Features of the use of azofoski for feeding strawberries

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Several years ago, we bought a summer cottage and broke a small vegetable garden on it. There is a lot of trouble with it, because our soil is clay. Having small children, I want to pamper them with natural fruits and berries, so they took part of the garden with strawberries. I would like to fertilize the land, and the bushes grow poorly. I heard that azofoska works well on heavy soils. Tell me how to use azofosku for strawberry fertilizer?

When growing strawberries in heavy soil that does not pass water and air badly and, as a result, it does not evenly distribute trace elements, special complex preparations are indispensable. One of such preparations is azofoska - a mineral fertilizer consisting of the main microelements necessary for the active development of a plant:

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  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • nitrogen;
  • small amount of sulfur.

Due to this balanced composition of trace elements, azofoska is suitable for use on all types of soil, including clay and sandy soil.

When is it better to fertilize azofoska strawberries?

Apply azofosku for strawberry fertilizer is necessary in the spring or summer. The preparation should be brought in the heated-up earth. Nitrates accumulate in cold soil, so azofoska is not used for autumn feeding.

The maximum effect of the introduction of the drug is achieved by alternating azofoski with organic matter, and the best time for feeding - before the start of flowering strawberries.

How to fertilize strawberries azofoskoy?

It is possible to make complex fertilizer both in pure form in the soil between plantings, and to apply to foliar top dressing of strawberries. The dosage of the drug depends on the method of its use:

  1. In its pure form, sprinkle the granules between strawberry bushes as close as possible to the roots at the rate of no more than 30 g per 1 sq. M.
  2. To prepare the working solution in a bucket of water add a full matchbox of azofoski. Water the plantings under the root.
Read also: Use of fertilizers for garden flowers in spring and summer

The effect of fertilizer

As a result of feeding strawberries with azofoskaya:

  • increases resistance to disease;
  • plantings tolerate summer droughts and spring frosts more easily;
  • plant develops more actively;
  • is tied with more berries;
  • improved flavor characteristics of the crop.
Read also: Fighting for the harvest of strawberries in the spring

The feeding of strawberries with azofoskoy provides the plant with the necessary nutrition for the entire growing season. At the same time, trace elements are practically not washed out of the ground by rain and for a long time they feed strawberries.

Read also: How to make a sandy soil suitable for growing garden and garden crops?

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