7 ways to clean the frying pans from soot, grease and rust

  • We clean very old frying pan - cast iron, aluminum or duralumin
  • 5 recipes for the removal of deposits of medium and low complexity
  • What if the food starts to stick?
  • We get rid of rust

Frozen fat, rust and carbon in the frying pan is a pressing problem, familiar to every mistress. And do not be afraid of even the oldest and multilayered blackness on an old cast-iron or aluminum frying pan, as it can be removed at home and with simple means.

In this material we will tell you about the ways of cleaning the frying pans of different kinds of different degree of contamination: from old cast iron to modern ones with Teflon coating.

We clean very old frying pan - cast iron, aluminum or duralumin

Many of us have old Soviet frying pans of cast iron, aluminum or duralumin, the appearance of which may seem hopeless. But do not be scared, because your deserved helper can really be brought to an ideal look with at least two ways:

  1. Soviet recipe for boiling;
  2. method of mechanical cleaning.
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Boiling according to the Soviet recipe: laundry soap + calcined soda + silicate adhesive

You will need: a basin of suitable size, 1 piece of laundry soap (72%),½cups of clerical glue (silicate or liquid glass),½cups of soda ash (not food!), a scraper (you can use a small knife) and a metal sponge.

Honestly, it will not be easy or quick to remove the carbon deposits 10-20 years ago, but then your dishes will be as new.


So, the first thing to do is to fill the basin with water and leave it to boil over a large fire. At this time, you can grate laundry soap. As soon as the water boils, the fire should be reduced, poured into the pelvis all the soap chips, stir them, and then add a floor of glue circles and a floor of mug of soda ash. At this stage, do not forget to open the window and turn on the hood!

Finally, you need to put the frying pan into the solution, after removing the handle from it. If the handle is not plastic / wooden, then lower it into the basin. Now it is necessary to have patience and wait 2-5 hours - depending on the degree of pollution.


Periodically do not forget to add water and check the hardness of the deposit. After you feel that the carbon has become softer, and the water has darkened as in the photo above, the dishes can be cautiously get and start the most difficult process - to clean the frying pan outside and inside the scraper, knife and aluminum sponge.

Tip: how can I clean a frying pan faster and easier? When the perennial layer of dirt will soften after boiling, try to apply to the frying pan a cleaner for ovens like Shumanit or Amway. Amway in this case is preferable, since it has no odor. Apply the entire pan to the liquid, shove it into the bag and hold for 30 more minutes. After that, it will be much easier to remove the deposit.


Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning of the frying pans is a more radical way, with which you can remove both fat, rust, and a thick layer of carbon as quickly and efficiently as possible. In order to remove the carbon in the frying pan, you will need a wire brush for metal for a drill or Bulgarian, glasses and a respiratory mask, dense clothes and strong shoes. And remember, you need to do such a cleaning with a Bulgarian carefully and carefully!

But a video with a clear example of how to clean a frying pan with the help of a Bulgarian.


5 recipes for the removal of deposits of medium and low complexity

The methods described above are suitable for the most difficult cases. And how to wash a frying pan of carbon deposits with only five or one years of "age or the one that just burned? There is a lot of proven and effective recipes, thanks to which the carbon in the pans is removed quickly and completely:

  1. Cleaning the frying pans with a mixture of soda, vinegar 9%, salt and water. The dishes stand on the stove, it is peppered with 2 tablespoons of salt and vinegar is poured - so that the whole bottom is completely closed. The liquid must boil, then the intensity of the flame decreases and is added¼Art. soda. Most of it should evaporate, after which the dishes can be removed, and then rinsed outside and inside. Also, the frying pans are cleaned from rust and frozen fat deposits. Be careful, there will be strong steam in the process!
  2. At home, you can make and an agent based on activated carbon. To clean the frying pans from the carbon in this recipe was effective, it will take at least 10 tablets. Activated charcoal should be ground and poured onto a frying pan moistened with warm water. After an hour, carry out a standard cleaning with a detergent.
  3. How to clean a ceramic frying pan or simply remove burnt food that stuck tight without damaging the bottom of the dishes? This method again means boiling - this time in a solution of 3-liter baking soda detergent diluted in 3 liters. hot water. In the prepared product we lower the dishes and boil for half an hour.
  4. And you can also make a tool for cleaning gary on the basis of ammonia with borax, and periodically clean them the dishes: a glass of warm water requires ten grams. borax and the entire droplet of ammonia. The mixture is applied to dirty areas with a sponge.
  5. Also at home, the cleaning of the frying pans can be done with citric acid. A teaspoon of citric acid is diluted in 1 liter of water, the solution is boiled, after which the soaked frying pan is soaked for an hour. If the dirt does not leave immediately, then the manipulation is repeated.

Tip: if cleaning the frying pans from the carbon deposits will be carried out regularly, you can easily get rid of a thin layer of contaminants, and you will not need to use serious tools. So it is better to clean the frying pan as soon as it cools down after use.

What if the food starts to stick?

So, how to clean a cast-iron frying pan, we figured out, but what to do to restore its oil "non-stick coating" after such serious interventions? Or in the event that food began to stick to the frying pan? That the food does not stick and do not burn:

  1. Heat the frying pan over a small fire for about 20 minutes, pour salt on its bottom.
  2. As soon as the salt starts to crackle, start stirring the salt, touching the bottom with a spoon. This should be done about 20 minutes. Then salt should be poured out and wait until the utensils cool down completely. By the way, salt can be reused for the same procedure.
  3. After the frying pan has cooled down, rinse it off with salt, then again glow.

  1. After the frying pan has warmed up well, take any vegetable oil and spread it over the bottom, for example with a silicone brush or spatula.
  2. As soon as the oil starts to burn, gently wipe the excess with a paper towel, and then pour oil again. Next, just wipe it with a napkin, pour a new layer of oil, wait for the excess to begin to burn and wipe again, that is, in general, this procedure should be done 3 times. As a result, you will get a shiny surface, which now needs to be protected, without rubbing the bottom with washing and without using chemicals. From time to time - or if necessary - the procedure can and should be repeated.
  • By the way, cast-iron dishes can not be washed in a dishwasher, otherwise rust will form on it, and also a non-stick oil layer will wash off.

We get rid of rust

Cleaning pig-iron frying pans often involves not only eliminating carbon deposits, but also getting rid of rust.

What do we have to do? The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Standard cleaning is carried out, allowing to remove carbon deposits and "expose" places with rust.
  2. The frying pan is dried after washing and placed in a well-heated oven (120 degrees) for 40 minutes.
  3. The heated frying pan is removed, lubricated with oil and again put in the oven (temperature - 230 degrees), where the hour is maintained. The bottom of the oven should be protected with foil.
  4. We take out the dishes and cool them again with oil.

In principle, this procedure can be carried out and so that the food does not stick and not burn in the process of cooking to the bottom.

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