Every gardener knows that raspberry bushes grow well and give a rich harvest on chemical-rich soils. To create favorable conditions for this plant, it is important to choose the right fertilizers.
Feeding raspberries in the fall contributes to an increase in yield. Organic and mineral substances introduced according to the established rules are used as top dressing.
Table of contents
- When raspberries need feeding and processing?
- How to fertilize in the spring before fruiting?
- How to feed the repair raspberries in August?
- Fertilizer for raspberries in September
- Is nitrogen needed in the fall?
- Winterizing
- Fertilizers - Pests
When raspberries need feeding and processing?
Not only the raspberry fertilization calendar will help determine when you need to apply fertilizer. The plant itself will tell you exactly what it lacks, and which fertilizers are already superfluous. And it is not necessary to be an experienced gardener to be able to identify a problem.
Carefully inspect the shrub, paying attention to the color change of the leaves , the thickness of the stems. Having found the problem in time, the owner will have time to solve it, so that a shortage / surplus of fertilizers will not affect the yield. So, as a problem is indicated by a shrub:
- if the plant shoots are weak and thin, the leaves are small, this indicates lack of phosphorus ;
- ; the appearance of green-veined yellow leaves indicates iron deficiency;
- leaves grow poorly, turn yellow, starting from the middle - add magnesium to the soil;
- shrub looks burnt, turned a brown color - a little potassium. In this case, the plant may not survive the winter;
- small, yellowing leaves talk about the lack of nitrogen .In this case, the plants do not grow or do it too slowly; they look drooping;
- leaf color is very dark, shoots grow rapidly - too much nitrogen. This leads to an early fall of the berries, a decrease in yield.
How to fertilize in the spring before fruiting?
Before spring dressing, it is important to prepare the bushes. First of all, trim the lower shoots. Handweed out the weeds, gently loosen the top 10 cm layer of soil. This should be done so as not to injure the roots.

In order to have reason to expect a rich harvest, the application of mineral fertilizers is required in the spring. What fertilizers to make in the fall under the raspberry:
- superphosphate - this fertilizer contains a huge amount of the most useful plant substances: sulfur, potassium, magnesium and others. This fertilizer leads to increased yields of raspberries, accelerated development, increased resistance to various diseases;
- Potassium salt is a nutrient. An excellent substitute for this fertilizer is the custom ash, which, apart from other benefits, does not contain chlorine, which has a negative effect on raspberries. Recommend to make dry or diluted;
- nitrogen fertilizers .Urea and ammonium nitrate.
Fertilizing raspberries with minerals is best integrated. The best effect is obtained when using a mixture of 60 g of superphosphate, 30 g of ammonia sulfur and 40 g of wood ash. All this mix in a bucket of water. In the soil to make for two steps, with the second dressing to do in the first month of summer.
It is recommended to fall asleep in the rows of raspberry with compost during fruit set. Organics and urea should be applied every year , whereas fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium is applied every three years.
How to feed the repair raspberries in August?
How to feed the raspberries in August, especially after fruiting? In the summer, it is required at least one-time fertilization during the ripening period of the berries. Many gardeners recommend doing another additional fertilizer bushes - in June.
Plant should be saturated with nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus. In addition, bushes are sprayed with an aqueous solution of magnesium sulphate and boric acid. This can not be done in sunny weather, but it is pointless to pry and before the rain.
If you wish, you can replace them with infused wood ash. For this, 500 ml of ash are poured onto 10 liters of hot water. Nitrogen fertilization during this period is not worth it - it reduces the frost resistance of the shrub.

Fertilizer for raspberries in September
How to feed the repair raspberries in the fall after pruning? It is very important to fully feed the plant in the fall, since during the period of growth and fruiting it spent a considerable amount of nutrients. The lack of these elements leads to inhibition of development and reduced yields in the coming year. Before making, thoroughly weed and gently loosen.
In the autumn organic matter should be added - it contains the necessary trace elements. The shrub easily assimilates such fertilizers, therefore it will welcome spring healthy and full-fledged. The following fertilizers are used more often in the fall:
- rotted manure .It gives strength to the shrub during the rapid growth in spring. In cold weather will help to warm and keep the roots intact. Use 6 kg of manure per square of land;
- pulverized compost .Does not concede in efficiency to manure at all. In addition to saturation with valuable substances, it disinfects the soil. A good solution is the use of foliage, leaves, waste from vegetables;
- peat. Slightly saturates the soil, but its value in another - improves the structure of the soil;
- poultry( chicken) litter. Use an aqueous solution, evenly pouring the area of raspberries.
It is very important to start processing raspberries in September and correctly calculate the amount of fertilizer. The dose depends on the appearance of the plant and the quality of the crop. If the shoots are thick, the height of the shoots is up to two meters, and at the same time at least 1.5 kg were collected from the bush, should be fed in the prescribed mode. If the shoots are thin, grow poorly and the harvest is not enough - is recommended to increase the amount of fertilizer applied.
By giving the raspberry a necessary amount of nutrients in the fall and spring, you can both improve the quality of the bushes and improve the yield. It is important to follow the deadlines and feed strictly on schedule.

Is nitrogen needed in the fall?
Nitrogen stimulates plant growth in the long term, which prevents the maturation of shoots and greatly reduces the frost resistance of the shrub. Therefore, it is believed that even at the end of the summer you should not fertilize raspberries with nitrogen. That's a moot point.
Since August, begins the secondary growth of roots. Nitrogen in this process is the main component. Therefore, to make nitrogen in the fall should not be. At the end of the summer, it is possible, but more often the plant lacks that small amount of fertilizer that was introduced in the spring at the beginning of June.
Preparing for winter
Begin preparing the bushes for winter before the onset of freezing temperatures. Raspberries winter in a state pressed to the ground. However, before bending down the shrub, it is necessary to prepare the shoots.
Pruning raspberries includes the removal of old dried and thin young branches. As a result, only new thick stems remain, which are cut in the upper part by 15-20 cm. A distance of 60 cm is kept between the bushes. If between them sprouted shoots - delete.

Carefully remove the leaves from the shoots so as not to damage the buds. If leaves are left, they will damp, rot and can burn kidneys. After cleansing, the bushes are bent, fastening with wire straps. Shrubs are located as close to the ground as possible so that in winter the raspberry bush is completely covered with snow.
After the snow has laid down, it is impossible to forget about the shrub - if there is little snow - you need to fill it with bushes. The resulting crust knocked down to breathe raspberries.
Residents of the northern regions in the autumn should additionally cover the bushes with straw.
If everything is done correctly in the fall, in the spring the raspberry jam will rise in all its glory. If some shoots are dead, they must be removed so that they do not spread the disease.
Fertilizers - pests
Fertilizing raspberries should be done with care, as fertilizing can both accelerate the flowering of plants and ruin raspberries.
Thus, it is impossible to use nitrogen in large quantities, because raspberries will grow constantly, and not “sleep” in the winter.
So, before embarking on fertilization, it is important to find out which ones will have a positive effect on plants. At the same time, whatever the soil turned out to be, it is impossible to leave raspberries without top dressing. In order for the plant to develop properly and give a rich harvest, it is necessary to find a middle ground.