How to make the hood in the garage

Sometimes when cellar device garage indoor mold begins to spread. Restrict floating in the air spores of fungi is extremely difficult. How to make the hood in the garage, the meaning of such a device - try to look at the situation from the point of view of biology, and then the builders.

Mold in the garage and extractor

Specific amino acids, carried in its infancy disputes allow mold to eat anything. suitable:

  • wood;
  • concrete, bricks;
  • paint;
  • the cloth;
  • adhesives and mixtures of different purposes.

Extractor fan on the ceiling in the garage

From mold wood treated with a special primer, antiseptics. Poor growing mold on the slate. From said material and constructed extractor for cellar in the garage (asbestos cement). Communication facilities are in high demand. Scientists have found that better fungi thrive in warm at a relative humidity of 70% or higher, but it is worth to push the figures in motion, mold growth is sharply slowed down or blocked.

It is interesting! A century before Alexander Fleming green mold was studied in Russia. Professor smeared with oil from wounds disputes patients, lesions heal faster. 80 years it took to make the right conclusions from the experience described. The first antibiotics have become used during World War II.

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By the way, the vital activity of fungi rather offensive. wastes are often toxic, which is bad for the storage of products for human consumption. Extractor hood for the garage was a simple, durable and reliable means of dealing with mold. Provided that the construction technology maintained properly.

At low temperature continuing to grow the fungus. It is known to every inhabitant of the forests of the middle band. The situation is different humidity. With water vapor fighting in the first place, and then it should be airing. Arises the problem - where to get dry and warm air. If the garage is an extension to the house, the air is taken from the house. Heating and other appliances air dried. If the hood is to put the garage in the cellar dry air, it will certainly affect the rate of mold growth.

Please note that to make the outside fence is useless.

So, drawing a diagram in the garage:

  1. Bleed air inlet pipe system from the garage floor (away from the gate) and comes in a cellar, where ejected at a height of two feet now on the cellar floor. The specified path is not enough, because the thread simply will not go down. You may even reverse thrust in the drawing, the air will rise up from the cellar.
  2. Output line starts at the cellar ceiling (below the floor of the garage) and access to the roof. Height visor installations is between half a meter and above.

Note hood in the garage will work due to the pressure difference created on opposite ends of the loop:

  • entrance near the floor of the garage;
  • out over the roof of the garage.

Homemade hood for garage

Used pipes Slate (asbestos cement): durable, not afraid to operate under ground and on the street. In view of the recent technical solutions are allowed to produce an extract garage their hands from HDPE (high density). Material exploit long at laying of water and gas mains. Which type to choose, do not advise, the air inside will be promoted, but the expected condensate. To reduce the influence of precipitation, it is necessary to cover the outside of the outlet pipe visor has protected against snow, rain and fog partially. Better to choose a cone shape, but each builder's own preferences when creating a drawing for a garage with his hands.

It is not recommended to choose steel as a material, since the alloy is susceptible to corrosion. Even the ship's metal gradually becomes unfit for use, even designed for oil tankers. If you take the tube slate, provide waterproofing. Penetron fit, Kalmatron cheapest, not intended for such use impregnation. Pipe to create a garage exhaust treated composition becomes eternal - increased resistance to frost.

Parameter for each material its own, reaches a considerable size for concrete. Measured in the number of freeze-thaw cycles, where water is a destructive factor. Saturate slate pipe for drawing garage penetrating waterproofing obtain material having incomparably higher frost resistance than the original, due to loss of ability to absorb moisture. Pipe condensation are not afraid, not afraid to channel groundwater. Extractor fan in the basement garage is secure. Compositions penetrating waterproofing even in the first approximation, can not be called cheap, but significantly prolong life, protect from moisture.

Installing the hood in the garage


Method of dealing with mold is a supplement or alternative to drawing a garage. Meaning: remove excess moisture from the air, and mildew will not grow in unsuitable conditions. Own such devices do based refrigerators. For example, No Frost technology specifically designed to dry air, because the products inside the chamber zavetrivayutsya quickly. If you put in the cellar specified unit and make sure that through the chamber held a significant flow of air in a short time the climate becomes drier. The only capacity for gathering of closed type is assumed, otherwise the liquid starts to evaporate again.

Simultaneously start to drop the room temperature and cause condensation to form on the walls. Factory dehumidifiers first cooled stream to collect moisture on the evaporator, then heated again to the process is not repeated in the room on the walls. In our case it is allowed to direct air to the condenser. The result depends on the brand of refrigerator, converted into drier air with his hands.

In humid climates will find sense to buy the factory and test device in place. Fresh air will slowly go through the passage for people. Will remove excess moisture by blocking the growth of the fungus. Extractor fan in the garage becomes a duplicate branch intended to unforeseen circumstances, complementing the action of the dryer at the right moments.

Capacitors of underground water

We talk, whether it is possible for the hood of the garage with his hands, which is produced at the same time the incoming air humidity reduction process.

Installation drawing their own hands

We will not argue that the structure have long been ready, but in extracts for gas boilers Special tees long been used for the specified purposes. We recommend to take the air outside garage at ground level. Down in the path include a capacitor in place of the lack of groundwater. Overlaid it with coarse sand thoroughly for at least half a meter on each side (in a compacted state). Ideal complement pebble, which will not get inside the condenser.

Condenser Garage drawing is a steel pipe or a mesh with openings smaller than the size of the adjacent shingle. To avoid clogging of devices to be excluded from entering the sand. For example, on a sandy base put geotextiles, add pebbles and already put into the sandwich capacitor. Air extractor will climb to the garage from the ground surface, excess moisture settles on the capacitor due to low temperature under surface (the rest of the tube warmer due to the low thermal conductivity of slate or polyethylene), moisture in the soil will go through drainage layer. The process in this way appears in the summer. In winter, the air becomes low humidity, so the exhaust condenser to the garage and is located where there is no ground water.

Otherwise present circuit operates similarly as described in the previous paragraph. air current is produced due to the pressure difference between the ground and the height of the visor. Performance small garage with cellar of limited size suffices.

Owners of large estates have to buy professional equipment. Extractor hood for the garage with his hands - a budget option for small facilities. The professional approach of the project envisages the creation of a special organization, obtaining permits and other steps.

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