How to choose a drill for a perforator

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Impact drill for work on concrete, brick, stone is called a perforator, if its cartridge is arranged in a special way. The drill for the perforator has a shank with cut grooves in exact accordance with the receiving socket of the cartridge. For a drill, the drill fixing system in the chuck is different, so the drill does not take the drill.

Tool drill of a variety of tools

A working tool, whose task is to destroy a strong material by connecting a drill with frequent impacts, must have an increased strength, securely retained in the tool socket and withstand twisting, impact loads, without losing strength when heated friction. Therefore, the entire drill for the perforator is divided into functional zones:

  • shank made of high-quality hard steel, which must be durable and firmly fixed in the chuck of the perforator;
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  • working part - the link transmitting the working force to the tip, involved in the removal of crumbs, represents a particularly strong rod with a screw of different configuration and pitch;
  • napayka - cutting part of the drill, a different configuration, made with the use of special technology, which has cutting edges.

From the geometric parameters it is important to know the length and diameter of the drill.

A sign of the quality of the drill for concrete for a perforator, affecting the price, if the size of the products is the same, there will be a color. The result of this or that effect on the metal becomes the structure of the crystal lattice and the light reflectance of the surface:

  1. The dim gray color indicates a high quality of hardening, durability of the tool.
  2. Black color indicates surface treatment with superheated steam. As a result, the surface turned out to be solid, and what metal was used in the body of the drill is unknown.
  3. The golden color signals the absence of internal stress in the metal.
  4. A yellowish shade of the working surface - a protective coating is made of a hard alloy based on titanium.
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Shank arrangement

The part of the drill that enters the cartridge of the perforator is called the shank. On it are made splines, with which it exactly rises in the socket of the cartridge, if it is intended for work with this tool. There are 5 types of connections, in practice use SDS max and SDS plus. The second connection is used for the impact drill, where the drill bits for concrete are set to a smaller diameter.

If a hole is drilled from 10 mm, then work is done in three steps, starting with a thin drill. With bricks and ceramics work in a bumpless way.

The basic difference between the drill for the SDS max perforator in the number and size of the grooves. In the connection of the grooves 5. If you survey the shank of the connection SDS plus, there are only 4, and smaller slots. Therefore, in the same cartridge, both connections can not rise.

Depending on the diameter of the shanks, the following varieties of bores are available:

D 12 D 14 D 20 D 25 D 28 D 32 D 35 D 40
12x260 14x340 20x320 25x600 28x600 32x600 35x600 40x460
12x460 20x600 40x600
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The drill for SDS max 50 mm is used on heavy tools and serves for destructive work. It is called - breakthrough. The last digit in the marking shows the section of the shank. Breakthrough borers are the most expensive, depending on the brand, their piece value is more than 12 thousand rubles.

To ensure that the connection between the shank and the chuck is not broken, the fastener enters smoothly, with slip, before inserting the shank, a special lubricant is applied to the perforator drills. Lubricant protects the socket from ingress of abrasives. The best compositions in the form of a spray and gel are supplied by well-known tool developers - Interskol, Makita, Metabo and other masters of the industry.

What is a drill bit for concrete for a perforator

So, an impact drill with an appropriate cartridge can accept both a drill and a drill. But the light tool is adapted to perform work up to a certain load. Therefore, the drill will be calculated for the diameter of the hole, which can be drilled at a given power.

The value of a working tool, called a drill, is that the cutting part is made of carbide materials. They can have a soldered tip, the so-called winning one. This extends the service life of the drill for a perforator operating under stringent conditions.

It is not necessary to apply efforts at work by the tool, he should drill. But the lubricant will help increase the impact force, tool life.

In order to extend the working capacity of the tool, in a solid material the holes of large dimensions are performed in several steps. First, a hole with a smaller diameter is drilled, then a larger section of the bore is launched along the pierced hole. Drilling for more than 10 seconds will cause the instrument to overheat. Therefore, it is required to conduct work periodically, allowing the storm to cool.

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The working part of the drill, which takes on the load, also differs in structure:

  1. For deep direct drilling, a screw in the form of auger is used. Drilling products are lifted up the spiral screw.
  2. If the grooves on the working part are shallow, it is designed for shallow holes.
  3. For high-speed drilling of deep holes use a steep screw.

The drill is an expendable material, an attachment to an expensive tool. However, saving on the drill can lead to unusable punch. Therefore, when buying a drill from an unknown producer, one must remember the consequences. How to buy a drill for a perforator for concrete at an affordable price?

First of all, you need to check the certificate for products, find out who the manufacturer of the product is. Inexpensive Boers will not last long, but holes in the wall will hollow out. The question is, will not the patron's nest be smashed during this time?

Expensive products serve for a long time, especially in the hands of amateurs. The professional himself knows that the puncher is his breadwinner. He buys the drill from the leading manufacturers.

Drill bits for concrete for puncher - video

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