How to choose a bio-toilet to give: a review of the best models

The lack of a traditional bathroom at the dacha is a serious inconvenience, which can significantly darken the charm of country life. But this problem can now be solved very simply.

Even if there is no place or desire to build a house with a cesspool, it is enough to purchase a bio-toilet. But how to determine the most appropriate model? Agree, it is worth knowing the details before buying.

The article presented by us explains in detail how to choose a bio-toilet for the dacha, acquaints with the existing varieties, highlights the features of operation. Being guided by reliable information, you will not be mistaken in purchase, and you will get an ideal variant for you.

We have described in detail the design features of the models, the specifics of their placement and the principle of processing the contents. A brief review of in-demand biotoilets from leading domestic and foreign manufacturers is given. Information is supported by a useful selection of photos and videos.

The content of the article:

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  • Types of dry closets for giving
    • Type # 1 - peat (composting)
    • Type # 2 - liquid (chemical)
    • Type # 3 - Electric (Volatile)
  • The main parameters of the selection of dry closets
  • Overview of manufacturers and models
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Types of dry closets for giving

The dry closet is an effective alternative to stationary bathroom equipment. He does not need a connection to the sewer and water supply. Disposal of human waste products in it occurs at the expense of natural or chemical substances.

The compactness of this device allows you to transport it in a car, using not only the dacha during the picnic or other activities outside the city, far from urban amenities.

Compact country dry closet

The dry closet is completely autonomous as it is not required to be connected to a sewer network. It will take just a few minutes to install such a toilet in the country and to install a latrine.

All models of dry closets according to the method of cleaning waste and the type of active substance are divided into:

  • peat - the main components of the utilization of peat and bacteria in it;
  • liquid - use household chemicals;
  • electric - processing of excrement is carried out thanks to the electric power.

Structurally similar plumbing is a classic "chamber pot". Only it does not have to endure after each use, and wastewater treatment occurs due to special bacteria, chemistry or electricity. Details about the device, the specifics of the work and the rules for the use of dry closets talked here.

The presence in the design of check valves prevents the dissemination of the toilet amber from the inside.

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Organization of a bathroom in a country house

The dry closet will allow to provide country life with comfortable urban conditions in the simplest and cheapest way

The original interior of the country toilet

Installing an autonomously working toilet does not require the installation of engineering systems and the connection of communications. Its use does not disturb the natural balance.

Composting plumbing

Composting toilets, in addition to environmental priorities, will provide an opportunity to receive effective fertilizer for fruit trees and bushes.

Bins for the manufacture and maturation of compost

Easily removable boxes are provided in the designs of composting models, in which the future compost is stored and gaining condition.

Organization of a bathroom in a country house

Organization of a bathroom in a country house

The original interior of the country toilet

The original interior of the country toilet

Composting plumbing

Composting plumbing

Bins for the manufacture and maturation of compost

Bins for the manufacture and maturation of compost

Type # 1 - peat (composting)

From the point of view of correct terminology, the toilet with the prefix “BIO” can be called precisely and exclusively peat models. Everything happens on the basis of natural processes in them.

Peat inside them serves as a kind of sponge, and special biobacteria recycle waste, turning them into compost for beds.

Often, such a toilet is called "powder-closet." This term refers to powder (“dusting”) of fecal waste with powdered formulations (ashes, peat, sawdust, etc.).

The device is peat eco-toilet

Peat dry closet is also called "compost". The principle of its operation is based on the natural biological decomposition of organic matter - composting of organic waste.

Among the advantages of the peat dry closet listed:

  • relative cheapness of the sanitary device;
  • low cost of consumable components based on peat;
  • absolute ecological purity due to the absence of the need to add any chemistry;
  • the possibility of using the result of processing as fertilizer;
  • no need for availability at the site of water supply.

But before choosing a peat bio-toilet for your dacha, you should know that it will not be able to completely rid of toilet smells. He is simply not constructively capable of this.

It has only one tank, in which ripening compost is processed and stored. And no pumps with water and check valves. Included is an exhaust pipe that removes odors, but no more.

After a man visits the latrine, due to gravity, the waste enters the lower tank and is poured from above with peat. Filtered and purified liquid is subsequently partially evaporated through the hood. And the solid remains remain in place and rot, turning into a top dressing for garden plants.

But here lies the main problem of such a toilet. If at the same time about ten people come to rest at the same time, then the compact portable version will not cope with their waste.

It is necessary either to look for a more capacious stationary model, or to organize a partial discharge of liquid effluents into the ground.

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Peat dry closet for country life

Peat bio-toilet is built on the basis of a relatively small in volume storage tank, in which the products of human activity are processed under the influence of peat

Constructive components of a dry closet

The composting content system includes a number of simple components that are easy to assemble and prepare for use.

