Installation of the heating system of polypropylene pipes do it yourself

Polypropylene pipes are increasingly becoming a good replacement for steel and cast iron counterparts from among those that were previously used in plumbing. Many constructed private houses are now equipped with heating systems, cold-water and hot-water supply, mounted on the basis of polypropylene.

In addition, the installation of heating from polypropylene pipes is easy to perform independently. In any case, it is much easier to build a plastic system than a metal one.

The content of the article:

  • Polypropylene based heating
  • Classification and design parameters
  • Stages of system assembly from PP pipes
    • Features of the installation work
    • Polypropylene welding procedure
    • Accounting for linear expansion (compression)
    • Features trunk installation
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Polypropylene based heating

If it is decided to make a heating system or some other kind of polypropylene pipes, the master, in addition to plastic sleeves, will need additional equipment.

In particular, the following material, equipment, tools will be required:

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  • pipe shears or pipe cutters;
  • soldering plumbing machine;
  • foil stripper;
  • sealing tape (fluoroplastic);
  • sharp knife;
  • degreasing agents (for example, Tangit wipes);
  • required range of fittings;
  • tape measure and marker;
  • fasteners, screws and dowels.

Attention should be paid to the main material - PP pipes, from which it is supposed to create a heating system. Because the heating system made of polypropylene pipes is allowed to be assembled on the basis of material of a different class.

Polypropylene heating system

The heating system of a dwelling house mounted on the basis of polypropylene pipes is already a familiar way of everyday life. Practical and simple manufacturing made polypropylene extremely popular.

The specific choice of assembly depends on the intended operating conditions.

Classification and design parameters

The existing standards of GOST (ISO10508) establish a classification of polypropylene sleeves, on the basis of which this material can be used in certain operating conditions.

Classification of polypropylene pipes

Marking of PP pipes clearly indicates the operational parameters. Taking into account this designation, it is easy and simple to select a material for a specific configuration of the heating system.

Lengthy polypropylene products are divided into 4 classes (1, 2, 4, 5) according to typical areas of application and according to the values ​​of working pressure (4,6,8,10 ATI):

  • class 1 (hot water systems up to 60 °);
  • class 2 (hot water systems up to 70 ° C);
  • class 4 (floor heating and radiator systems up to 70 ° С);
  • class 5 (radiator systems up to 90 ° С).

For example, polypropylene pipes are required to make a low-temperature heating system. Then the appropriate material can be identified by the designation on the outer surface of the pipes.

For this case, hoses with the designation - Class 4/10, which corresponds to the temperature limit of 70 ° C and the allowable limit of working pressure - 10 ATI, are quite suitable.

The industry, as a rule, makes products of universal appointment. The products manufactured are supported by an extensive classification. In the documentation for such material PP pipe marking indicated by the standard listing of permissible parameters (Class 1/10, 2/10, 4/10, 5/8 bar).

Classification on polypropylene pipes

Each branded product has on the external surface the designation of the class of application, which actually determines the operational parameters of the future design of home heating.

Thus, hoping to make the heating in the house of polypropylene with their own hands, the main material is usually chosen by the master in direct proportion:

  • from planned operational parameters;
  • from methods of heating the coolant;
  • from the applicable regulatory system.

It is also desirable to calculate the lifetime of the future heating system, using the parameters:

  • Top values ​​Trab and Prab;
  • pipe wall thickness;
  • outside diameter;
  • safety factor;
  • duration of the heating season.

On average, the life of polypropylene should be at least 40 years.

Stages of system assembly from PP pipes

Consider how to do polypropylene pipe taking into account the rules and regulations of installation. The beginning of the production of the network should be preceded by a careful examination of all the details of the set of the future system. Components (pipes, fittings) must be in proper form - clean, without any damage.

It is recommended to use parts from only one manufacturer. The ambient temperature of the work site is at least + 5 ° С.

Complete set for the heating system

A set of parts for the assembly of the heating system of polypropylene products combines various technical components, the use of which in the construction of an engineering project is compulsory

Polypropylene parts of the system can be joined together by one of three types of welding:

  1. Polyphonic.
  2. Electrofusion.
  3. Butt.

For the assembly of the heating and plumbing systems produced not only polypropylene pipes and fittings under welding. They also produce special fittings with threaded parts, necessary for the installation of shut-off and control valves with metal housings.

On the polypropylene pipes themselves, threading is not performed either at the factory or at home. They are connected only by hot, less cold welding.

Features of the installation work

All components used in the installation, in cases of fitting them in size, cut with a pipe cutter or specially designed for this purpose scissors.

Work with this tool is accompanied by an even clean cut, which is an important point for making a quality connection.

Manual mechanical pipe cutter

Such a tool cuts polypropylene in size - it is customized for a specific section of the future heating system. Pipe cutters - tools varied in technical execution. Handheld technology usually used for small pipes

If it is necessary to make a plastic-metal transition, it is necessary to use the hot water supply and heating pipelines. only fitting transitions equipped with a pressed brass (nickel-plated) threaded bushing (internal or outdoor). The tightening of such connections is carried out by means of tape keys, if there is no profile for a standard key.

Traditionally, the heating pipe made of polypropylene, including their own hands, collected by the method of alloy polyfusion welding machine. The working set of devices of this kind contains a group of nozzles made for different diameters of a plastic pipe.

It is necessary to choose suitable nozzles, install them on the heating plate and fix them with screws.

