no air.
We make holes in blocks with a knife. Cuts should be placed arbitrarily - at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. After the manipulations, the bags are stacked on top of each other (2-4 pieces each) or suspended on special hooks, pre-mounted in the ceiling or walls. There should be a distance between bags to ensure a comfortable air circulation.
Also for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms it is very convenient to use special wooden stakes on a stable basis - blocks with a substrate are simply threaded on them several times.
.Growing mushroom oyster mushrooms at home in bags provides for maintaining a certain temperature and light conditions. Thus, to fully germinate the fungi requires a temperature level of about +18.. +24 ° C along with high humidity (90-95%).
.Sometimes, for additional moisture between rows of bags, pails are placed with water, and the necessary air exchange is maintained by means of fans. Ventilation is important in this case - excessive release of carbon dioxide inhibits the growth of oyster mushrooms. Light during the incubation period is not needed. Take care that flies do not enter the room at all stages of cultivation and fruiting.
Growing oyster mushroom at home includes an incubation period that is approximately 14-17 days.
In the first days, the temperature inside the units rises, make sure that it does not exceed the level of + 30 ° C. If the temperature is about to reach a critical level, direct the working fan towards the bags. As mentioned above, this indicator (fever) is harmful to the mycelium. After the end of the incubation period, the blocks are covered with a white coating - the oyster mushrooms begin to germinate.
Cultivation at this stage provides for the maintenance of certain conditions inside the premises:
- air humidity - not less than 80%, but better to 90-95%;
- air temperature at the level of +12.. + 17 ° С;
- the required 8-hour lighting - 100-170 lux (as on a cloudy day), the usual daytime lamps are suitable;
- frequent airing.
You can maintain moisture by spraying walls and floor from the spray gun, but do not put water on the blocks. This period of fruiting lasts about 2 weeks, by the end of the mushroom cap, oyster mushrooms become quite large.
.The time of harvest is coming. At the same time, it is necessary not to cut the mycelium with a knife, but carefully unscrew them from the bag with the substrate. After the first removal of oyster mushrooms, you should thoroughly ventilate the room and wait for the second round of fruiting.
The first collection is the largest, the second is slightly smaller, the third is less than the second - that is, the yield waves follow one another as they decrease.
The period of rest between "waves" is 8-10 days, and the "waves" themselves can be 4 or even 6.
The substrate, which has already served its term, becomes an excellent fertilizer for suburban areas.
↑ back to content ↑How to grow oyster mushrooms at home on hemp
An excellent option for owners of dachas is the method of growing oyster mushrooms on stumps - this method does not require excessive efforts. For these purposes it is better to choose freshly chopped hemp, but it is possible and pre-cooked. They need to be placed in shaded places where there is no access to sunlight, for example, under spreading tree crowns or under vineyards.
Stumps should be soaked in water and kept for about 3-4 days, older specimens - a week. Then, using a drill (20-25 mm), drill 8-10 holes 7-10 cm deep. These grooves are then filled with a mycelium of oyster mushrooms, the top is covered with clay or clogged with moss.
Stumps should be constantly wet, for this they can be covered with food film and placed in the basement for a month and a half. When the stumps are formed with a mycelium (in appearance something like a white film), they can be carried out into the air, placed in shady places.
Studying the possibilities and options for ways to grow oyster mushrooms at home, it should be recognized that this method does not require excessive efforts, it is ideal for owners of summer cottages.
Important information - a mandatory condition is the use of respirators and protective masks when working with mycelium, as well as during fruiting! When penetrating the respiratory tract, fungal spores can cause serious harm to your health.
In this case, you will need aspiration and patience. Mushrooming is truly fascinating and productive. The topic of how to grow oyster mushrooms in the home, finds more and more fans among gardeners and enthusiastic gardeners. In addition to the presence on the dinner table of this tasty and rich product, the cultivation of oyster mushrooms is an interesting and profitable business. Try and grow your oyster at home - a rich harvest for six months will undoubtedly please you.