Where does the dust: what it consists of, instructions on how to get rid of, videos and photos

Dust in the apartment - the phenomenon of unpleasant and even dangerous for the health, but unfortunately unavoidable. For example, my body is very sensitive to dust, causing allergy, and even dust can trigger asthma, bronchitis and even pneumonia. I know, where does the dust and how to fight it. About the same time I want to talk to you.

It is proved that in one year in 2-room apartment going over 20 kg of dust. How many millions of tons of dust accumulates over a lifetime?
It is proved that in one year in 2-room apartment going over 20 kg of dust. How many millions of tons of dust accumulates over a lifetime?

The dust is terrible and where does it come from?

Before figuring out how to get rid of the dust in the apartment, you need to understand the main sources of its occurrence.

main sources

There are several sources that provoke the emergence of this unpleasant plaque in the apartment:

  • Street. The smallest particles of dirt from the road, dry land, pollen may be connected with the waste by incineration and wood processing and oil and together with the circulating air to penetrate into the apartment.
    instagram viewer
These apartments come with air and debris microparticles that, settling, turning the dust
These apartments come with air and debris microparticles that, settling, turning the dust
  • Pets. Wool our younger brothers is also a source of house dust.
  • Furniture. The decomposition of the materials from which the furniture is made - another reason for the formation of unpleasant gray plaque. Most of all visible dust in hard-to-clean places - for closets, under the bed.
On the dark contamination furniture noticeable than on light surfaces
On the dark contamination furniture noticeable than on light surfaces
  • spoiled food. The dry or slightly spoiled food reserve a multitude of small grains, which are sometimes difficult to see the first time.
  • Person. Tiny particles of necrotic epidermis (upper layer of the skin) from human exfoliated throughout his life. Here is another answer to the question, what is in the dust in the apartment.
Do you have a pet? Then you know you have the dust is greater than it would be!
Do you have a pet? Then you know you have the dust is greater than it would be!

How dangerous is it for a man?

Dust in the house - not just a constant phenomenon that is difficult to accept, but also very dangerous. The fine particles of organic and inorganic origin are able to irritate the upper airways, and then human lungs.

Dust - strongest stimulus upper airways
Dust - strongest stimulus upper airways

Inorganic substances are most dangerous because the harmful elements are allocated in a complicated matter decomposition. They strongly irritate that subsequently can provoke allergies and respiratory tract diseases.

In the photo - dust mites, which live... that's right, it is in the dust
In the photo - dust mites, which live... that's right, it is in the dust

The layers of a dusty plaque - a perfect haven for dust mites. These harmful parasites feed on necrotic particles of human skin, and their waste - cause of asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Get rid of dust in 2 stages

How to deal with the dust in the apartment? To process took place as efficiently as possible, it is best divided into two stages.

An integrated approach and regular cleaning - the price of a lack of dust
An integrated approach and regular cleaning - the price of a lack of dust

Step 1. Reducing dust sources

To reduce the amount of dust collected over our lives in an apartment, you must reduce the number of so-called "vacuum":

  1. Get rid of carpets. By such a radical way, you can resort only if you are not prepared daily vacuuming them.
The fleecy carpets are hiding billions of dust particles, therefore they should be vacuumed daily
The fleecy carpets are hiding billions of dust particles, therefore they should be vacuumed daily
  1. Remove accessories. Small figurines, artificial flowers and decorative napkins - magnets for the whole dust clouds.
A large number of books on open shelves attracts dust like a magnet
A large number of books on open shelves attracts dust like a magnet
  1. Give up the old stuff. Hide away in a closet or a familiar things that you have not used. This may be a bag hanging in the hallway for almost a year, or a scarf that you are so not once wore.
  2. Replace curtains. Opaque curtains with many folds - one of the main drives of dust. They should be replaced by a more simple design - thin roll curtains or blinds.
Heavy drapes dust is going much faster than thin roll
Heavy drapes dust is going much faster than thin roll
  1. Change the filler cushions. It is better to abandon the natural fillers in favor of modern hypoallergenic synthetic analogues. Dust relentlessly attacking natural materials.

Step 2. Cleaning

To qualitatively to remove dust in the apartment, it is necessary to perform the process on a regular basis.

Wet cleaning - the best cure for dust
Wet cleaning - the best cure for dust


  • All unnecessary things lay on the closed box or a glass display case.
  • Treat curtains steamer - he will kill germs and eliminate the dust.
  • Thoroughly vacuum the upholstered furniture lay on her damp cloth and knock, like carpet. All the dust from the sofa fabric absorbs.
sofa upholstery need to be vacuumed at least once a week
sofa upholstery need to be vacuumed at least once a week
  • Spray from a spray houseplants and wipe them.
  • Wipe off the dust on all surfaces. Do not forget about the eaves, wardrobe, TV or baseboards. Correctly dust should be so: first, to carry out wet cleaning items and accessories, located as high as possible, and finish her cleaning the floor.
  • Vacuum the floors. It is best to deal with it with the washing vacuum cleaners aquafiltering.
Vacuum cleaners with aquafiltering make the air cleaner
Vacuum cleaners with aquafiltering make the air cleaner

In the process of cleaning, open all windows and doors to the balcony on the mode of ventilation. To protect the apartment from the street dust, cover with mosquito nets on the windows with wet gauze.

Chief assistant in cleaning

There are some very practical tools that allow you to get rid of the dust for a long time. The most popular and relevant of them are:

  • humidifiers. At home, in the presence of the humidifier will be easier to fight with the dust. In areas with high humidity, fine particles quickly settle and become visible. So you can quickly wipe them with a damp cloth.

Still, do not get too carried away by the air moisture, otherwise the risk to provoke the appearance of mold on the walls.

Keep track of the level of humidity, otherwise there is a risk of the fungus, which is also bad for your health
Keep track of the level of humidity, otherwise there is a risk of the fungus, which is also bad for your health
  • A vacuum cleaner. Without it, the cleaning is not nearly as fast. It is best to use modern devicesEquipped aquafiltering. They are able to reduce the amount of dust in the air, not only on the treated surfaces.
  • The membranes on the window. This modern device, prevents the penetration of dirt from the street into the building. They also help to get rid of allergens.
  • Chlorophytum. The plant, which perfectly absorbs an impressive number of different pollutants around us.
Chlorophytum plaque from the furniture does not remove, but perfectly purify the air from it
Chlorophytum plaque from the furniture does not remove, but perfectly purify the air from it
  • Polishingantistatic. Antistatic furniture from dust is not able to completely get rid of it. But after a surface treatment agent such dust on them will not be soon. Please note that these substances are not recommended for use in apartments, which are home to people with allergies.
Instead of polishing can be used napkins with antistatic
Instead of polishing can be used napkins with antistatic


To get rid of dust, unfortunately, it is impossible, but regular cleaning of their own hands will significantly reduce the number of its in-house. Visual aids on the subject - in the video in this article. If you know any more secrets to get rid of dust - share them in the comments!

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