Description of the raspberry variety Polka


Who does not like to eat juicy ripe raspberries? There certainly are not many. Varieties of this fragrant and healthy berries number more than 120.One of the most popular for today is polka variety, she is a regiment, with descriptions and reviews of gardeners which can be found below.


Table of contents

  • Description of the grade raspberry polka
    • Strengths and weaknesses of the variety
    • Characteristics of berries and bushes, yield
  • Rules for planting, reproduction and care
  • Diseases and pests
  • Reviews of gardeners about raspberries

Description of the grade raspberry polka

A variety of raspberry polka - a remontant medium-sized variety was bred in 1993 by Polish gardeners from g. Brzezn. Hence the unusual name of the variety: Poland - polka. The result of selection exceeded all expectations.Polka very quickly became popular in Europe and not only. Large-scale distribution of polka in different parts of the world took place after the international agricultural exhibition in 2003 "FruitFocus".

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A wonder of this variety is that berries ripen even at a temperature of 0 ° -2 °.

The Polka is fruitful from the end of July to the first frosts (annual shoots).The yield of this variety is extremely higha. According to the results of testing of experimental stations, on average, it is about 4 kg per 1.

Raspberry variety Polish

Harvest can be harvested twice a year - in addition to harvesting the main crop, last year's shoots yield a harvest in early summer. If you grow raspberries for your own needs,you can leave a part of the shoots for the next year, then, due to the double harvest, you can enjoy raspberries from the beginning of summer to the end of autumn. In industrial scale, in order to avoid damage to the crop (twice a year - a large load on the plant), it is desirable to cut off shoots annually and collect only the main crop. Then the period of ripening of the Polka will be commercially profitable, the bulk of the varieties have already been fertilized, and the polka appears on the trading rows.

Strengths and weaknesses of the variety

One can single out suchthe main advantages of polka:

  • ideal berries(it is considered the best dessert sort of Europe);
  • high yield(yields of 12 tons per hectare are known)
  • longfruiting period(under condition of good feeding, actually harvest twice a year without excessive load on the plant);
  • resistance of sprouts and berries(berries do not flow, do not rot and are well preserved on the bushes);
  • keeping quality,transportability and dry separation of the yagod (even after freezing berries look fresh);
  • good in conservation(suitable for both classic raspberry jam, and for juices, fruit and jelly);
Raspberry jam
  • lack oflargespines(when harvesting you do not have to worry about the integrity of the skin);
  • immunity to the most common diseasesthis type (fungal, viral);
  • absence of "serious competitors" in the period of fruiting (rightfully considered one of the most cost-effective varieties).

Now about the disadvantages:

  • not frost-hardy. Needs shelter and circumcision for the winter under the root;
  • does not tolerate high temperatures(above + 35 °). It is necessary to shade berries and bushes, even in the presence of drip irrigation;
Polka does not tolerate direct sunlight
  • predisposed todiseases of the root system(rot, root cancer, etc.);
  • forcing out shootssubstitution;
  • needs toabundant replenishment(with a lack of potassium, nitrogen, organic, the formation of shoots falls).

As can be seen from the lists, the shortcomings of the Polish fade to the merits. It can be summed up that polka is good for both commercial cultivation and for oneself.

Characteristics of berries and bushes, yield

The height of the flight of polka can reach, meter. This variety has a very high resistance to shoots.The root system is also quite powerful, one root of an adult plant is able to form many shoots with weakly spiked.

The root of a raspberry bush

The berries of raspberry polka are beyond praise. The shape of the berry is conical. They are large enough (-3 cm), shiny, have an elongated shape, rich red color, small drupe, strongly pronounced taste and pleasant delicate aroma. The correct balance of sweetness and acid, as well as the density and wateriness will not leave indifferent the connoisseurs of this useful berry.Each brush gives an average of 8 berries weighing 3-5 grams each, that agree, pretty good.


