Gasification of a country house: connection to a gas pipeline

The issue of heating and hot water in a private house can be solved in different ways: electricity, solid fuel, the energy of the sun, wind, water. But the leader among the resources is gas, so the gasification of a country house is a great option for those who are not used to save on their comfort.

And if the gas pipeline is laid nearby, you can make a branch to your site. And how exactly to implement and arrange it - we will look at this article. Let us pay attention to the drafting and design of the necessary documentation - we will gradually consider each step, without which gasification of your house is impossible.

The content of the article:

  • Conditions for connecting the house to the gas network
  • The main stages of gasification at home
    • Step # 1 - technical documentation
    • Step # 2 - Drafting a Connection Project
    • Step # 3 - construction and installation work on the site
    • Step # 4 - Pipeline Insertion and System Launch
  • Nuances of gasification at the local area
    • Choice of pipeline laying option
    • The choice of material for pipes
    • Heating boiler or boiler?
  • instagram viewer
  • Prices for gasification and ways to save
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Conditions for connecting the house to the gas network

The procedure for technological connection of private cottages and other capital construction projects to gas mains is specified in the Government Decree RF number 1314 from December 30, 2013.

According to this document, both fully completed facilities and those that are only being built or reconstructed can be connected to gas distribution networks.

But before you collect the documents and apply to local organizations, you should first find out whether it is possible in principle to connect your section to the main gas pipeline. Of course, only competent specialists will be able to know all the nuances, but we will try to enumerate the main problems that can be encountered during the gasification of the house.

Gasification of a private house

To get approval for connecting the cottage to the gas pipeline, the building must have at least a foundation - the foundation, walls, roof

Difficulties may arise in the following cases:

  • Long distance from home to highway - laying a multi-kilometer pipeline can result in an impressive amount.
  • The presence of the federal highway or railroad tracks on the way - it is very difficult and expensive to arrange and implement the “crossing” of a branch through a busy road, therefore, you will most likely encounter a failure.
  • The path through private property - if the gas pipe cannot be set aside around other areas, it will be necessary to obtain written consent from their owners, who can, but are not obliged to provide it.
  • Difficult terrain - if the terrain is replete with stony ground, ravines and other natural barriers, laying an underground pipeline becomes an expensive and sometimes impracticable project.
  • Insufficient bandwidth - if the pressure in the trunk itself is low, the question of new connections can be “frozen” indefinitely.

Therefore, if we are not talking about a building that has already been rebuilt, but only the choice of a suitable plot for a future house, consider options with communications already laid.

Ideally, the village should be provided with a separate gas pipe, from which it is necessary only to make a branch to its territory. In this case, the process of negotiation procedures is reduced to a minimum.

The main stages of gasification at home

To start a gas "epic", you must find out in whose jurisdiction is the main gas pipeline to which you are planning to connect.

This is usually the local GorGaz, but if you do not have information about its location and methods of communication, submit a request to the local authorities. There, within 5 days you should be answered with information about the organization responsible for issuing technical specifications in your area.

Step # 1 - technical documentation

To complete the project with the subsequent installation of the pipeline, you need to take into account the peculiarities of the local relief and other nuances. And this requires technical conditions.

To get them, prepare the following set of documentation:

  • Copies of documents certifying your ownership of the land where the cottage is located.
  • Originals and copies of documents proving the identity of the applicant - a passport, power of attorney.
  • Situation plan of the settlement indicating the land where gas supply is required, and the location of the highway itself. A graphic scheme with a fragment of the cadastral map is also suitable.
  • Written consent from neighbors (if the route of the pipeline will be laid through their territory).
  • Calculation of the maximum hourly gas consumption, if the planned flow exceeds 5 m3 (usually for private cottages from 300 m2).

If you do not know how to calculate the heat consumption correctly, you can pass this task on to the performer of technical conditions or the designer, providing information on the quantity and power of gas devices, as well as the size of the area where heating. But the majority of private houses and cottages fall under the category that does not require additional heat calculations.

Stages of technical conditions

Technical conditions and calculation of the cost of accession to the gas pipeline should be carried out by the gas distribution organization without charging a separate fee.

Then a request is made for the provision of technical services indicating the personal data of the applicant (full name, identification code and address of residence) and the planned date of entry into operation of the house, if we are talking about unfinished construction.

Documents are submitted to the organization responsible for the local gas trunkline, where they have to provide either ready technical conditions or a reasoned refusal within 2 weeks.

In the issued document package the data on the gas pipeline to which the applicant will be connected is indicated, the maximum load on the branch, the timing of the connection, the term of the technical conditions, the recommended diameter and pipe material for pipeline In addition, the applicant will be required to install a gas meter.

In more detail the issue of obtaining technical conditions we have considered in in our other article.

Filing documents

If the estimated gas consumption per hour does not exceed 300 m3, the cottage owner can immediately submit to gas distribution organization application for accession to the pipeline, without waiting for technical conditions

After studying the provided technical conditions, the owner of the house signs the connection agreement and undertakes to pay for the work on the schedule and tariffs specified in the document.

