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Every gardener knows that a good harvest can be obtained only on fertile soil. Therefore, it carefully prepares for the onset of the summer season, fertilizing its plot. Nowadays, there are many new products in the field of fertilizers, but the good old methods are also widely used along with modern drugs and have never failed. One of these methods is the use of sawdust.
Often gardeners are interested in whether rotary sawdust can be used as fertilizer. The answer is obvious - not only possible, but necessary, because sawdust, in fact, pure organic material. The main thing is to prepare them properly before use. Sawdust not only enriches the soil, but also makes it more friable and serves as an excellent mulch. In addition, they are more accessible from the financial side.
The use of sawdust for garden manure
You do not recommend putting rotten sawdust in a clean form to garden bedding, because they are very kind to nourish sawdust sawdust on vegetable garden beds, because they are very kind to nourish nourish sawdust to clean garden fields. On this ground, many plants simply will not survive. However, it is thanks to the process of decay of sawdust that the earth is saturated with oxygen. To neutralize acidity, fertilizer from sawdust should be properly prepared:
- Pour fresh sawdust into the prepared pit.
- Lime them on top.
- Leave to rot for at least two years.
It is better to fertilize sawdust in the first half of summer, so that by the fall they have time to completely decompose. If fertilizer is applied at the end of the summer, because of the high humidity in the rainy season, water from the wood waste will evaporate badly.
Use of sawdust as mulch
Sawdust is a good mulch for various crops, not only in the garden, but also in the garden. The re-sawdust can be immediately scattered on the beds in a layer of 5 cm, and the fresh ones must first be prepared. To do this, put them in layers, alternating with urea in approximately the same proportion: 3 buckets of sawdust - 200 g of urea. Cover with a bunch of top film and leave for 2 weeks. After the specified time, sawdust will be ready for use.
Shrubs such as raspberries are mulched with a thicker layer - up to 20 cm.
Mulching with sawdust will allow watering the beds less often, since moisture will not evaporate so quickly and will retain the loose soil structure. In addition, the presence of mulch between the rows will create obstacles to the growth of weeds.
Sawdust in greenhouses and compost
On greenhouse beds, rotted sawdust is introduced in spring or autumn in order to speed up seed germination. This soil warms up faster. For greater benefit, they are mixed with manure, also rotted.
Sawdust is good to add to compost. At the same time, they should be rotting throughout the year to make the compost more nutritious.