Malina belongs to the category of thorny shrubs that have powerful rhizomes and a large number of shoots. Growing shrubs in one place should be no more than 7 years. Otherwise, there is a decrease in fruit size and looseness of the root system of this plant.
In this article we will look at the main diseases of raspberry, find out why leaves can dry or rot on a bush and how to deal with it.
Table of contents
- The main reasons why garden raspberries are drying
- Why do leaves of raspberry dry up?
- Why can raspberries dry up berries?
- The main diseases of the world
- Raspberry beetle
- Raspberry stem galley
- Raspberry glass bowl
- Raspberry stem fly
The main reasons why the garden driesAlina
Garden raspberries need to ensure optimal growth conditions. Otherwise, it will dry out. The reason for drying is improper care for it, which is due to insufficient watering, poor lighting, and poor soil.
Diseases of an infectious nature become the cause of the drying of this plant. Most often drying occurs as a result of the development of infectious diseases. The infection penetrates through mechanical damage. Drying of berries, leaves and shoots is observed as a result of the wilt virus, which is classified as a dangerous disease.
During the development of this disease, raspberry leaves quickly turn yellow, and the tops of the trunks dry out. When planting bushes next to zucchini, tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants can be observed drying. This is due to the fact that these plants are the causative agents of mold fungi, which are harmful to the plant.
Raspberries can hurt for various reasons. They are not in the wrong care of shrubs, and in diseases.
Why do leaves of a repair raspberry dry up?
Drying of leaves of a bush is observed as a result of the development of diseases. Often it happens as a result of the development of root cancer. With its development, there is a loss of taste of berries. New shoots of shrubs are characterized by small size, the leaves become yellow. In the summer they begin to fall off.
Infectious chlorosis or jaundice is a common cause of yellowing of shrub leaves. This is an infectious disease. With the development of this disease on young shoots often turn yellow leaves. Berries are characterized by a dry and unpleasant taste. The fight against the disease is to eliminate the affected shoots.

Gardeners have observed yellowing of leaves and with non-infectious chlorosis, the cause of which is due to improper tillage and adverse climatic conditions. When infecting shrubs, there is a change in the color of its leaves. On healthy shoots, the size of the foliage increases.
Why can raspberries dry up berries?
Drying of raspberry berries can be observed as a result of diseases such as infectious contagious chlorosis. In the period of the development of this disease there is yellowing of the foliage. By the fall, it becomes normal color. This disease has virtually no effect on the level of yield. But the berries become dry and lose their taste. They have a lot of seeds. Stems of diseased plants become thick and low.
Berries can dry with the tops of the plant as a result of gall midges. With the development of this disease, shoots and cracks are observed on the shoots. If the shrub is grown in one place for more than 5 years, then as a result of this, there may be a decrease in the size of the berries and their drying. If the shrub is affected by vetilisous wilt, then the plant wilting is observed from the tops of the berries.
Drying of berries is affected by diseases that result from improper care of the shrub.

The main diseases of raspberries and their symptoms
Raspberries belong to the category of shrubs, which under adverse conditions can be subject to diseases, and the negative effects of pests.
Both diseases and pests are dangerous for this plant. That is why you need to start pest control and treat diseases in a timely manner.
You may also be interested in the following articles about raspberries:
- Feed raspberries in August and autumn.
- Useful properties of raspberries and its leaves.
White and purple blotch
White purple blotch belongs to the category of fungal diseases. The disease affects young growing shoots near the attachment of the leaves to the stems. Raspberry trunks are covered with white or brown spots in a black dot.
To fight a disease, you often need to dig and weed the soil, and mulch it. The plant can be treated with insecticide. The ideal option to combat this disease is 0.3% malathion. It is possible to spray with konfidor.

Bacterial Root Cancer
Root Cancer leads to a deterioration in the growth of raspberries and the berries lose their taste, and the foliage of the plant turns yellow. The fight against this disease is problematic, since the use of insecticides is prohibited. Shrubs that are affected by root cancer are excavated and burned.
This eliminates the possibility of spreading the disease.

Fungal diseases of raspberries( anthracnose and gray rot)
Raspberry is susceptible to such fungal lesions as gray rot and anthracnose. Symptoms of anthracnose are most often observed in conditions of high humidity of growing shrubs. This fungal disease is manifested by leaf spotting, which is brown in color. The shoots affected by the disease must be carefully cut and removed from the site.
The occurrence of gray mold on raspberries is observed as a result of exposure to multicellular mycelium. The disease manifests itself at the initial stage of berry ripening. The disease is initially manifested by the appearance of brown spots in the places of contact of the fruit. After several days, the whole fetus is covered by the disease, resulting in necrosis.
To combat gray mold during the budding of raspberries, it is necessary to perform chemical treatment. For this purpose, fungicides can be used in the form of Fundazole 50 SP, Rovral, Sumlex 50 SP, Ronilan, etc. Of the application must be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions.