Step # 2 - Drafting a Connection Project

When the first step has been completed and the technical specifications have been received, an organization should be selected who will draft the project and prepare the house gas consumption network for connection to the mainline. The fact is that the gas distribution company is only obliged to bring a branch to your site, and laying pipes around the local area and distributing inside the house is already the task of the owner.

Therefore, contact only licensed companies that are approved for construction and installation work and specialize in the development of projects for internal and external gas supply. It will not be superfluous to check and recommendations from clients, because not only the cost and quality of work, but also the safety of operation of the future pipeline depends on your decision.

Private House Gasification Project

To be sure that there is no complaint from GorGaz, after receiving the technical conditions you can ask about companies whose projects did not cause complaints

To draft a project, you must provide the following documents:

  • A copy of the technical passport to the house (or a construction project for construction in progress).
  • Topographic site plan with all gasified facilities, utilities and gas pipeline, approved in the gas service.
  • Documents on gas appliances and equipment planned for installation.
  • Received technical conditions.

After the conclusion of the contract, a design engineer should be sent to you, who will make all the necessary measurements to draw up a project for distributing gas communications inside the house and on the site. He will need to agree on the need for a boiler room device, the location of the meter and all gas appliances.

We talked more about the design of the gas supply system in this article.

The layout of gas appliances in the house

Decide on the place for the gas stove and the boiler at the design stage so that it does not have to redo the project at the finishing stage, because gas appliances are not allowed to move on their discretion

After drafting the project, it is necessary to approve all interested organizations, for example, the main architecture, a water canal, and the motorway (by agreement, the designer company can also get visas).

It now remains to submit a package of project documentation together with a signed contract for connection to the gas service and wait for the statutory 14 days, after which you will either return the revised plan for revision, or allow act.

Step # 3 - construction and installation work on the site

When the documentary phase is completed, you can either start looking for a construction company, or trust gas pipeline laying on the site of the organization that completed the project (if the latter has a corresponding license). Here will make an estimate with a list of upcoming work and their value.

If the price suits - the contract is signed. To be safe, it is necessary to clearly indicate the timing of the work and provide in the section on payment of the item at which the full calculation will be made only after the approval of the gas pipeline by the commission.

If the cost is extremely high, you can exclude from the estimate of work that do not require admission and qualifications to perform them yourself (although not every organization will agree to this) or to search firm cheaper.

After the installation and pipe installation work has been completed, the contractor must provide as-built documentation. To check and approve the section of the gas pipeline, a commission from the representatives of the gas service construction firm contractor, inspectors for architectural and construction supervision, labor protection and the owner of the house.

Gas pipeline installation

At the time of acceptance by the commission of installation work, all gas equipment specified in the project must be installed and ready to connect the "blue fuel"

The commission makes a decision from 2 to 4 weeks, after which it will be necessary to pay a receipt for technical supervision. Now it is possible to conclude an agreement for the supply of gas, maintenance of the gas pipeline and intra-house equipment, to seal the meter. Also, the owner of the house will have to undergo safety instructions in the gas service.

Step # 4 - Pipeline Insertion and System Launch

The final stage of gasification at home - inset of the checked area pipeline in your territory to the gas pipeline. This task is performed by the gas service workers after payment and coordination with you.

Gas start up

Gas specialists should bring the pipes to the pipeline to the section, connect your pipeline to the system, check the pressure and perform a test run.

At the time of checking the equipment and the first gas supply, you need to call an employee of the organization with which the service contract was concluded.

After opening the branch valve, he must establish the optimum mode of operation for the instruments, ensure that they are operational, and provide instruction on the operation. After that, the act of acceptance of work is signed, a copy of which is stitched to the project and submitted to the archive.

Nuances of gasification at the local area

Although the majority of work on distributing gas communications is performed by the contractor, the owner of the house also does not hurt to figure out what's what. After all, if specialists are responsible for the safety of connections and installation of the system, then it will be necessary to choose and buy gas appliances independently. Yes, and about the landscaping of the site and the interior of the house is to worry about in advance.

Choice of pipeline laying option

For the supply of the house, you can mount the system, passing through the air or underground. The first option is faster, and cheaper.

Overhead gas pipeline

The pipes of the aboveground gas pipeline must be located at least 50 cm from the ground level, for which they are fixed on supports made of refractory material and fixed on the walls of the house with special brackets

But the above-ground system also has significant drawbacks: open pipes are more susceptible to corrosion and accidental damage. In addition, unscrupulous neighbors can easily make an illegal tie-in for them, and the appearance of the house is unlikely to benefit from the interlacing of bright yellow colors.

Therefore, if the terrain and budget of the project allows, you should think about the underground communications. Such a system is much safer and safer because it is protected from various accidents by a layer of soil; in addition, the layout does not spoil the appearance of the site.

But the underground construction will be 1.5-2 times more expensive, and it will require a lot of free space: at a distance of 2 m to each side of the gas pipeline there should be no buildings. Another drawback is the difficulty of maintenance, because when a pipe breaks through it will have to re-raise the ground and look for a leak.

Underground gas pipeline

For arranging the underground gas pipeline, it is necessary to dig a deep trench so that the distance from the top of the pipe to the ground level is at least 60 cm

But the choice of the type of system depends on such nuances:

  • If your branch will go through someone else’s section, its owner may refuse to disturb the fertile layer of the earth for the underground pipeline. However, the reverse situation may also be possible - when a neighbor does not like the idea of ​​a ground pipe on supports, and he will demand to disguise the structure.
  • If the site is closely located groundwater or rocky soil, it is better to stay on the above-ground structures.
  • If the pipeline will need to cross the highway or closely coexist with high-voltage transmission lines - consider only underground structures.

There are also combined gas pipelines, one part of which passes underground and the other through the air. But this option is quite complicated in design and installation, so it is performed, most often, when you have to “translate” a branch across the road.

The choice of material for pipes

For the pipeline, you need to buy only certified components, and this applies not only to pipes, but also various connecting and locking elements - tees, crosses, elbows, plugs, couplings, adapters.

As for the pipes - most likely, the material and the required diameter You will be indicated in the gas service or design and installation company. But the most popular today are two options - traditional steel or relatively innovative polyethylene products.

Polyethylene gas pipes

Polyethylene pipes are several times longer than metal in service life due to corrosion resistance, strength and elasticity, but due to their flexibility they cannot be used for installation on supports

In addition, polyethylene pipes will not fail even in climates with severe winters (up to -45 degrees), and weigh 7 times less than metal "competitors", which greatly facilitates installation and transportation.

Another significant advantage is the insensitivity of plastics to the effects of stray currents, so electrochemical damage to your pipeline does not threaten.

Steel Gas Pipes

The inside-house part of the pipeline and entry into the building itself must be performed only with metal pipes (steel or copper), polyethylene structures are prohibited here.

But low-carbon steel pipes are suitable for any gas pipelines - in-house, underground or surface. They are fastened by welding or using seamless joints.

For high-pressure networks it is recommended to use pipes with a diameter of at least 5 cm, for wiring around the house - from 2.5 cm. The wall thickness for the underground pipeline should not be less than 0.3 cm, for the above-ground pipeline - 0.2 cm and more.

Heating boiler or boiler?

The type and technical characteristics of the gas boiler directly depend on the area of ​​the heated room. For 150 squares and 2 dispensing points with hot water, wall equipment is enough, for a larger area you will need a floor-standing boiler. We talked more about choosing a gas boiler at next article.

In the room with the boiler you need to install a hood, and ideally - a gas detector that warns of carbon monoxide leakage.

Sample boiler room in the house

If the power of the heating equipment exceeds 30 kW, it will require a separate room, with lower rates, you can install the boiler in the kitchen or another room at home, where you can equip the chimney

If the area of ​​the cottage exceeds 200 m2, and the boiler power is 30 kW, you will need to equip a separate boiler room, where it is possible to locate not only a gas boiler, but also a boiler, a boiler of indirect heating and others appliances.

For this, a separate room of 7.5 m3 or more is allocated, always with a window, a chimney, fresh air ventilation and a ceiling height of at least 250 cm.

Prices for gasification and ways to save

According to the new rules for connecting to gas mains, prescribed in Regulation No. 1314, the cost of connection depends on the category of consumers.

For private houses and cottages there are three options:

  1. When gas consumption is no more than 5 cubic meters per hour, the connection will cost 20 thousand rubles. The distance in a straight line from the gas boiler to the gas distribution network should not exceed 200 m.
  2. For buildings where the estimated consumption is planned at the level of 5-15 m3 / hour, the supply to the border of the site will cost about 50 thousand.
  3. If the consumption exceeds 15 m3 / hour, an individual calculation is performed.

This cost includes the development of technical conditions by the gas distribution organization and the supply of pipes from the main gas pipeline to the territory of the owner.

For a fee, you can agree on the installation work on the site. Usually, the cost of such services is cheaper than that of private organizations, but the deadlines are much longer, and at high workload they can stretch altogether for an indefinite period.

Drafting a project - a separate item of expenditure, which will cost from 10 to 100 thousand. rubles (much depends on the region and the size of the building). If you give preference to a company that not only designs, but also has a license for installation, you can save up to 20-35%.

Gasification of the cottage settlement

Ask your neighbors, maybe they will want to join the line, then the cost of materials and many of the work can be shared.

Collective affiliation is another option for those who are looking for a way to connect their cottage to gas with the least loss of funds. In addition, regional connectivity programs and grants are available in many localities.

In more detail the cost of gasification of a private house we discussed here.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To make it easier to understand the nuances of the gas supply to your cottage, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a small selection of video materials.

About the paperwork for accession to the gas pipeline and the cost of some types of work:

The procedure for performing gasification at home - the nuances of connecting to the main pipeline:

Stages of gasification of a private house:

And finally, advice. If the highway is far away or the specificity of the relief poses complex tasks for leading the pipeline to site, there is an alternative option of supplying the house with "blue fuel" - autonomous gasification gasholder.

Have you recently completed the gasification of your home and want to share your experience with other owners of country houses? Leave your comments in the block under the article - tell us how much this event cost you, did you do something on your own or did you trust the entire amount of work to the experts? What pipes did you recommend for laying the pipeline? Many users will appreciate your advice.

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