Rules for planting, reproduction and care

Saplings of raspberry raspberry

Pollen seedlings are planted before or after the end of the growing season. Usually either late autumn or early spring. The correct planting and pruning of planted plants is of fundamental importance. It is advisable to choose a place with good lighting, since in the shade the shoots are stretched too much. The landing can be pit or trench type, occurs in a ribbon way. Beforehand it is necessary to clear the plantation for planting from weeds.Plant seedlings in such a way that the distance between plants is in the row / 1m, row spacing / 2 m. For a year the rows are intertwined, the distance between the seedlings will be about 35 cm. Escape in the bush it is desirable to leave no more than 7, otherwise the plant will need very abundant food. Ideally, if the soil is moderately drained, podzolic or slightly acidic (pH not higher than 7). In a trench or pit depth of 40/45 cm, a suitable nutrient mix is ​​laid (traditionally potash, phosphoric and dobriva plus compost or manure).

Nitrogen fertilizers are used only for top dressing, since they are harmful for rooting.

About polka food:the growth of seedlings is quite active,in the first bait the plant needs in Aprile. Here, organic nitrogen and potassium fertilizers are added to organic potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. It is possible to use complex top dressings.The second feeding is carried out in the middle of summer and the third in September. Do not forget about regular watering. By the way, plants more actively absorb top dressing, if it occurs after watering, then it is desirable to loosen the soil. Do not overdo it with fertilizers, an overdose is as harmful as can plant a plant.

Although the variety is medium-sized, shoots need support. Especially in conditions of insufficient illumination, the tips of the tree saplings bend under the weight of the berries in the brush. As trellises, it is best to use V- or T-like supports made of galvanized wire, at least 4mm thick.The distance between the rows of wire is 50-70 cm. The tension of the wire is optimally carried out with the aid of special tensioning devices. After the shoots are bred and laid on opposite sides, fixing on the wire pieces of strong rope. From time to time you need to thin the raspberry, as the polka gives a lot of growth.

Raspberry Plantation

For the winter, shoots are advised to cut to zero(except for cases where it is necessary to "stretch" the crop for personal needs) and to hide (with the exception of southern regions). Mulch the polka with straw, turkey, top peat. Top covered with agrofiber. It is strictly forbidden to water wintering raspberries.

Reproduction of polka occurs due to the dissection of root offspring.In the second half of summer offspring undermine, separated from the mother's root with a clod of earth and planted in a permanent place in raspberries. The optimal weather for such a procedure is rainy and cloudy, on a sunny day, the seedlings are pritenit. Pour 1 liter into the prepared pit. water and put there offspring with leaves. Approximately in half a month the seedlings start in growth and reach the standard size for wintering.


Diseases and pests

It was noted above thatPolka is not susceptible to common "crimson" diseases, such as spider mite and gray mold. Worms and other small pests are unrealistic to meet, as the bushes begin to blossom and bear fruit after the bulk of the repairing varieties. And pests are known to prefer early fruits. But is everything so cloudless?

The weak point of Polka is the root. The most frequent and dangerous disease is the root cancer.

To combat it, physiologically acidic phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and gypsum contribute to the soil.

Also,With a lack of potassium or high soil acidity, the bush can react with redness on the foliage. The same trend is observed in malnutrition. Usually, to improve the raspberries in this case, just before watering, fertilize the plants with wood ash.


Reviews of gardeners about raspberries

Gardeners usually speak of polka only well. This is not surprising, because there is an opinion that due to the high quality of berries, resistance to diseases and pests and long-term yield, raspberryPolka was awarded the title of "The Favorite of Gardeners".

Raspberry harvesting

Experienced raspberries write:"I have been fond of growing raspberries for many years, but I still have not decided which type is nicer to me - tall or short. I am very grateful to the Polish breeders for Polka: remontant, high-yielding, large-fruited raspberries. This tall onethe variety has an incredible crimson aromaand a wonderful taste. " Notes of the gardener

The family of agronomists Michael and Alla Molovichko share their impressions of "Polka": "For a long time we cultivated varieties of raspberries, bearing fruit on shoots-second-parties in the middle of summer. And now in our raspberries appeared raspberry "Polka fruit bearing on annual shoots from August to the end of vegetation.Late raspberry is not prone to pests, has large transportable berries, which are highly valued in the market - in the autumn they have no competitors. "LoveDacha

Many connoisseurs have already met and appreciated the polka on merit. After all, what is the most important for all summer residents? Of course, a high result with minimal costs.This brand is ideal for both commercial and personal use. Polka does not require super knowledge in care, easily multiplies. Berries are delicious, fragrant and have a demand in the market. This is the case when the result justifies the means.

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