Detailed description of Candy


One of the most popular crops grown by the country's gardeners is the plum.Such a tree is not exacting to care, but at the same time brings a big harvest.

Choosing a seedling, pay attention not only to the taste of the berries themselves, but also to other factors that will talk about the endurance of the variety and its compatibility with the proposed place of growth.


Table of contents

  • Plum Candy Description
    • Similar in characteristics varieties - Masha and Dashenka
  • History of breeding
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Natural growth region
  • Rules of landing
  • Features of care
  • Methods of reproduction
  • Diseases and pests

Plum Candy Description

Tree Candy short, the height reaches no more than, meters. A special charm gives it a rounded crown and elegant, openwork leaves of emerald hue. In the flowering period, snow-white buds appear.

This class belongs to the early, and you can start harvesting at the end of July. With the departure from one tree, you can get up to 25 kilograms of harvest.

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A distinctive feature of Candy will be its rapid growth. Fruit-bearing tree begins on the 4th year of life.

As for the fruits themselves, they do not have a delicate and sweet taste.Yellow, honey fleshcovered with a delicate and thin skin. The ripening period occurs when plums gain weight in 30-35 grams.

Given the good frost resistance of wood, which can withstand temperatures of -20 degrees, it can be grown in temperate climates or in southern latitudes.

Similar in characteristics varieties - Masha and Dashenka

VP Yagunov on the basis of the Suzdal state commission section brought out varieties, in their characteristics, reminiscent of the Candy.

Variety Mashenka- A strong tree with a round, pyramidal shape. In the fruiting enters for 4-5 years of life, while yielding a stable and numerous yield. The fruit ripening period is average.

Plums themselves have a large size, on average their mass reaches 35-40 grams. The taste is juicy and tender, the skin is thin, maroon with a wax coating, the flesh is yellow.

Given the good frost resistance and unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil, planting such a variety is recommended in the Central regions of the country. Just like the Candy, Mashenka needs neighbor pollinators.

Plum Mashenka - large fruits, frost-hardy, unpretentious to the composition of the soil

Variety Dashenka- A medium growth tree with a pyramidal crown. Fruiting begins with 4-5 years and brings a stable and high-quality harvest.

Fruits are sour-sweet, weighing 40-50 grams, the color of the skin is pink-red, while there is a gray bloom. The flesh is tender and juicy. The ripening period comes in the end of September, and you can harvest until the beginning of November.

Winter hardiness of the variety is very good, it is zoned for the northern regions of the country. Also requires additional pollination.

Variety Dashenka - winter-hardy, high-yielding, requires additional pollination

History of breeding

Given that the climate in Russia is quite severe and many varieties of fruit crops simply can not survive in such conditions, domestic breeders are working to identify the most sustainable samples.

One of the best results of the work performed is considered to beplum Candy, which was deduced by Professor G. Kursakov.on the basis of the Timiryazin Academy in Michurinsky Garden.


Advantages and disadvantages

The pluses are:

  1. The tree brings a stable and abundant harvest, and fruit begins already in the 4th year of life.
  2. The decorative appearance perfectly fits into any landscape design.
  3. The taste of fruits always remains at the highest level.
  4. The candy is unpretentious to the climate and is able to withstand low temperatures.
  5. High resistance to the most common plum diseases.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Given the characteristics of the structure of the tree when recruiting a large mass, the fruits begin to crumble.
  2. Harvest is not good transportability and long cautiousness.
  3. This variety requires additional pollinators, so it can not become the only plum in the garden.
Advantages of Plum Candy is resistance to diseases, unpretentiousness to climatic conditions

Natural growth region

The candy was bredfor cultivation in the Central region. But given the frost resistance and unpretentiousness of the variety, it can be grown both in the southern and northern latitudes.

For areas with a cold climate, the tree will have toadditionally prepare for wintering, covering the bole.


Rules of landing

First you need to decide on the place where the tree is planned to be placed. In order for a tree to grow, develop and bring a good harvest,it is necessary to take into account some of its features:

  1. On a site the direct solar beams must necessarily fall, because the drain belongs to heat-loving plants and for it the presence of maximum illumination is very important. Considering the small growth of a tree, it is preferable to plant it on the south side of other plants.
  2. You can not plant a plum in places with a high groundwater table.
  3. Gardeners do not recommend the use of low-lying areas, where rainwater and melt water accumulate.
  4. For this variety, the most preferable is loamy soil or clay. The tree does not tolerate the excessive acidity of the soil. To fix this situation, lime, ash or dolomite flour is added to the planting pit.
The root system of the Candy is almost level with the ground, so planting such a tree must also take into account this factor.

