How to choose a freezing store for trading

Freezer showcase is a professional technique. It is entrusted not only with the function of storing goods, but demonstrating it to the buyer. Therefore, showcases are most often used in the sphere of public catering and in trade. We suggest you to understand, what they differ in the show-windows and how to find the right one for your business.

Content of the material:

  • 1Advantages of freezing
  • 2What to look for when choosing
  • 3Types of equipment
  • 4How do freezers work?
  • 5What are freezers
  • 6Price category
  • 7Browse popular models
    • 7.1The pole of Vx
    • 7.2Ariad Ariel VN 3-180
    • 7.3Biryusa 500
    • 7.4Dvina 150 VS 3 3-1-4X
    • 7.5CRYSPI (Crispi) Octava M 1800

Advantages of freezing

Correctly selected equipment will provide not only an attractive appearance of products, but also the safety of their taste and nutritional value. In other words, in a good freezer, your goods will be fresh and appetizing.

So, three indisputable facts in favor of technology and the principle of its work:

  • The fresh products are full of enzymes, because of which the food spoils very quickly. The cold slows down and practically stops this process.
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  • Frost blocks the rapid development of pathogenic bacteria that cause decay.
  • The shock method of freezing and the continued presence of products in conditions of low temperatures contribute to the preservation of its properties.

What to look for when choosing

Professional units are produced with different temperature regimes, they can differ significantly in design or design decision. Also showcases differ in purpose, as they are made for storage of various products.

When choosing it is worth paying attention to the depth of the calculation. These characteristics should be compared with the size of the trading area where the equipment will be installed, and the patency of the point. There are three main types:

  • Narrow, 85 cm wide.
  • The average width is from 9 to 10 cm.
  • Wide - from 114 to 11, see

For not too long storage of pre-frozen semi-finished products, you can choose a model equipped with a temperature regime from 0 to -6 degrees. And if it is a question of deep frozen products, the temperature range should be from -10 to -18 degrees.

In general, a freezer is an important trading element of any business, so choose the most attractive design. It's in your best interest.

Important! Most often, the models are horizontal, but there are also vertical ones.

Types of equipment

Showcases are divided into:

  • Open type. Open structures can be used in retail outlets with the possibility of self-service. Can work both permanently and in a complex of a refrigerating line.

  • Closed type. Relevant for stores in which customer service is provided through the counter. They can both store and display products.

From the standpoint of the installation of the storefront are:

  • Floor - respectively, installed on the floor. Suppose simultaneous storage and access to products.
  • Desktop - a suitable solution for the public catering (cafes, restaurants) or departments selling finished food. Also, the mini-versions are suitable for ice cream.

Depending on the method of placement of products, they can be:

  • With one tier - the layout is carried out only on one level.
  • Many-tiered. The upper tier is demonstration, the rest is stored.

How do freezers work?

Operation of the chamber is maintained by the circulation of air cooled to a predetermined temperature. The cooling of the area occurs due to the transfer of heat by freon to the evaporator with the help of a motor-compressor. At this time, the chest gives heat to the environment.

There are two types of cooling:

  • Forced. In this case, cold air diverges through the compartment with the help of fans. It is more perfect due to the uniform distribution of cold. The only "but" - the prices for these models are slightly higher.
  • Natural (static) - when the air from the evaporator under the influence of gravity descends on the products.

Management of technology is entrusted to the electronic board (controller). In the cameras there are special sensors that transmit data about the temperature of this board. If the temperature is higher than the set temperature, the compressor starts up and the refrigerant circulates to the evaporator. When the temperature is normal, the motor shuts down.

What are freezers

Inside the freezer is usually made of stainless steel or galvanized steel, plastic or food aluminum can also be used. The listed materials, in contact with the products, do not oxidize, so they do not affect the quality of the commodity output in any way.

Showcases for commercial premises, the area of ​​which does not exceed 400 m², is equipped with a built-in system that generates cold. In such machines there is an autonomous compressor and a capacitor. Cooling can be both static and gravitational (with low noise, almost noiseless) with auto-thawing of the evaporator. This technique can be started right after the purchase.