Prepared for use toilet

Before assembly and preparation for use, 5 cm of peat mixture is poured into the bottom of the storage tank

Peat for filling the tank and store

It is acceptable to use ordinary peat as a filler, but it is better to use a specialized purified product enriched with the necessary amount of anaerobes.


Peat is also poured into the tank located on the site of the cistern. At the bottom of the tank is a spreader, which is driven by a rotating handle

Dry closet ventilation system

Behind the tank is located the ventilation pipe connected to the storage tank. Through it the gases are formed, which are formed during the processing of the contents.

Dismantling of dry closets for care

The composting bio-toilet is easily disassembled for emptying and maintenance, then it is assembled, all connections are sealed.

Drainage drainage for condensate

To drain the condensate formed during the processing of the contents of peat and bacteria, there is a drainage outlet at the bottom of the case, to which the hose is connected

Peat dry closet for country life

Peat dry closet for country life

Constructive components of a dry closet

Constructive components of a dry closet

Prepared for use toilet

Prepared for use toilet

Peat for filling the tank and store

Peat for filling the tank and store


The device "flush" tank dry closet

Dry closet ventilation system

Dry closet ventilation system

Dismantling of dry closets for care

Dismantling of dry closets for care

Drainage drainage for condensate

Drainage drainage for condensate

The active substance should be used only what is recommended by the manufacturer of a specific dry closet. “Toilet” peat is produced in the form of granules, powders and compositions with additives (lime, sawdust, pine bark, etc.).

And each mixture has its own effectiveness. We recommend to see a comparative review of popular fillers for peat toilets.

On average, 1 kg of pure peat allows to process about 10 kg of excrement.

Burnt peat is a wonderful fertilizer

The compost fertilizer formed in the bottom capacity of the peat biotoilet is too active to be used immediately after fill the tank, it’s best to unload it into the compost pit so that it finally rot over for several months

Type # 2 - liquid (chemical)

The liquid dry closet is arranged according to the scheme similar to peat analog. There is an upper tank and a lower tank, each of which uses its own liquid. In the upper module it is deodorizing, washing - to reduce odors and flushing of excrement, and in the lower module - processing (solvent).

This option biounitaza involves chemical dissolution of the waste, followed by disposal of the resulting liquid.

The device is liquid-resistant (chemical) model

The main advantage of chemical dry closets is compactness and efficiency, their main drawback is the need to empty the storage tank into the sewage system, since pouring the collected contents into the ground is not is recommended

Liquids for this type of dry closets are divided into three groups according to their composition:

  1. Formaldehyde - red, toxic.
  2. Ammonium - blue, low toxic.
  3. Biological (with bioactive bacteria) - green, relatively safe.

Formaldehyde-based compositions can be drained exclusively into centralized sewers. Their components are too toxic to allow them to enter the soil of the summer cottage.

Ammonium-based fluids are less harmful, they can already be used as fertilizer for lawn grass or shrubs in a hedge. They are not intended for feeding vegetable and fruit crops.

The waste processed by bioactive compounds is quite suitable for fertilizing a country garden. But it is also better to leave them preliminarily for two to three years for more thorough fermentation in the compost pit. Immediately pour these fluids on the beds or under the apple is impossible.

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Mobile toilet for use in the country

Mobile toilets, in cumulative containers that affect the contents of the fluid, consist of two compatible tanks

Ready to use toilet

Before using the toilet, the liquid for waste disposal is poured into both tanks. For direct operation, open the top tank lid.

Device of the top tank of a dry closet

In the middle of the bowl there is a hole that is closed when not in use, so that negative smells do not spread around. To the right is a hole for filling the upper tank with liquid, to the left a button for the pump to be pressed to flush into the lower tank

Detach the lower tank from the top

The lower tank is easily detached from the top and just as easily installed in place. Before use, it also needs to pour liquid

Drain tube of country dry closet

On the right side of the lower tank body there is a tube through which the liquid is poured, and in the process of emptying the contents are drained. In working condition the tube is closed with a screw cap

Handle to extend the inlet flap

In order to open a hole into which bowel movements fall after flushing, there is a handle on the side of the body. This hole must be opened before use.

Handles for transferring the lower tank to the place of disposal

In order for the lower tank to be easily conveyed to the place of disposal of the contents, the housing is equipped with convenient handles.

Instructions for use of mobile toilet

To empty the tube of the lower tank, the lid is screwed on, the contents are gently poured through the tube. All operational rules are described in detail in the instructions and indicated in the graphic images on the box and technical documents.

