Replacing the gas tap in compliance with safety rules

Tubes, which gas is fed to the plates or other equipment, running on this fuel, obligatorily order to be equipped with individual taps, in the event of a dangerous situation immediately shut gas supply.

Condition of the shutoff devices must be constantly monitored. May need immediate replacement of the gas valve in the flat, when suddenly it fails.

Here you will learn all about the reasons for replacing the valves for gas pipes and for selecting an appropriate model. For independent artists, we give step by step instructions. Detailed description of the work will not only replace the locking device itself, but also to control the action of the gas service employees.

The content of the article:

  • Common causes of crane replacement
  • Types of valves for gas
    • Variety # 1: cork
    • Variety # 2: The Ball
  • Highlights for the selection device
  • Step by step instructions for valve replacement
  • The procedure call experts
  • Revision plug valve without replacement
  • Checking your input
  • Safety rules at work
  • Analysis of typical installation errors
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
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Common causes of crane replacement

Gas communication characterized by high reliability, even in difficult conditions, they can last for decades. The most vulnerable part of these systems are valves installed in the apartment, which, due to permanent loads quickly fail.

Plastic ball valve

Small service life is especially characteristic of the outdated structures of gas valves or models made of plastic or cheap alloys

The question of the replacement of the locking mechanism can stand up when you smell gas in the area of ​​the crane. The faults suggest adaptations and external damage, such as cracks or chips the device, as well as shortness of movement or too free rotation of the flywheel.

If you encounter one of the problems described above should call gorgaza employees or other organization that serves your home. They will diagnose, advise a suitable model of the crane, and will carry out the replacement operation if necessary.

Due to the high-risk, experts advise to change the faucet until the fault immediately on the expiration of the warranty period, which for most models is 10 years.

Types of valves for gas

There are many types of locking devices, which are installed on the gas pipe. Two main groups can be distinguished according to their design:

Variety # 1: cork

Until recently - the most common type of valves for gas. The central part of such models is a conical member (tube) with a hole.

Cork gas tap

The main body plug valve - cone-shaped insert with a hole in the middle. With it overlaps or opens the gas stream. Operate valves of brass or iron - durable, resistant to wear and corrosion resistant material (+)

When opening device Mokhovikov via hole in the conical portion is combined with a similar pipe, whereby the gas passes to the equipment. For compounds cork valve with the pipeline to create a seal gland generally used.

Variety # 2: The Ball

The main part of the closure element of this type is spherical part made of a strong metal. As in the cork analogs, it has an opening which, upon rotation of the handle is aligned with the tube, thereby providing a natural admission of fuel to the corresponding device.

Scheme of the ball valve

Scheme of the ball valve: the main character element of such a device is a revolving part, gas overlapping tolerance in the closed position and ensuring the flow in the open

Such valves are relatively new and rapidly gained popularity thanks to its numerous advantages, namely:

  • low cost;
  • excellent functionality and safety margin;
  • long service life;
  • ease of use;
  • capable of operating in different environments at temperatures from -60 to +80about FROM.

Through a combination of qualities in a current household equipment gazosistem specialists give preference to the ball designs.

Welding gas valve ball type

In contrast to the coupling flange and the models which can be used repeatedly, the welded valve device is disposable and can not be repaired

By the method of connection to the pipes varies several subspecies of ball valves:

  • threaded (Grooved). In this case, the valve is connected to a segment of the pipeline using parts coated with thread.
  • flanged. Fastening is carried out by means of flanges, locking bolt. These devices are most often used when transporting gaseous substances and oil.
  • Welded. In this case, the valve is welded firmly to the pipe using a suitable apparatus.

According to the purpose ball valves are divided into three types:

  • Three-way used to redistribute the gas flow;
  • With a heated body, used in a cold climate;
  • With the control of leakage.

There is also the division of the diameter of the passage.

According to this indicator, items can be grouped into two categories:

  • DN 10-50 mm
  • DN greater than 50 mm.

Another classification takes into account a nominal pressure which maintains the valve.

In this case, there are two types of devices:

  • PN 1,6 MPa 16 kg / cm2;
  • PN 4,0 MPa 40 kg / cm2.

Ball valves can be made of different kinds of metal. The most widely used elements made of brass, zinc, steel and alloys 20 (09G2S 12X18H10T) plastic.

Best quality brass show devices that may have a yellow or silver color (characteristic of the latter plated models). Adaptations of this alloy can be recognized by a relatively heavy weight.

Ball gas valve brass

The most durable and resistant to external influences recognized gas valves made of brass or bronze. Such a device is small in size, reliability, ease of use, high operating resource

Brass faucets having reliable universal design, durable to undemanding maintenance and can be installed in any position.

Highlights for the selection device

When choosing a locking mechanism for the gas pipeline should pay attention to characteristics such as:

  • Diameter pipe. The tap must completely overlap the gas stream entering the apartment. If the locking element is loosely fit to the walls gas tube, The tightness will only be partial, which can lead to serious consequences.
  • Coincidence diameter and pitch of the thread on the pipe and tap. In this case, the device installation is fairly easy. Installing the locking element with non-matching thread and diameter is possible in principle by using adapters, but it will require additional material and time costs for the purchase and installation of additional details.
  • The integrity of the hull. The outer shell member should be no cracks, chips, and other defects nodules. Their presence indicates a violation of the rules of transportation, production or storage of parts, because of what is possible, and internal faults, as well as reducing operating period.

It should also pay attention to product quality, opting for models of well-known companies.

Step by step instructions for valve replacement

crane replacement procedure for the gas supply to the device is quite simple, but extremely responsible because fossil fuel is combustible, and, in conjunction with air and explosive substance. Therefore strongly recommend to resort to the help of specialists trained and received approval to conduct such operations.

worker checking gorgaza

With the skills of installation and observing safety rules, crane installation can be done by yourself in just 15-20 minutes - but only if absolutely necessary. In the future, the result must monitor a representative gorgaza

For replacing tap on the pipe will need tools and materials:

  • new locking mechanism suitable to the pipe;
  • two gas №1 key or №2, one of which will need to loosen the threads, the second - to keep a fixed lower tube (this prevents damage to the pipeline leading to the gas plate);
  • means for sealing the site of attachment of the tap to the pipe (for this purpose may be a conventional linen yarn FUM tape yarn TANGO Unilok);
  • flat screwdriver;
  • graphite grease, grease or other lubricants;
  • plug for 0.5 inch size pipe with an internal thread (when working together can do without this element).

If mismatch or threading diameter pipes and the tap may also need extenders, fittings, adapters.

The replacement process consists of a series of simple operations, which need to perform as rapidly as possible, to minimize leakage of gas from the system. First of all it is necessary to cut the supply of fossil fuels in the apartment by setting the valve handle to a tube perpendicular position.

Twisting thread when the valve replacement

When the gas shutoff valve replacement mechanism is twisted by hand, only the last turns are made with a wrench

You can then proceed to the dismantling of the old tap, which is unscrewed from the pipeline. If the process is carried out with difficulty, it is possible to try to treat the threaded joint composition WD-40, which increases the smoothness.

If the room weld valve previously installed, it will have to be cut using grinder, followed by a further threaded onto the tubes. At the site of the retracted valve put a temporary cap.

Cleaning tap of the accretions

Prior to processing tap connection pipe sealant or tape FUM this place must be thoroughly cleaned from dirt and corrosion

Thread wound on the thread to seal. To do this, about 7 cm to unscrew the thread and put it in an extreme recess thread, then the thread wound clockwise into each trough.

Covering yarn threading one layer should be continued in the opposite winding direction. Thereafter lined insulation covered with a layer of graphite lubricant or other suitable composition.

Seal thread thread Tango Unilok

If the seal thread linen thread is used, it should be treated with oil paint. When using filament Tango Unilok such an operation is not required

It removed the plug and the place quickly strung new crane (it is important to make sure that the handle is in its "closed" position). Element is screwed by hand, recent momentum carried wrench.

The procedure call experts

The best choice - it is not carrying out manipulations with their hands, and the call Gorgaza employees.

The procedure in this case is as follows:

  • Need to contact the company serving the house, give details of the problem and request a call to a specialist (before his visit is better to refrain from the use of gas).
  • At the appointed time, the apartment will come employees of the company that will perform the diagnosis and decide the issue of the replacement of the crane. They also prompt which model of the valve can be purchased on their own or take advantage of offers available for it to do this.
  • Since Gorgaza experts may be asked to show them the contract for gas supply, the documents on the gas stove, or the last paid bills for gas, it is better to prepare in advance.
  • Before working visit is also desirable to ignite the fuel and blue to burn it in the pipe cutting off its supply from a tap gas meter. This operation will help save time, because all manipulations can be carried out only after the pipeline is empty.
  • It should also be well ventilate the room, arranging a draft.
  • When carrying out work gasman desirable to be around with them to supervise their work.
  • After replacing the device with repairmen must be checked, the burner having carried out a test.
  • Experts fill an act of the operation, assuring its printing service organization. The paper also sign and the owner of the apartment.
  • Upon completion of all work windows should be left open for at least another half an hour to the entire gas blown away from the premises.

In the event of planned work on the replacement or repair gazosistem service to dismantle the old and install the locking mechanism new crane model is free of charge, but the apartment owner acquires the device, as well as consumables for your score.

repair team

Services in replacing crane usually performs repair team of two people, so the procedure takes a minimum of time

When you call the experts would also have to pay a small amount for the extended service and pay for the device.

Revision plug valve without replacement

In some cases it is possible to do without a replacement valve, carried out cleaning and lubrication device used cork.