Freezers with remote cold are more suitable for large trading organizations - hypermarkets, etc. They do not have their own cold aggregates. The system creates a cold and delivers it through a special tube to the display case. Such electrical appliances have a complex design, therefore require professional installation and regular maintenance.

One of the key parameters of the technique is the strength of the transparent part. As a rule, the main material for its production is tempered glass. If you break such a glass, it breaks up into hundreds of small fragments that will not spoil the products and will not endanger the buyers.

Price category

Today, all showcases can be divided into three main classes, based on the price:

  • Luxury.
  • "Business".
  • Economy.

Accordingly, the luxury-class device has the most advanced technical characteristics and exclusive design. The business class devices usually have remote and built-in cooling systems and are equipped with electronics. Technology from the economy segment is arranged in the same way as in the previous one, but it can be electromechanical and yield as an assembly and visual performance - but such equipment is inexpensive.

Browse popular models

Let us consider their characteristics and user reviews in more detail.

The pole of Vx

Main characteristics:

  • Dimensions: 118x83x11, see
  • , kW / day - energy consumption parameters.
  • The total depth of the computation is 56 cm.
  • The temperature range is from 0 to +10 degrees.
  • Static cooling.
  • The cost is from 30 000 rubles.

Dmitry Nikolaevich, individual entrepreneur, Moscow

Our store sells original homemade pieces - mostly jams. It was important to ensure both the proper storage of these products and the presentable delivery. The shop window was searched in online stores and stumbled upon the "Pole". At first the price of 30 thousand seemed high, but it paid off quickly and in full. For a durable and transparent glass is perfectly visible all the goods, the backlight is excellent. The 4th month is running without a single fault. Auto-thawing simplifies use. Especially I want to note the shelves of glass, on which there is still an impressive batch of goods.

Ariad Ariel VN 3-180

Features overview:

  • The manufacturer: "Pole".
  • Dimensions: 182x103x13, see
  • Depth: 64 cm.
  • The device consumes 3 kW per day.
  • The temperature range is from -18 to -10 degrees.
  • Weight: 170 kg.
  • The cost is from 72 000 rubles.

Alla, Samara

I was looking for a good freezer for the store. Since it was intended for fish, meat, semi-finished products and other frozen foods, low-temperature regimes were important. This model suits all 100%. My sales point began to look presentable, and the device performs its functions. The setting is simple, the work is quiet. I recommend to colleagues.

Biryusa 500

The cabinet-display with dimensions of 182x122x11, cm has a depth of 72 cm. Weighs 85 kg. Consumes 3 kW / day. The temperature range is from 0 to +7 degrees. Static cooling is provided.

The cost is from 42 000 rubles.

Anatoly, Moscow

Fully meets the needs of a small store. The temperature in all parts of the freezer is the same. I liked it (took it on trial), so I bought a couple more.

Dvina 150 VS 3 3-1-4X

The manufacturer: Golfstream. Parameters: 160x125x108 cm. The depth of the computation is, as in the previous model, 72 cm. Consume per day, kW. Temperature range: 0-7 degrees. The weight of the device is 145 kg. Static cooling.

From 42 000 rubles.

Olga, Saratov

It has been working properly for almost half a year. Was equipped with an additional compartment, layouts, baking trays and curtains. Excellent model of the average price category for small businesses.

CRYSPI (Crispi) Octava M 1800

Main advantages:

  • High performance evaporator (manufactured in Italy).
  • Manufacture of showcase - RF.
  • Automatic defrosting of the evaporator.
  • Illumination of luminescent type.
  • Curved front glass.
  • Surfaces - high-quality stainless steel.
  • Thermal insulation - polyurethane foam.
  • "Crimson-red" color.
  • Complete with a glass shelf.
  • There are night curtains, made of plexiglas.
  • Includes a container for thawed ice.
  • Only 3 baskets, dimensions 52x63 cm.


  • The voltage is 220 V.
  • Power - 4 kW.
  • Depth of computation - 66 cm.
  • Temperature range: -18 to -15 degrees.
  • The refrigerant is R-404a refrigerant.
  • Gravitational cooling.
  • Weight - 223 kg.

The cost of this model starts from 53 000 rubles.

Today, a huge selection of professional equipment opens for buyers, both domestic and imported. The models we examined are worthy candidates for installation in your trading premises. We wish you a successful choice!

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