Raspberry Mosaic
Mosaic is a common raspberry disease that can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the variety. It can manifest itself as a mosaic of leaves or their deformation. Affected bushes are characterized by weak shoots.
The fight against the disease is made with the use of insecticides - Hostediona 40 КС, Marshal 25 КЭ, Кронетона 50 Э, Ortena 75 СП.

Rust on raspberries is a fungal disease, with the appearance of which dark spots appear on the lower part of the leaves. As a result, the leaves of the plant wither and fall. With a strong neglect of the disease on the stems brown spots appear.
When infecting raspberry bushes, they are destroyed. In the spring and autumnal period is sprayed. For this purpose, a solution of 1% Bordeaux liquid is used.

Ulcerative Spotting
This disease is most commonly seen on older plants. The disease manifests itself as brown spots on the shoots. In the summer, there may be a sudden drying of the plant. In order to avoid the appearance of the disease, it is necessary to remove two-year-old shoots after harvesting.
During the growing season, the shrub must be treated with Bordeaux mixture. Before flowering, the plant must be treated with such insecticides as Topsin M70, Impact 12 SC, Alto 100 SL, etc.

Witch's Broom
Witch's broom on raspberries results from the effects of phytoplasma. With the development of this disease at the base of shrubs a large number of shoots are formed.

Pest on raspberries and fight against them
Pests can cause irreparable harm to raspberries. They adversely affect not only the fruits of the plant, but also the stems, the root system.
That is why, when they arise, it is necessary to carry out timely combat with them. For this purpose, in most cases insecticides are used. In order to avoid the appearance of pests on raspberries, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures.
The raspberry-strawberry weevil
Weevil is a small black bug that damages raspberries with its long spout. To combat this pest, it is recommended to treat the bushes with infusion of garlic. A solution of manganese potassium can be used to eliminate the pest.
Raspberries should be processed in the morning or in the evening. In order to avoid the appearance of weevil between raspberries planted garlic or onions.

The raspberry beetle
The raspberry beetle has a brown color and reaches a length of 4 centimeters. It damages the flowers and the ovary of the raspberry.the shoots and leaves of the plant are damaged by the raspberry beetle. During the budding period, beetle plants are harvested by hand. If there are larvae in the damaged berry, then they need to be killed.
In the autumn, it is recommended to dig the soil. For pest control, insecticidal plants are used to prepare infusions. Insecticides are purchased to fight insects in a specialty store.

The raspberry stem gallitsa
Gallitsa is the main pest of raspberries. This is a black insect that grows up to 2.5 centimeters in length. Insect is characterized by the presence of transparent wings. Pests climb plants under the bark and overwinter there.

Raspberry glass bowl
The butterfly lays eggs on the soil surface near the raspberry bushes. Its larvae damage stalks of a bush. If, when inspecting raspberries, a stem fly was found, then it is necessary to immediately cut and burn the tops of the bushes. If there is a larva in the stem, then the stem is cut closer to the root. In the autumn, the soil should be thoroughly loosened.

Raspberry Stem Fly
The Crimson Stem Fly is a small insect whose length is not more than 5 millimeters. It is characterized by a green color and the presence of transparent wings. The pest overwinters under raspberry bushes. Since May, eggs are laid by flies in the upper leaves.
Larvae of flies penetrate the stem, which leads to wilting shoots. The fight is to eliminate damaged shoots. If this procedure is ineffective, then insecticides should be used.

Treatment and Prevention Methods for
With improper care, raspberries can be exposed to a variety of diseases.negative impact on its growth and development have a pest. To ensure a rich harvest it is necessary to carry out timely prevention of its pests and diseases. To this end, you need:
- Eliminate weeds;
- Conduct an autumn soil digging;
- Remove old shoots;
- Perform timely pruning;
- To process bushes with Bordeaux mixture in autumn and spring.
Raspberry is a useful shrub whose berries are used not only for food, but also for the treatment of diseases. Improper care leads to the appearance of pests and diseases on this plant.
In order to eat raspberries for food, they must be controlled by mechanical methods or with the use of safe insecticides. In order to avoid the appearance of pests and diseases, it is necessary to carry out their prevention in a timely manner. Its implementation does not require the expenditure of effort and money.
In conclusion, we offer you to watch a short video about raspberry diseases and pests, as well as ways to combat: