Tulip bulbs: how to store and grow tulip bulbs


  • 1 What you need to know about bulbs
    • 1.1 Vegetation period
    • 1.2 Why is it necessary to dig the bulbs
  • 2 Features summer storage
    • 2.1 Material preparation
    • 2.2 Bulb family after digging
    • 2.3 Summer storage conditions
  • 3 Optimum conditions for bulbs in winter
    • 3.1 Dry storage
    • 3.2 Wet storage with germination
  • 4 Technology early forcing bulbs
    • 4.1 Flowering time shift
    • 4.2 Planting in the pot
    • 4.3 Distillation in a transparent vase
  • 5 Conclusion
Blooming tulips at any time is a gardener's dream.Blooming tulips at any time is a gardener's dream.

Digging up of tulips and the period of rest of underground shoots - a guarantee of preservation of the best high-quality characteristics. So, these are mandatory elements of agricultural engineering. How to store tulip bulbs and when to dig them out to ensure the flowering of favorite varieties - I will tell you about it in the article. I will share the subtleties of technology forcing them out at any time of the year.

What you need to know about bulbs

Tulips vegetation is short - up to 4 months. After all, the biological calendar of the plant coincides with the development of all the early onion flowers. Then the potential is laid, the bulb ripens (underground shoot). Therefore, proper care after flowering is important.

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Vegetation period

Escape structureEscape structure

The tulip bulb is a modified underground shoot with a bottom (thickened stem) and overgrown scales (leaf bases). This is an organ of vegetative propagation, and a storehouse of water and nutrients.

The natural fungicides (chemicals against fungal diseases) contained in mature surface scales prevent infection by fungus and gray mold. In young bulbs, the concentration of this substance does not reach the norm, but a flower germ develops in it, and new buds are laid.

Periods of growth and developmentPeriods of growth and development

In the axils of scales, buds are located, of which daughter bulbs (children) and an above-ground sprout (replacing the old bulb of the kidney) will develop during the rest period. In some varieties, at once 3 daughter bulbs develop along with the replacement one. After each flowering there is a change of generations, i.e. shoots of a new generation are formed and the bulb dies off.

With the growing season of the tulip you have read, now how to store tulips at home, to ensure their abundant flowering.

Why is it necessary to dig the bulbs

We retrieve only after the ground parts are completely dry.We retrieve only after the ground parts are completely dry.

Digging bulbs after ripening is a biological need.

There are 5 reasons for digging:

  1. With each summer, the division of underground shoots is repeated. This geometric progression does not leave the emergence of tulips nutrition and space. They are crushed, degenerate. So, you need to dig an onion after flowering.
Planting in special containers will facilitate the digging of tulips.Planting in special containers will facilitate the digging of tulips.
  1. Lack of heat, excess moisture in the soil interferes with the formation of full-fledged stalks.
  2. In the summer of onion strikes the fungus, the larvae of the May beetle.
Stolon (underground stalk) - the organ of annual reproduction deepens the kidney into the ground.Stolon (underground stalk) - the organ of annual reproduction deepens the kidney into the ground.
  1. Not seated onions gradually deepen. And the spring seedling is already difficult to break. Yes, and at such a depth of heat is not enough for the formation of a flower bud. The result is small, faded flowers.
  2. Digging and preserving bulbs will accelerate the natural flowering and reproduction of valuable varieties.

Features summer storage

The result of summer storage is dried up large material.The result of summer storage is dried up large material.

Professionals say that the entire month after the tulips have faded, the bulb is ripening. Then there is an intense outflow from the leaves and stem of nutrients. ⅔ yellow leaves and a drooping stem is the period when tulips are dug up. Usually at the end of June.

Material preparation

It is necessary to gently peel off the bulb bulbs from the ground.It is necessary to gently peel off the bulb bulbs from the ground.

Dugout onion nests with soil remnants florist collect in baskets or in perforated boxes. There, they are dried for a week in a dry, warm ventilated place. Such storage of bulbs is possible under a shed, on the veranda or in a barn. But the sun will irremediably burn the delicate scales.

Bulb family after digging

After drying, carefully examine the bulbs:

  1. Clean them from old roots.
  2. Then reject damaged and rotted copies.
  3. At the same time, calibrate them to size.
  4. Slight mold scaling is necessary.
  5. Then pickle the planting specimens with 1% manganese solution to avoid their possible infection. And be sure to dry.
This contact fungicide will protect the bulbs from fungus and rot.This contact fungicide will protect the bulbs from fungus and rot.
  1. Professional florists process tulip bulbs with the preparation “Maxim”.

Summer storage conditions

I'll tell you what to do with a tulip bulb, so that it does not prematurely sprout, dry or rot.

We decompose the selected onion specimens in storage of a maximum of 2 layers, and better - in the package from eggs.We decompose the selected onion specimens in storage of a maximum of 2 layers, and better - in the package from eggs.

In July and August, they are bookmarking future flowers and leaves. And the best conditions are:

  • Temperature range: 3 weeks 25–30⁰ С, then - up to 20⁰ С.
  • Humidity 60–70%. After all, its excess will entail germination and putrefactive infections. And the disadvantage - to the drying of "living" scales. We moisten the air from the sprayer or just put the dishes with water next to them.
  • Air access is required. Therefore, we do not store sorted material in polyethylene.
Boxes for vegetables and a layer of newspapers will provide air flow to the shoots.Boxes for vegetables and a layer of newspapers will provide air flow to the shoots.

So, with proper storage in September, the bulb will be elastic, dry, will not germinate, and will have time to mature for the autumn planting. Planted in the spring, they bloom later.

Scheme of autumn (for a warm climate) planting material.Scheme of autumn (for a warm climate) planting material.

Optimum conditions for bulbs in winter

Now the question arises: what to do next with the shoots? Stratification should always be carried out - cooling the material to zero temperature so that the tulip blooms after disembarking.

Dry storage

Sorted specimens can be stored in the refrigerator next to the vegetables.Sorted specimens can be stored in the refrigerator next to the vegetables.

Dry storage methods:

  • First, each bulb must be wrapped in paper and enclosed in a paper or cloth bag, and then placed in the vegetable section of the refrigerator.
  • Suitable and basement with a positive temperature. Storage in hanging vegetable nets before planting will protect our planting material from rodents.
The chips are an excellent filler: shoots breathe, excessive moisture is absorbed by wooden curls.The chips are an excellent filler: shoots breathe, excessive moisture is absorbed by wooden curls.
  • It is more natural to stay planting tulips in a dry substrate - in sawdust, sand, vermiculite.

Wet storage with germination

In the photo - sprouted material after wet storage.In the photo - sprouted material after wet storage.

Experts apply and wet storage. Then in the basement tulips will form roots, and even a sprout. At the same time planted in the spring tulip and bloom simultaneously with the autumn plantings.

The plastic box is carpeted with slightly dampened peat or sawdust. At the same time at the bottom of the box should be holes. Place the ground onions down here and sprinkle them with the same wet substrate.

Technology early forcing bulbs

Early forcing and further cultivation in the garden is guaranteed to save the favorite variety of tulips.

Flowering time shift

Visual tips on forcing in the greenhouse.Visual tips on forcing in the greenhouse.

The formation of tulips will take a maximum of 2 months. A cooling period should be reduced to 3 months. This is the time of onion preservation, and their rooting is the beginning of forcing.

Beautiful bright flower may appear in your gardenBeautiful bright flower may appear in your garden

Darwin hybrids are recommended for novice florists:

  • Diplomat,
  • London,
  • Apeldoorn,
  • Parade.

When they are distilled, they will definitely surprise with the largest bright petals, high straight stem.

The price of the material is about 200 rubles.The price of the material is about 200 rubles.

With rapid cultivation, early varieties develop rapidly, their flowers will delight in December. Averages - will bloom in February, and later - in March. The optimum diameter of the bulbs - more than 4 cm with a weight of 25 g. Material with a smaller mass will give smaller and less beautiful flowers.

Instructions for preliminary work is simple:

  • We dig up escapes with the dried-up stalk.
  • A subsequent five-day temperature of +30 will accelerate the development of the flower bud.
  • At +20, we save material for 2 months.
  • Next - 2 weeks hold +15.
  • Then - 3 months in the refrigerator until planting.
As a result, you will get high-quality and bright flowers.As a result, you will get high-quality and bright flowers.

Planting in the pot

Bulb copies take 20% more - this is our insurance fund. After all, too many tulips do not exist. Professional flower growers for forcing 80 tulips use a 40x70x8 box with earth, sand, peat.

Many growers prefer clean sand. After all, in the power bulb itself is enough. And sand is neutral, so it will not let it rot.

The soil for the shoots are processed.The soil for the shoots are processed.

In order to avoid diseases, the substrate is shed with a 2% solution of basezol or topsin. Although potassium permanganate is more affordable at home. Therefore, with our own hands we will make its pinkish solution.

Onions for the fastest rooting for a day soak in heteroauxin - a quarter tablet per liter of water. The cushion swollen on the bulbous bottom indicates that the roots will soon appear.

Bulb cones must be above groundBulb cones must be above ground

The bottom of the pot 4 cm littered with substrate. Then put 3-5 onions close together and sprinkle with them. But let the bulb cones be above the ground.

In the dark of a wet basement (humidity - over 90%) the roots will appear quickly. We water the ground with a 1% solution of calcium nitrate for the strength of peduncles.

For some, this can be a very successful business.For some, this can be a very successful business.

A 10-centimeter tulip with a bulb is brought into the same cool (for adaptation), but bright room. In a month there will be flowers. By the way, at a temperature of 20 degrees tulips bloom faster.

With reduced cooling, the stems will be short, and some buds will not open at all. And with an increase in this period, the stem will grow tall, but will wilt to the ground along with the flower.

Grown sproutsGrown sprouts

Now how to cut tulips. Already painted buds are cut off to morning watering right at the base and with leaves. But a couple of sheets should be left to obtain substitute onions.

When cutting the bouquet leaves 2 leaves at the base.When cutting the bouquet leaves 2 leaves at the base.

At the very base, cut tulip bulbs are not watered for 3 weeks and then removed. During this time, replacement shoots are fully formed and will not rot.

And when to transplant tulips after flowering? If the forcing is already fading, let it ripen (we are waiting for the ground part to die). And only then with an earthy clod, plant the plant in the ground.

Distillation in a transparent vase

Wonderful bulbs: year-round admiring tulips.Wonderful bulbs: year-round admiring tulips.

Shoots will sprout without land:

  • Bulbs of tulips 3 months cool in the refrigerator.
  • We pour sea pebbles into a transparent vase, fix an escape with them (the tip is free).
Distillation without soilDistillation without soil
  • Fill with water - it should not get to the onions, otherwise it will rot.
Soon bright flowers will appearSoon bright flowers will appear
  • We wait for 1.5 months, placing the vase in a dark, cool room.
  • Expose to a bright light, and after a month we enjoy flowers.
Here's what beauty can grow on your own windowsillHere's what beauty can grow on your own windowsill


Now you know the answers to the questions when to dig out tulip bulbs after flowering and how to save them. According to the already known plan drawn up by me in the above, you will be able to grow flowers at any time. The video in this article will reveal all the nuances of working with shoots, and if you have any questions, ask in the comments!

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