We care for the glass ceramic plate correctly

  • What is required for cleaning?
  • What causes damage?
  • Properly clean glass ceramics - the sequence of actions
  • Important tips for the care of glass ceramics

Plate - this is almost the most valuable kitchen item, because it is she who makes the kitchen a kitchen! Let's find out how the glass-ceramic plate is cleaned-what nuances and secrets will ensure the durability and aesthetics of this product.

What is required for cleaning?

Advertising argues that glass ceramics are incredibly easy to clean, but does not say that special tools are needed for this. You will need:

  • A special detergent that perfectly removes oil stains, deposits from water and product residues. In addition, special remedies leave behind a film that will facilitate the next cleaning of the plate;
  • scraper for cleaning panels, which is short-lived plastic or practical steel (complete with removable blades);
  • rag.

Typically, the care kit is produced by the manufacturers of the panels themselves and implements them in the kit. Specialists do not advise to replace special household chemistry with usual. After all, a special cleaning agent not only eliminates all types of impurities, but also leaves a thin silicone film after application, which prevents oil and food residues from sticking.

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By the way, every manufacturer of glass-ceramic plates advises something of its own. If you combine all their recommendations, you get 6 simple rules:

  1. Sponge, which you wash the dishes, leaves behind fatty strips and traces of detergent - they will burn when the surface is heated and discolor it;
  2. Around the burners the stove is cleaned with a soft rag soaked in a mild soapy solution;
  3. A specialized cleaner for cleaning you will need to remove traces of water and grease;
  4. Lime plaque is eliminated with vinegar;
  5. Detergents must be washed off with warm water;
  6. Conventional means for windows are also suitable for cleaning glass ceramics.

See also: How to clean the gas stove in 8 steps.


What causes damage?

Glass-ceramic panel can get damaged due to randomly incident on the surface of grains of sand, a usual detergent and so on. Dangerous are the pots with a wet bottom, and salty water. In addition, glass ceramics is extremely sensitive to:

  • liquids with a high sugar content;
  • aluminum and plastic;
  • household abrasives;
  • mechanical damage - for example, if the knife suddenly accidentally falls with the blade down, a crack may appear on the panel;
  • Cold water - if you splash it on the hot surface of the oven;
  • "Run away" when preparing a liquid, especially if it flows to a neighboring hot plate;
  • dirty and dry rags - they can leave behind so many divorces that the plate will have to be washed again.

Thus, the glass ceramic hob favorably treats the neat housewives and will delight them with deliciously prepared dishes and energy efficiency.


Properly clean glass ceramics - the sequence of actions

Wash the hob only after it has cooled, so be guided by the indicator of residual heat.
Cleaning is the basis for care of the hob. Before its beginning it is necessary to get rid of old stains of scum and fat, having soaked them preliminary with water, and then having cleaned a scraper.

You will need gentle cleansers and a soft cloth. First, the detergent is distributed over the surface, and then carefully wiped with a suitable damp cloth - do not forget that the glass-ceramic is extremely gentle material. At the end of cleaning, the panel must be wiped dry.



  • The best material for the care of glass-ceramics is suede;
  • There is another secret - perfectly removes the stains of the rubberized rag, which is sold in the department of car goods;
  • If all the contaminants are not removed from the first time, you can apply detergent for utensils or a means for washing the glasses to a particularly difficult spot, soak for half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly;

Important tips for the care of glass ceramics


And in the end, a few practical tips to keep your cooking surface permanently attractive:

  1. Always turn on only the washed plate, otherwise the food will burn and remove them will be extremely difficult;
  2. Ershiki from metal, abrasives - a taboo for glass ceramics, because they will seriously damage it, leaving large surface scratches;
  3. Longer intervals between cleansings are unacceptable - the more time you take to care for the stove, the longer it will please you;
  4. On glass-ceramics it is inadmissible to store objects from plastic - when heated they will melt, adhering;
  5. For such slabs, you will also need quality dishes with a flat bottom - scratches, dents will interfere with the contact with the stove;
  6. In the process of cooking, you can not move the dishes on the burner - it will be scratched, and deep scratches on the glass ceramics do not give way to polishing.

We wish you that your hob was worthy of your kitchen and was always well-groomed to inspire you to new culinary achievements!

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