The most delicious soup recipe with lentils and potatoes


Soup with lentils and potatoes is a popular and delicious first course. For its preparation, it will take a minimum of time and the simplest ingredients. You can cook this soup with or without meat. In both cases, the food will turn out to be satisfying and with a pleasant aftertaste.

Quick soup recipe with lentils

Since ancient times, lentils are one of the first places in cooking. Soup, cooked from this type of cereal, is rich and rich. By preparing such a first course, you can be sure that the whole family will be satisfied and ask for supplements.

To make the green lentil cook more quickly, it should be wet for a while in the water.

To prepare a simple and at the same time an unusual dish, you will need to take:

  • , a glass of red lentils;
  • 270 gr. beef;
  • 4 medium potatoes;
  • 1 onion and carrot;
  • a pair of cloves of garlic;
  • 2 liters of clean water;
  • salt and greens to taste.
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Stages of preparation of a soup recipe from lentils and potatoes:

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  1. Wash meat under running water. Then use a sharp knife to clean a piece of veins and films. Often in this part there are fragments of ossicles. Once the beef is prepared, you can begin to cut it. Pieces to make small and preferably the same size.Put the meat in a saucepan and add water. Liquids should be added so much that it at least two fingers covered the meat. Put the capacity on the fire and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and continue to cook the beef for another 20 minutes.
  2. The next stage of preparation is the preparation of lentils. The seeds should be placed in a sieve and rinsed under running water.Do this until the fluid becomes transparent. Sate with lentils set aside for a while. This is necessary in order for the glass to be superfluous.
  3. Carrots should be washed thoroughly. If possible, then use a young vegetable.Remove the carrots from the skins, and then grate them. For those who like the taste of cooked carrots, it is recommended to cut the vegetable in circles.
  4. Peel the bulb from the husks and cut into small cubes.
  5. Potato tubers are washed. Using vegetable cutters, peel them. Cut into small cubes.Then move them into a deep bowl and pour water. This is necessary so that the potato does not interact with the air and does not darken.
  6. Garlic and peel the cutting board with a knife. The smaller it will be cut, the better.
  7. Wash greens of sand and finely chop. Most suitable for soup with lentils, potatoes and parsley meat. If there is no fresh greens, then you can use a few pinch dry.
  8. Put lentils in a pan with meat and continue to cook for another 30 minutes. While the grain is being prepared, you can start frying. Put the carrots, onion and chopped garlic on the heated frying pan. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then put the potatoes in a pot. After the pieces become soft, you can add vegetables and greens. In this state, hold the pan on the fire for another 5 minutes, and then turn off the stove and give the soup a little time, so that it sticks.

To make the soup transparent, the foam that has gathered on the surface should be collected.

This dish is very tasty. Serve it with a slice of black bread or pita bread.

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Prepare a soup with lentils for breakfast is the best solution that all members of the family will appreciate. To make this first dish incredibly delicious, it is enough to use the above recipe and tips.

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