Mobile toilet for use in the country

Mobile toilet for use in the country

Ready to use toilet

Ready to use toilet

Device of the top tank of a dry closet

Device of the top tank of a dry closet

Detach the lower tank from the top

Detach the lower tank from the top

Drain tube of country dry closet

Drain tube of country dry closet

Handle to extend the inlet flap

Handle to extend the inlet flap

Handles for transferring the lower tank to the place of disposal

Handles for transferring the lower tank to the place of disposal

Instructions for use of mobile toilet

Instructions for use of mobile toilet

With a volume of the upper bio-toilet capacity of 22–24 liters of one liter of formaldehyde composition, it is enough for 1.5–2 months of use. A liter bottle of ammonium-based concentrate is enough for 2–2.5, and a counterpart with bacteria lasts 3 months.

But formaldehyde and ammonium compounds are approximately equal in cost, and biological ones are 5–6 times more expensive than them.

Types of drain pumps

For the overflow of drains from the upper tank to the lower liquid models are equipped with bellows, piston or an electric pump (the latter requires connection to the power grid or the presence of charged batteries)

Liquid dry closet for giving choose, as a rule, when the compact device for the child is necessary. Such a toilet is transported without problems in a passenger car and quickly put into operation.

Installing a stationary liquid model with a large bottom tank on the plot is not worth it. With comparable recycling volumes, it will have to be emptied more often than peat toilet. Plus, you need to drain the sewer.

Selling liquids for this toilet must be diluted in water in accordance with the instructions. In the bottle they are in a concentrated state, they cannot be used undiluted.

Model of a liquid dry closet

The flush toilet flush is performed using an integrated bellows pump. The use of deodorizing and disinfecting compositions eliminates the formation of standard unpleasant odors

Type # 3 - Electric (Volatile)

Visually, a bio-toilet with electro-disposition of excrement is similar to a liquid one. However, the processing processes in them are fundamentally different.

In electric models, the liquid must be removed from the incoming mass instead of diluting, as in chemical ones. First, the excreta is separated into liquid and solid fractions. Fluids are discharged into the cesspool or into the sewer system.

Solid and wet residues are exposed to:

  • burning in an airtight chamber;
  • or drying with discharging powder disinfectant.

In both cases, the resulting mass takes up space and weighs quite a bit. Subsequently, it can be used to fertilize green spaces in the country.

Electric dry closet

Electric dry closet - the most expensive of these autonomous toilets (costs about 45000-60000 rubles). It is distinguished by aesthetics and compactness, but it needs uninterrupted power supply.

In addition to the high cost and need for electricity, such models of dry closets have another drawback - they need forced ventilation.

It is impossible to avoid odors when burning or drying excrement. Only the presence of a good ventilation system will allow to get rid of accumulation in the bathroom of these scentres.

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Electric dry closet in an interior of giving

The electric dry closet is suitable not only for arranging country life, but also for organizing life in the houses of old buildings

Intelligent Electronic Instrument

In the range of mobile electric models there are electronic toilets with electronic control, functions of washing, drying, hydromassage, aromatization and other things.

Liquid and solid waste separation

Electric models produce compost. The principle of their operation is based on the separation of solid and liquid components, which are immediately displayed outside the bounds of the dacha, discharged into the drainage pit or into the ground. Inside, only the solid part of the waste remains and is dried.

Power-dependent plumbing equipment

Since this type of biotoilets is volatile, it is not suitable for summer cottages that are not connected to a centralized power supply. It may work from a generator, but it is inconvenient and expensive

Ventilation pipe in the configuration

In the complete set of electric dry closets there is a ventilation pipe. A fan is installed in the device itself, which eliminates unpleasant odors and speeds up composting.

Flap under the toilet seat

Under the toilet seat there is a flap covering the opening. It needs to be opened before use and closed after. But many users are buried immediately after filling.

Compost Storage Containers

For storage of compost in the configuration of electric dry closets are usually two or three containers. It is considered that the contents should stand, “ripen”, before entering into the soil or into the compost pile.

Detailed operation manual

The manual enclosed by the manufacturer details all the rules and nuances of operation, as well as the requirements for connection and grounding.

Electric dry closet in an interior of giving

Electric dry closet in an interior of giving

Intelligent Electronic Instrument

Intelligent Electronic Instrument

Liquid and solid waste separation

Liquid and solid waste separation

Power-dependent plumbing equipment

Power-dependent plumbing equipment

Ventilation pipe in the configuration

Ventilation pipe in the configuration

Flap under the toilet seat

Flap under the toilet seat

Compost Storage Containers

Compost Storage Containers

Detailed operation manual

Detailed operation manual

The main parameters of the selection of dry closets

The principles of operation of the three types of devices listed above differ, but when choosing a dry closet to give, there are a number of common parameters that should be considered. First you can compare types of dry closets among themselves on the key parameters that are important to you.