In this case, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • First of all, you need to turn off the tap, setting its handle perpendicular to the pipe on which it is located.
  • One of the keys to fix the gas spigot near the gate, trying to continue to hold it stationary.
  • Using the second key to drive away on a long threaded nut and locknut.
  • Attempt to unscrew the valve key, and then, with free rotation, to unscrew it through manually.
  • After removing the parts formed to cover the plug hole. Should not be afraid of high pressure, since the pressure in the pipe only 3-5% greater than atmospheric.
  • Cover spread on the thread, and then tighten it to the end without the aid of tools.
  • Unscrew the valve from the eviction, removing old layers of insulating materials and paints.
  • Screwdriver unscrew the plug with a groove on the rear side of the valve, removing the hidden beneath the spring and then removed from the conical tube body.
  • Thoroughly clean the parts (plug housing) from the remainder of the old grease, then put on the new composition of the element.
  • After that, collect all the parts of the valve for the gas in the sequence opposite to the above described algorithm.
  • Remove the cover and put it instead assembled parts after replacing threaded insulating materials.
  • Screw threaded spigot and insulated, and then set the operating position and the coupling lock nut.

In all cases, the completion of the replacement of the crane is necessary to check the correctness of the assembly, and then invite specialists.

Checking your input

After the completion of all the manipulations on the replacement of the locking mechanism is necessary to check the tightness of connections created. It is sufficient to apply a proven method: dissolve soap with water and apply the emulsion obtained in the landing place on the thread of the valve, and a stopper. If the joints are not firmly connected, the bubbles will be observed in the field of gas leakage.

Checking for leaks with soapy water

In addition to traditional testing soap solution can also use a special device that allows to capture the presence of natural gas in the room

In this case, you must correct the defect without delay. To do this, remove the valve and repeat the instructions, trying to wind the thread sealant and cause more carefully and accurately.

Safety rules at work

All manipulations of the gas equipment are assigned to work with a high level of danger. When working on the gas pipe is opened, due to which there is a gas leak.

This can lead to two serious dangers:

  • Elemental fuel mixes with air, thereby forming an explosive mixture. Any spark that may occur when the appliance (e.g., switch) can lead to an explosion.
  • In larger air gas concentration becomes unfit for breathing. Inhalation of propane-butane mixture causes poisoning organism that can even lead to death.

To prevent emergencies, it is necessary to strictly observe safety precautions.

Employees of the city gas service during the repair of equipment, in particular a crane replacement must necessarily comply with the "Rules technical operation and safety requirements in the gas sector of the Russian Federation "(PB 12-368-00 Resolution Gosgortechnadzor Russia from 18.07.00 №41, SNIP 2.04.08-87).

Outside tap for gas

When the repair is strictly forbidden to tamper with the gas equipment located outside the apartment - on the street or in the entrance

In carrying out independent work must adhere to the following provisions:

  • All work must be performed at a wide-open windows.
  • The apartment must be completely de-energized, so it is important to carry out repairs have access to the shield and machines.
  • During manipulation of the gas valve replacement in the room do not smoke, light matches.
  • All work should be carried out only in the daytime.
  • The door to the kitchen, where the works, must be firmly closed. It is also desirable to plug all the gaps in order to avoid ingress of gas into the other room.
  • Do not block the valve on the total gas riser, as in this case, a gas leak can be magnified, which will increase the risk of explosion.
  • All work is desirable to carry out together: it will speed up the process and avoid complications.
  • Should not engage in self-replacing tap if gas pipes, there are signs of corrosion or other damage, in this case it is preferable to call professionals.

When working desirable to be in the immediate vicinity of firefighting apparatus (extinguisher).

Note that the gas supply valve overlap is acceptable only set to the hard portion of the tube. If the metal branch adjacent to the appliance is damaged, it is transferred. The highway in this case include gas hoseWhich is considered a temporary solution.

Analysis of typical installation errors

Although the operation of the gas valve replacement is simple enough for inexperienced artists it can fail.

Extensions for carving

If the old tap length corresponds to the same parameter is not new, use an extension cord, which may have an inner and an outer thread

are typical shortcomings:

  • Inability to connect the crane to the pipe. Most often it happens because of the fact that these elements do not correspond to their size or thread. Help remedy the situation adapters and extenders of different shapes and sizes. To avoid falling into this situation, it is desirable to take into account the parameters of the tubes at the stage of selection of the crane.
  • valve Nedokruchivanie. Fasten the thread by hand, but in the end you need to use a wrench. If not, the connection is not sufficiently reliable, causing gas leakage and instability of the structure.
  • Tightening the tap only a wrench. In operation, the tool increases the possibility of damaging details of the threads or breakdown.
  • Insufficient sealing compound. If the check shows replaced crane that natural gas into the air, should immediately disable the plate and fix the problem as has been described above.

Do not use poor quality cranes. To equipment served for a long time, it is important to choose a model of well-known companies. It is desirable to use brass devices requiring a minimum of maintenance at a maximum of efficiency and durability.

Silicon and other such materials are dry, lose elasticity, so that they begin to pass gas. To avoid this, it is better to use a lubricant based on graphite.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

In the process of replacing the video on the pipe crane detail presented, leading to a gas cooker:

Replacing the crane - a simple but very important process. Even if you have experience in carrying out similar work on standards, you can not do it alone - should apply to specialized services. There have staff who are trained and have received the necessary approval for the repair of gas systems.

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