Care, particularities of cultivation of thuya cultivar Column

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Thuya Columna is one of the most popular evergreen coniferous trees. Refers to the family Cypress. Most often its name is attributed to the "Western since its name in the scientific literature includes the word "occidentalis which means Western. This plant is the genus of the seed-bearing conifers, widely used in landscape design around the world. It can be seen not only in public parks, but also in the territory of private estates.

Touya Columna: description

This plant is characterized by a narrow, dense cone-like crown. An adult tree can reach a height of up to 10 meters, but in most cases the growth stops at 8 meters. Needles have a characteristic luster, differ in density and bright green color.

The western Columbus is a long-lived tree. This factor strongly affects the rate of its growth. In just 12 months, a young plant can gain up to 15 cm of height. Its crown is thus distributed in diameter up to 5 cm per year. In winter, the needles slightly change their habitual appearance, acquiring a slightly brown tint, which becomes less noticeable already in the spring. In the cold regions of growth, this process proceeds even more intensively. The bark of the tree becomes red-brown in color.

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Fruits of Tui Columns are small cones that turn brown near the fall. The seeds of the tree are two-winged. They have a flat shape and appear already in the first year of plant life. The root system is characterized by thin and dense outgrowths of mycorrhizal species (similar to the mycelium of the fungus).

Experts recommend that conifer trees be planted at a certain depth - preferably not more than 80 cm. The place for this is better to choose protected from a strong wind. The distance between landings should be at least one and a half meters. If you are going to plant young seedlings in several rows, the distance can be shortened.

Peculiarities of growing

That the tree grows quickly and remains healthy, it is required to be attentive to the planting process. If you do not comply with the rules of care, the condition of Tui Column will deteriorate very quickly and the plant will simply stop growing. For reproduction of a tree seeds are required. The plant is most often used in landscape design to create hedges, so planting should be done in groups. If the project for the design of the garden plot allows, you can apply and single landings.

This type of thuja is sufficiently resistant to low temperatures, so do not worry about wintering the plants in the cold. However, to still protect young seedlings in the first two to three years after disembarkation, it is worthwhile to cover them. In the spring period, it will be difficult for them to transfer intense ultraviolet radiation, so at this time they are also worth pritenyat. It is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not have a lack of moisture, since in this case they will begin to lose their juiciness and quickly dry out. As a top dressing (during the planting process) it is recommended to use nitroammophosco.

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Thuya Columna, whose photo is represented in a large variety, is an evergreen slender plant. This tree has a high aesthetic value, so it can transform any garden plot.

An important quality of thuja is the western Columbus - the ability to easily tolerate the effects of harmful emissions in the atmosphere. This allows you to plant Thuja occidentalis' Columna in parks or even on highways.

TUYA COLUMN: planting and care

There are two ways to grow this plant:

  1. Vegetative.
  2. From the seeds.

The second option is quite troublesome and complicated. On the average, the process of growing tui from seeds takes at least 2 years, in most cases, is prolonged to 5 years. For the collection of seeds, the fruits of the tree are used, presented in the form of cones. They should be placed in a warm place until they are opened. Further they are soaked in ordinary water and only then they are lowered into the ground. It is advisable to cover the ground with sawdust from coniferous wood. This way of growing allows you to get enough hardy seedlings, but they will not differ aesthetically attractive appearance.

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It is much easier and faster to grow this plant, if you have already purchased seedlings. It is very important to acquire only those specimens that are offered with a root earthen lump. Its availability will be a kind of guarantee that young trees will live much easier. For their planting, dig a pit, the size of which should be at least 2 times the earth's earthen. It is recommended to fill the soil with chernozem with peat, and then carefully compact it. If such a garden of land is not available, then it can be replaced by another fertile soil. The finishing touch when planting - abundant watering.

Differences from other varieties

Tuya has a wide variety of varieties, so every gardener can choose the option to your liking. Plants can differ from each other in terms of growth, height, color and other parameters.The most common varieties are Thuya Columna or Smaragd. Which is better for growing is difficult to say, because it all depends on personal preferences.The determining factor in the choice is often the height of the hedge, which is planned to grow.To determine the selection of the most suitable variety, you should carefully consider the features and properties of each of them.

A video about the characteristics of the Tui Column

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