But the most important thing is to look at its dimensions and capacity, the material of the body and the active substance used. The presence of additional functions and devices is more related to the ease of operation of this type of plumbing.

It is possible to use a dry closet and in the winter

When using biounitaza in the country in the winter, it is necessary to change the filler more often in it, and it will not hurt to add non-toxic antifreeze or propylene glycol to the solvent liquid.

The eight most important parameters for choosing a dry closet model are:

  1. The presence or absence of a built-in indicator for filling the drive - not a matter of principle, but a convenient trifle.
  2. The height of the toilet seat - 32–34 cm will be most convenient for a child, and for adults it is better to choose options with a standard height of 42–46 cm.
  3. Waste tank capacity - the big one is filled longer, but it is also harder to carry and more difficult to empty.
  4. Correspondence of the volume of the drive to the number of users - liquids and peat have a limited period of use, after which they must be changed (too a large container will not have time to be filled completely, but it’s still not changing the filler have to).
  5. Pressure valve on the bottom tank of a fluid device, which closes the vent, so that when you transfer the tank from it the contents are not sprayed in different directions.
  6. Body material - polypropylene, polypropylene with fiberglass, polyethylene (it is better to exclude the latter if the dry closet is chosen for use at the dacha in the winter period).
  7. Installation principle - portable or stationary device.
  8. Permissible load - from 120 to 400 kg.

For easy carrying and unloading of the storage tank, it should have wheels and a reliable handle. Also, before buying should pay attention to the specifics maintenance and cleaning of dry closets - not too nice to clean the drive after each use.

And when choosing a particular model, you should focus on the mass of the largest family member. The plastic toilet seat and the body of the biounit should be able to withstand a heavy person, if he is among relatives or guests of the cottage.

Another important point is the difficulty of installing and connecting a specific model to communications (if this is assumed when using your dry closet). Features of the installation of various toilets we considered in our other article.

Overview of manufacturers and models

Before going to the store, it is necessary to properly evaluate the required capacity and dimensions of the plumbing in question. If you need a compact design, it is better to stop the choice on the liquid model with a lower capacity of up to 21 liters.

And if you need a more convenient option with longer reboots, then you should look at the peat counterpart with a drive of 100 liters.

But what kind of bio-toilet for giving is better in terms of the country of manufacture and manufacturer? The choice here is frankly small.

Country production does not matter. Both in Russia and in Europe, this plumbing is manufactured according to common technologies and standards. It is not necessary to buy only frankly cheap products of unknown origin.

Domestic development is not inferior to imports

Russian liquid and peat biotoilets are in no way inferior to imported counterparts, but cost a little less due to the proximity of production to the buyer

Among the main producers:

  • on liquid models - Thetford (Netherlands), BIOFORCE (China) and Enviro (Canada-USA);
  • on peat devices - Kekkila (Finland), Piteco (Russia), Compact-Eco (Russia) and Biolan (Russia).
  • on electrical appliances - “Cinderella” (Norway) and “Separett” (Sweden).

The choice in the store plumbing model you need depends on the needs of the buyer. The range of each presented by the manufacturer is quite extensive, there are options like portable for transportation by road and stationary for installation in a country house on a permanent basis.

When buying, it is desirable to focus on rating best dry closets for giving and private house and reviews of the owners of the model you like.

The price range of dry closets is wide - from 3000–3500 for a peat model to 80000–90000 for an electric unit with heated toilet. The service life of these devices is almost the same for all manufacturers - up to 10 years.

By the chemistry of the filler, they are stable by definition, rather, they simply break from old age or mechanical stress.

You do not want to buy a cheap model, and the option you like is quite expensive? In such a situation, you can make a bio-toilet yourself. And what materials are needed and how to properly collect it, we described in detail in next article.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Interesting and useful videos will help you in choosing a comfortable dry closet for summer cottage or a country house.

Video review of different types of dry closets:

How to make a homemade toilet without odors:

How to choose a convenient portable toilet to give:

For giving it is best to select a model of peat biotoilet. It is cheap, compact, extremely easy to operate and produces natural fertilizers for plants in the garden..

Liquid and electrical options are more intended for permanent residences. But compact chemical toilets can be used as a portable closet.

You do not know what model of a dry closet to get for the giving? Maybe you have questions that we have not touched on in this article? Ask them in the comments block below - our expert will try to clarify incomprehensible points.

Or are you already using a bio-toilet and want to share your impressions of this option with other users? Leave comments, add photos of your model, point out the significant shortcomings that you have already encountered during the operation.

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