Tomato juice in a juice cooker for the winter

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  • How to work with the juicer -
  • other fruits and vegetables or pure, homogeneous tomato juice can be different, but it has long been valued as a tasty, fragrant and very healthy drink. Many housewives use in their kitchen such a wonderful and convenient thing as a juicer, but, alas, not all chefs know how to make tomato juice in it.

    There are many different recipes for such a vitamin, tasty drink, and we will consider only the most simple, but at the same time the most interesting.

    To make tomato juice in a juicer for the winter you need only a few ingredients. But it is important to choose them correctly, so that the drink from the tomatoes turned out to be delicious, and the jar with the juice stood in order for the whole autumn.

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    How to choose ingredients?

    The main ingredient in our preparation, of course, will be a tomato, or a tomato. If the vegetable was grown on your bed, then there is nothing to worry about, such a product probably will not cause suspicion. But if there is no opportunity to collect fresh tomatoes straight from the bush, then you should immediately go to the store and choose the best quality product.

    Before you start choosing, let's talk about the vegetable itself. There are more than 1200( !) All sorts of tomato varieties. They all differ in taste, size, color, juiciness, hardness, density, and many other factors. What sort of tomatoes your family will taste like - decide for yourself. However, in addition to dividing into varieties, the fruits of the vegetable experts identify the following types:

    1. Tomatoes of the first type have a pronounced taste, large size and juiciness.
    2. Vegetables, defined to the second type, usually have a round shape. They are medium in size but even, beautiful in appearance.
    3. Tomatoes of the third type have a spicy aroma and exquisite taste.
    4. The fourth type of this ingredient differs by its small size, sweetish taste. Guess? Of course, the first cherry tomatoes come to mind.
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    As you probably already understood, we will use large, juicy vegetables for tomato juice in the juice cooker for winter. We proceed to the selection of ingredients for the dish. Good tomatoes are fruits without damage, not crumpled, without scratches, cracks, chips, rotten places. In no case tomatoes should not have brown or other spots. The peel should be solid or with a smooth color transition. The brighter the tomato, the more ripe it is, which means it contains more vitamins and other beneficial substances.

    Tomato must be of medium size( no overgrowth and no kids!).The presence of the stem is highly welcome, this is important! Its color is usually dark green, but by no means brown. The process cannot be chosen dry, this is a sure sign of an old, overdone product.

    Absence of a stem is suspicious. Typically, sellers remove the old, dry "tail" to hide the age of the goods.

    Fresh ripe vegetable to the touch elastic. However, too hard a tomato says about immaturity, and too soft - about corruption.

    Do not miss such an important factor as flavor. The smell of a good tomato should be appetizing, characteristic of a tomato. Especially strongly aroma can be caught at a stem. If the smell is sour, such a product began to rot. There is no flavor at all that vegetable, which was torn off unripe.

    The following ingredient is not at all necessary for the recipe for tomato juice in the juice cooker, however, if desired, you can add the Bulgarian pepper. Of course, again, it is better to take it directly from the garden, but if the opportunity is not provided, go to the store or market.

    High-quality, ripe, tasty Bulgarian pepper has the following data. The fruits are quite large, although it depends on the varieties. Elastic, smooth, firm. Chips, cracks, scratches and dents lead to rapid deterioration of the goods. In addition, various germs and dirt can accumulate on the damaged areas of the skin. The color of high-quality pepper is plain. The skin is shiny, smooth.

    Color of Bulgarian pepper matters. Red vegetable contains more calories, sugar, vitamins A and C. Yellow pepper boasts the highest content of potassium, phosphorus. Green color indicates the lowest number of calories, but Bulgarian pepper of this color contains a lot of vitamin K.

    The stem should be light, elastic, juicy.

    Read also: The perfect recipe for cherry cherry

    Cooking tomato juice in the

    juicer Many housewives who have long been familiar with the juicer know firsthand that this thing is very convenient to use in the kitchen. And even if the preparation of tomato juice in a juicer for the winter will be an innovation, we will try to make this process as useful and memorable as possible.

    Consider the three most simple, but such diverse recipes.

    The recipe for the classic

    billet To create a drink with an amazing taste in the first recipe, we need the following ingredients:

    • tomatoes - 4 kg;
    • granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon;
    • salt - half a tablespoon;
    • Bulgarian pepper - 0.7-1 kg.

    The last ingredient can be excluded if desired.

    The first step in making tomato juice in a juicer at home is to chop the tomatoes. This can be done in several ways: using a large grater, in a blender, cut into medium cubes. With Bulgarian pepper, if you decide to add it to the recipe for tomato juice in the juice cooker, you need to do the same.

    We put tomatoes in the grid for raw materials, or simply put the upper container. Pour water into the base of the assembled juice cooker( lower container), tightly close the lid and set on high heat.

    After five minutes of cooking, add pepper pieces, pour out salt and sugar. Again tightly close the lid and leave over high heat for 35-40 minutes. In the process of cooking, sometimes stir the defaced ingredients in the upper pan.

    When only bones, a small amount of pulp and skins remain in the raw material grate, remove the ready culinary masterpiece from the fire and pour the drink from the second tier of the juice cooker into the previously sterilized jars. In order for the pulp to be present in the finished juice, the remnants from the upper pan are ground through a sieve directly into the vessel for preparation. Roll up, turn upside down and leave in a warm place. Juice in the first recipe is ready!

    Recipe for tomato juice for those who like spicy

    For making juice according to the second recipe, we will need:

    • tomatoes - 2 kg;
    • garlic - 5 heads;
    • red chilli - 4 pieces;
    • granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons;
    • vinegar - 6 tablespoons;
    • bay leaf - 1-2 pieces;
    Read also: How to cook tomatoes in your own juice for the winter - popular recipes

    We wash the tomatoes thoroughly and cut them in half or in quarters( depending on the size of the vegetables), peel the garlic and cut it large. Spicy chili pepper is ground into smaller pieces. We put all the ingredients in the top bowl of the juice cooker, sugar. Pour all vinegar, mix thoroughly. Top laurel throw. We put on a big fire for 10-15 minutes, tightly closing the lid.

    After this time has elapsed, open the lid of the juice cooker, mix the ingredients that have become damp from steam, close the grid again and leave to cook for another 40 minutes. When the time is up, we take off into the fire, pour the juice from the juice fryer into the jars. We close them, we remove in the dark place.

    The recipe for tomato juice in the juice cooker for the winter turned out to be simple, but the drink turns out very tasty and interesting.

    Recipe for delicious juice with greens

    What, if not green, keeps a lot of vitamins useful for the body? Let's try to make tomato juice in a juicer at home with different greens.


    • tomatoes - 3 kg;
    • basil - 1 bunch;
    • parsley - 1 bunch;
    • salt - 1 tsp.

    Thoroughly wash tomatoes, scald with boiling water. Chop the tomatoes, put them in the top bowl of the juicer. Basil finely cut, put in the grid for raw materials. In parsley, we need only the leaves, throw away the stalks. The leaves are also chopped, put to the rest of the ingredients.

    Salt on top, cover with lid and cook for about half an hour. After the time has elapsed, direct the hose and juice into the jar, mix the ingredients in the saucepan, close the lid again and cook for another 15-20 minutes.

    Pour the ready tomato juice into containers, put a couple of parsley leaves and basil for aroma on top, roll up the jars. Leave in a dark place.

    Three light, but such different and interesting recipes helped us to create tasty, healthy, unusual drinks.

    How to choose a juice cooker -

    video How a juice cooker works -

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