Engage in geese breeding is beneficial. By 4-5 months, one individual can weigh up to 5 kg (live weight). But food can not be the same for all periods of life.
In this article we will consider such pressing issues as: what to feed the goslings? what to feed the goslings in the first days of life at home? How to give fish oil goslings? What are the nuances of successful growing? Which is better: an incubator or a natural incubation? Is there a difference than to feed from the first day and a month? And what should be the feed for each age period?
Table of contents
- The correct maintenance and feeding of newborns, weekly and monthly goslings at home
- Temperature regime and care for the offspring raised in the incubator in the first days of life
- Progeny, grown by natural way (hen)
- The importance of daylight hours for chicks up to a month
- When should chicks flock?
- How to feed and water the daily goslings
- Table of feed norms for geese of different ages
- Euphorbia and nettles: what kind of grass can you give?
- Do I need to give fish oil and how?
- Diseases of two-week-old geese
The correct maintenance and feeding of newborns, weekly and monthly goslings at home
Incubation of the goose egg lasts as long as 30 days. The temperature during incubation is maintained at around 38 degrees. But sooner or later newborn babies will leave a warm, cozy incubator and there will be a question about further maintenance.
The temperature regime is most important for goslings in the first 10 days,since the thermoregulation is not yet developed and the heat in the body is not retained, it is impossible to keep the small goslings in the street. This leads to loss of heat and the risk of loss of brood. To avoid such incidents, the temperature must be maintained artificially and high enough.
Temperature regime and care for the offspring raised in the incubator in the first days of life
The first three days are heated more intensively. The temperature is maintained in the region of 28-30 degrees. The temperature will be gosyatam comfortable if:
- kids spend most of the time near the trough;
- rest on the litter without trying to curl up more compactly at the heat source;
- the birds have a normal appetite and thirst.
Further by the 3rd week the temperature is gradually reduced to 20 degrees, or even 18. In terms of temperature, geese are more adapted to the environment. Unlike other poultry, the period of heating for geese is less, only 20-30 days.
If the heater is not enough and the temperature is lower than necessary, you can use infrared lamps (lock at an angle).
Warm air is very pleasant, but do not forget that any heater dries air, so you need to take care of the humidity.Humidity index, the first 10 (15) days, should not be less than 70%, then it should be reduced to 60%.
To maintain the required level of humidity, it is necessary to spray the floor of the room in which animals live, if necessary, lower the humidity level resort to ventilation.
.Progeny, grown by natural way (hen)
Nessushka heats and protects the eggs throughout the breeding period of goslings. If the incubator turns the eggs on average once every two hours, then the hen does it 50 times a day, which is 4 times more often. The result of her efforts is immediately visible - the output of the young is higher. The temperature and humidity under the goose is optimal for eggs.
The nature is laid so that the hen provides uniform heating, periodic ventilation and does not overdry the eggs. But, as everywhere there is one minus - under the goose can be put no more than 15 eggs, otherwise the incidence of incubation drops.
Having entrusted incubation to the hen-hen, it remains only to take care of the bird itself. It is necessary to ensure free access to food, water and the opportunity to swim. There were cases when especially impressionable hens were afraid to get off the nest and reach the feeding trough, which could lead to the death of the hen, if not forcible feeding.
The importance of daylight hours for chicks up to a month
Regardless of how the chicks were hatched, it should be taken into account that the duration of daylight affects the development, intensity of weight gain and health of goslings.
The first days (about 7 days) should provide round-the-clock coverage of the home of chicks,this will allow you to quickly learn and easily find food and water. Separate day and night is still worthwhile, even without turning off the light, but only muffling, but the difference should be.
After a week, the light day can be reduced to 16-17 hours. But not sharply, but gradually, daily, reduce the time of intensive lighting by about 30-40 minutes. Bringing the period of the day to 16-17 hours, you can stick to this schedule until sent to slaughter.
When should chicks flock?
Plumage in geese occurs gradually. From the moment of hatching to full feathering, approximately 75-80 days pass.
The first 20 days the kids walk covered with downy, the next 10 days you can see how the tail feathers appear (on the tail), after another 10 days feathers wings feathers, these feathers are called terry, further gradually and more or less evenly to 2-3 months age there is a full plumage.
How to feed and water the daily goslings
So, the goslings hatch, the feeding troughs and water are ready, the room is warm and light, but how to fill the feeders? The feeding period of goslings begins immediately after they have dried.
First luremust consist of the already familiar to their body food - is the egg yolk. The yolk should be hard-boiled, slightly diluted with boiled water and thoroughly crushed. This is the diet for the first 3-4 days. Next, you can offer a young green onion. It should be crushed thoroughly and mixed into the yolk. If the pieces are more than 2-3 millimeters, the goose can not swallow the food.
Weekly and fortnight lure.The first 10 days of babies are fed at least 7 times a day, making a break for the night. After a while (a week and a half), you can start to enter a high-calorie feed, about 15% of the total diet.
Food should be rich in fiber, it can be:
- agitator from:
crushed grain;
grated carrot;
finely chopped eggs;
green clover;
grass grasses; - boiled porridge (wheat, corn, millet);
- boiled potatoes (no more than 10% of the daily rate).
Lure at the age of 1 month.Closer to the month of the month, you can start practicing walking and feeding in the fields (paddocks). For this it is important to choose a place where the grass is not trampled, and not eaten. Geese themselves will find suitable leaves or roots. In this case, you can completely abandon the additional dry food.It is important to consider that greenery should form the basis of the diet.
Under the condition of a normal reaction to foods, you can start feeding goslings with beets, carrots and pumpkin already from 4 weeks of age, fresh vegetables are rich in vitamins and microelements, which will only go to benefit.
.The period from 4 to 8 weeks will determine the profitability of the whole plan with the breeding of geese. It is from the 4th week of life that the gosling organism is already used to different calorie and not very food, which means it is ready to absorb and grow. The basis of weight gain is the core of the grain (a storehouse of calories and flour). If you do not skimp on this, let and expensive, but very effective food, then 2-3 kg per month children will gain precisely and as a result - a high weight gain for a shorter period of maintenance.
It will not hurt to pay attention to a particularly fond food, try to give that food that they love and mix various high-calorie supplements (such as bone, wheat, vitamins). You can give sunflower cake mixed with their usual food in a ratio of about 25 grams of oil cake per 100 grams of feed (1 every 3 days, otherwise there is a risk of indigestion)
.Table of feed norms for geese of different ages
Forage largely determines the correct growing of geese. It is important to take into account the need of the body and ensure the intake, a sufficient number of vitamins and other nutrients and food. For this, there are recommendations for a daily diet and feeding schedule: the daily amount of fresh greens should not be less than 2 kg per goose.
Approximate rates of consumption of greenery and grain per individual (daily calculation)
Approximate rates of consumption of greenery and grain per individual (daily calculation) | ||
Age in days | Grain / mixed fodder (gr) | Greenery (gr) |
1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-75 |
20 55 120 140 160 180 200 220 |
50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 |
Total per head for 75 days | 9, 85 kg. | 25 kg. |
The daily schedule for feeding during the cold period looks something like this:
- 6-7 hours - ⅓ grain norms and dry flour mix;
- 14-15 hours - fodder mixture with the addition of vegetables: sugar beet (crushed), crushed boiled potatoes, etc .;
- 19-20 hours - ⅔ grain norms with dry flour mixture.
Feed / age in days | 5-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-60 |
Cereal feed | 21 | 41 | 97 | 97 | 100 |
Wheat bran | 6 | 13 | 40 | 50 | 60 |
Dry animal feeds | 4 | 10 | 15 | 15 | 12 |
Carrots, red | 20 | 20 | 20 | - | - |
Greenery of legumes | 20 | 60 | 100 | 200 | 400 |
Milk taken off | 50 | 50 | 2 | - | - |
Shellfish | , | 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
In addition to beets and potatoes, you can dilute the diet with products such as:
- vitamin hay or rubbish;
- flour (fish, meat-bone);
- carrot;
- mineral feed;
- beans;
- soaked peas;
- linseed, sunflower, soy cake;
- blood;
- cooked and chopped fish;
- cottage cheese;
- milk.
The mandatory ingredient should be river sand and gravel, they should be poured directly into the trough. Plus, it is necessary to give babies.
The daily schedule for feeding in the warm season is much simpler, the main diet is green, which they themselves find, you can additionally fed fresh grinded vegetables (vegetable waste), 50-70 grams per head per day will be more than enough.
.Euphorbia and nettles: what kind of grass can you give?
Adult geese can smell the dangerous grass and bypass it by the smell, but young people can sometimes make a mistakeand eat a leaflet of another dangerous herb, what will get you problems with digestion and poisoning. To prevent such problems, it is necessary to block access of young animals to forbidden plants, as it should be protected from eating green potatoes and potato leaves.
You can give:
- young nettles, especially freshly picked (but can be replaced with ascorbic, a teaspoon per liter of water);
- sporish;
- leaves of beet;
- carrot tops;
- spurge;
- alfalfa;
- dandelion;
- sorrel;
- yarrow;
- sow;
- horsetail;
- wheat grass;
- bluegrass meadow;
- young oats and rye;
- swamp duckweed.
Dangerous to geese plants:
- lily of the valley;
- quinoa;
- ambrosia.
Do I need to give fish oil and how?
Fish oil to give goslings can and should be. Especially it is necessary in the period when it is not possible to give the juicy fodder to the bird. Fish oil replenishes the lack of vitamins.
For feeding poultry, preparations of trivit and tetravine are provided, recommendations for feeding are indicated in the instructions for use. It will be necessary to know exactly the age of the goslings for calculating the norm. It will be approximately by -2%.
.Diseases of two-week-old geese
Diseases relating to geese can be divided into several categories.
- Non-contagious diseases,These include avitaminosis, rickets, diarrhea and the like. To treat such diseases it is necessary to search for the cause in the mode of the day and diet and maintenance. They can appear in one individual or in several, but the epidemic should not be expected, since they are not contagious.
- Diseases of the genital organs,this yolk peritonitis, is treated with careful care of the reproductive system and accurate care.
- Infectious diseases,such as: aspergillosis, salmonellosis, cholera and others. Such diseases are either difficult to cure, or not curable, and one must be prepared to kill the entire infected bird, and thoroughly disinfect the room in which the geese lived.
- Diseases caused by parasites.Be it cutaneous parasites or living within the body, it is necessary to get rid of them and it is desirable to conduct also preventive actions.
- Diseases provoked by toxic substances (poisoning).To prevent poisoning, care should be taken to ensure that there is no mold in the stern, there were no forbidden plants on the pasture and to monitor chemicals that may also cause poisoning.
Healthy goslings, this is the joy of the farmer and the prospect of a good income. In the care they are not particularly whimsical, and to observe how a yellow lump hatch from the eggs, which then grows into a healthy, strong goose, a real reward for any breeder.