Polyfuse Welding Machine

Technique of polyfusion welding and apparatus necessary for the construction of a polypropylene-based heating project. This tool allows you to quickly and easily weld the individual parts of the scheme, to create complex technological units

The current controller of the polyfusion welding machine is installed working temperaturetypically 250-270 ° C. You must wait for the device to warm up completely. The achievement of the operating mode is indicated by a control LED.

Some devices have a contact thermometer, which determines the heating temperature with an accuracy of one degree.

Polypropylene welding procedure

Step by step all the action takes place usually as follows:

  1. Measure and cut the desired piece of sleeve.
  2. Using a sharp knife, chamfer on the working face at an angle of 30-40 °.
  3. Measure the area of ​​the sleeve entry inside the fitting and mark the border with a marker.
  4. Also leave axial marks on the details in order to prevent rotary displacement.
  5. Using a trimmer, remove the plastic (upper) and aluminum (middle) layers on the pipe portion of the joint.
  6. Degrease working (welded) surfaces with a special agent.
  7. Proceed to the procedure of heating parts.

The fitting is put on the board with the nozzle first, considering the thicker size of the walls of this part compared to the pipe. The fitting should fit tightly on the body of the nozzle of the welding machine. If there is a free wheeling (play, dangling) - the fitting must be discarded.

Heating the fitting with a polyfusion apparatus

The procedure for welding of two separate components - a polypropylene pipe and a fitting - provides for a clear sequence of submission of parts for smelting. The first to the "fire" is always sent fitting

Next inside the other nozzle insert the treated end of the polypropylene pipe. The density of landing here must also meet the criterion of uniform contact around the entire circumference. Both parts are kept on a heating plate for the time indicated in the table:

Diameter detailsmm Heating timesec
16 5
20 5
25 7
32 8
40 12
50 18
Diameter detailsmm Fixation timesec
16 6
20 6
25 10
32 10
40 20
50 20

After the control seconds have elapsed, the parts are removed from the nozzles and connected by a smooth uniform entry of the pipe inside the fitting (excluding axial displacement).

The entry of the pipe into the cavity of the fitting is performed to the marker mark. However, the connection until it stops do not. It is necessary to leave an internal clearance of about 1 mm.

Compound alloy parts

The connection of two parts, heated to the melting temperature using a polyfusion apparatus. Here it is important to perform clear joint actions without side and axial shifts in a short period of time.

After solder PP connections the place of joining the parts must remain fixed (fixed) for at least 20 seconds. During this period of time, the molten plastic hardens and a strong, tight joint is formed.

To achieve the full strength of the welded site must be sustained without load for at least 1 hour. This technique performs the assembly of the entire heating system, making short sections and then combining them into nodes and main lines.

Accounting for linear expansion (compression)

Fluctuations in external and internal temperatures inevitably lead to linear expansion or contraction of polypropylene. These features should be considered in the process. installation of PP pipelines. If the characteristic linear changes in the pipelines of the heating system are not adequately compensated for, this condition will result in a reduction in the service life of the entire assembly.

Linear expansion compensation for polypropylene products is achieved due to the flexibility properties of the material itself. It is only necessary to correctly lay the trunk lines. Proper installation means ensuring the freedom of movement of the pipeline within the magnitude of the linear expansion.

How to ensure such an installation? Very simple. It is necessary to include special compensators, standard fixing clamps consisting of fixed and movable elements in the mounting kit.

Linear expansion compensation

The diagram shows an example of linear expansion compensation for a polypropylene pipeline device. The method is the optimal placement of the support brackets. The correct series of fixed (NC) and mobile (PC) brackets helps to compensate for the shift

Linear expansion can also be compensated by prestressing the pipeline. This approach reduces the length of the extension. The direction of the prestress is exactly the opposite of the linear expansion.

Features trunk installation

Laying polypropylene lines at device gravity heating performed in accordance with the standards (GOST 21.602-79; GOST 21.602-2003), which determine the minimum slope of the line towards the lowest point at 0.5%. At the same time in the lower point requires the placement of the drain unit with a drain valve.

Pipelines must be divided into sections with the possibility of cutting off these sections using shut-off valves, for example, in case of an accident. Regulating valves and shut-off valves before installing them on the site must be checked for operability and quality of closing / opening.

Heating pitch

When installing a heating system with gravitational movement of the coolant, an important technological criterion is the slope. Correctly made slope - a pledge of effective and productive work design

When mounting risers, special attention should be paid to fixed supports and the construction of a correct linear expansion compensation scheme.

The required compensation parameter of the riser can be provided in two ways:

  1. Movable supports.
  2. Compensation loop.

For the variant of the device heating in the framework of ordinary household real estate, as a rule, only the first method is used. Fixed supports are placed on the riser in the area under and above the tee or in the places of the coupling pipe joints. This mount eliminates the subsidence of the riser.

Heating system lines are subject to insulation, including fittings and valves. The exceptions are sections of pipes laid directly in a residential area, in fact, being a continuation of heating radiators. As insulation, it is convenient to use polyurethane foam insulating pipes.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

On the example of a heating radiator piping, the process of processing and soldering polypropylene products with the help of special tools is shown.

The appearance of pipes made on the basis of polypropylene, and their use in practice can significantly reduce the complexity of installation on the device heating systems, including their own hands. This modern material opens up more opportunities for owners of private houses, where heating systems are powered from domestic sources - gas, electric, wood boilers.

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