The candy is recommended to be moved to the open ground in early springthat the tree had time to get stronger before the onset of cold weather.


But alsoyou can plant a tree and in the autumn period. But it must be covered with lapnik or ruberoid.

Plum belongs to heat-loving plants, it is preferable to plant it on the south side of other plants

Experienced gardeners recommendfollow the following rules:

  1. Most plums are planted at a distance of 3-4 meters from each other.
  2. Planting pit for trees, 50 centimeters in depth and 70 in width, is prepared in advance, that she could have insisted before carrying out the work.
  3. The upper fertile soil layer is mixed with humus, superphosphate and urea. Such a mixture must fill one third of the pit.
  4. It is also necessary to immediately install a support, which can serve as a long stick.
  5. Seedling should be carefully placed in the pit and spread out the roots.
  6. Root neck should be on 3-5 centimeters above ground level.
  7. At the next stage, the tree will need to be sprinkled with fertile soil and slightly tamped.
  8. After planting, the plum is watered abundantly, using 20-30 liters of water and mulching, so that moisture can persist for as long as possible.

Features of care

After the snow melts, the earth around the tree needs to be gently loosened, this procedure is necessary in order to prevent intense evaporation.

Near the trunk the soil is dug to a depth of 8 centimeters, as it moves to the outer circle, this indicator is increased to 10-12 centimeters.

In order to avoid damaging the root system during the digging process,it is recommended to use a shovel.

Watering Candy should be 5 times for the entire season, but during periods of drought the intensity of the introduction of moisture increases. Excessive moisture can lead to rotting of the roots, so you need to carefully monitor this indicator.

Plum Candy needs watering 5 times for the entire season, does not require frequent dressings

Plum does not require reinforced gutsand frequent application of fertilizers:

  • starting from the 3rd year of life, during the spring digging you need to make 3-5 buckets of humus or slurry, 300 grams of superphosphate and 200 grams of potassium salt;
  • nitrogen fertilizers also make up during the growing season;
  • phosphoric-potassium top dressing is carried out before the beginning of flowering.

In the first 1-2 years the plum is not fertilized, the young tree will have enough nutrients made during planting.

Not the least role in the process of care plays alsoloosening and mulching of soil. These processes will help the tree to receive nutrients faster and keep them as long as possible.

To avoid the appearance of various diseases or pests, you need to regularly remove root shoots and carry out sanitary pruning, in which they get rid of dry and damaged branches.

It is worth considering thatThe candy can not self-pollinate, so it is very important for her to have neighbors with a similar flowering period. These include Renkold sovkhozny and Zarechnaya early.

Methods of reproduction

There are several ways of plum propagation:

  1. Graft- for this, you need to acquire a scion, that is, cuttings of the grafted variety and stock, the tree to which the vaccination will be carried out. For this procedure, the end of spring - the beginning of summer is suitable. The first stage will be the production of the same oblique cuts in the root and privoem, then they must be tightly joined and wrapped in film. After 4 weeks, it can be removed.
  2. In order to increase the chances of breeding a new seedling it is recommended to inoculate in several places of the tree.
  3. Root offspring- Choose a healthy and large shoot, which is at a great distance from the mother. It will need to be cut at a distance of 15 centimeters from the root neck, and put in a new place.
  4. Plum variety of Candy breeds well with root offspring, cuttings and grafting
  5. Root cuttings- to prepare such material it is necessary still in the autumn. Stepping back from the trunk of the tree by 1 meter, digs out the roots. Among them the strongest and healthy are chosen, they must be cut off. Keep cuttings should be either in a dug trench under sand and peat or in a cold room. In early May they are planted under a film, which can be removed in a month. Before emergence of the site should be shaded and avoid drought. If there are several shoots, among them the strongest is selected, the rest must be removed.

Diseases and pests

The candy has a high resistanceto various diseases and pests. But in order to maximally protect the tree, the following measures should be taken:

  • Regular sanitary pruning will help to avoid the reproduction of insects. Also, this procedure contributes to the overall improvement of the tree;
  • Regular trimming of the trunk of the tree in spring and autumn will protect it from sunburn and pest attacks;
  • spraying the crown and the fungicide paste prevents the development of many diseases.
Plum Candy is one of the most favorite varieties of domestic gardeners. It brings a tasty and numerous harvest, while not requiring complicated care.

Also,this variety is unpretentious to the fertility of the soiland is able to bear cold winter temperatures.

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