Mold on the wall in the apartment: what to do? How and what to eliminate


  • 1 The causes of mold
  • 2 What to do with small lesions
    • 2.1 Folk ways of deliverance
  • 3 Radical ways to combat mold
    • 3.1 Top funds from the fungus on the walls
    • 3.2 Fastening the result on the new finish
  • 4 Conclusion
Mold, settling in the apartment, brings harm to health and destroys materials.Mold, settling in the apartment, brings harm to health and destroys materials.

Mold fungi is a colony of unicellular organisms harmful to humans and the main contributors to corrosion of building and finishing materials. When they appear, it is necessary to decide without delay how to remove mold from the walls in the apartment. I will tell about this in the article, and also describe the most effective folk remedies and professional ones.

The causes of mold

Mold is the hardiest form of life on the planet. This black, white or gray fungus on the walls has branching mycelium. Therefore, it multiplies rapidly in high humidity, especially in the absence of ventilation.

The main condition for the development of fungus - constant humidity. Therefore, complete removal of mold guarantee only radical measures.

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Explore the place of formation of fungus.Explore the place of formation of fungus.

Causes of mold:

  1. Wall decoration with specific materials, especially drywall. It favors the reproduction of the fungus.
  2. Humidity in toilets and baths equipped with poor ventilation also provokes mold growth on the walls. The rooms should not grow flowers that require frequent watering. And do not turn on the humidifier for a long time: the fog in the room is harmful!
We use steam humidifiers only with a humidity regulator and in accordance with the area of ​​the room.We use steam humidifiers only with a humidity regulator and in accordance with the area of ​​the room.
  1. The fungus is growing in the corners, here the reason is interpanel seams.
  2. Imperfect room ventilation contributes to the growth of these organisms. Therefore, it is necessary to install a hood, and even in the winter season to air the room often and regularly. After all, humidity forms condensate on a cold glass. It generates fungal lesions on the slope compactor and the glass unit. So expensive plastic windows spoil.
Mold leads to biodegradation of PVC windows and slopes.Mold leads to biodegradation of PVC windows and slopes.
  1. Often this problem arises from the once happy owners of the apartment, who have poorly installed PVC windows. Namely: saved on waterproofing, improperly mounted ebb, badly patched up window openings or manufacturers have made constructive errors.

What to do with small lesions

Consider how to remove mold from the wall in the apartment. If a small area is affected, folk methods will help. These funds are suitable for removing the problem for a long time.

We act in stages:

  1. Before cleaning, be sure to moisten the surface with a 1: 1 Whiteness solution. We moisten the affected areas and next to them (not covered by the fungus). Since dry fungal pores will scatter when cleaning, mold in the apartment will find a lot of new places.
The tool will dramatically reduce the number of fungal organisms.The tool will dramatically reduce the number of fungal organisms.
  1. Follow up: after 20 minutes mechanically remove mold plaque.
We work with a rough nylon brush.We work with a rough nylon brush.
  1. Reprocessing - destruction of mycelium. White with chlorine will corrode fungal lesions and stop their growth. In its pure form we wet the sponge and lubricate the wall.

When handling chlorine solution, be sure to protect your hands with gloves and provide airing!

Folk ways of deliverance

I offer solutions that are easy to make at home. Remember, however, the means of fighting fungi for health is very dangerous. Use a respirator, it will save the bronchi.

Traditional means - lime processing.Traditional means - lime processing.
  1. Quick diluted lime with water. After its boiling, we moisten the cloth and wipe the mold on the wall in the apartment with it. But first you should scrape it off or wash it off with soapy water.
Peroxide starts the process of damaging unicellular fungi as a result of oxidation.Peroxide starts the process of damaging unicellular fungi as a result of oxidation.
  1. Hydrogen peroxide (5% solution) is a less dangerous alternative to lime. It should be applied with a spray on a dry, but cleared from the fungus surface.
With our own hands we clean the surface with ammonia - always wearing gloves.With our own hands we clean the surface with ammonia - always wearing gloves.
  1. Ammonia (ammonia) can also be treated walls. Then after 3 hours wash it off with water.
Harmless means - essential oil of tea tree.Harmless means - essential oil of tea tree.
  1. Tea tree oil plus vinegar is an effective natural remedy for mold. However, you must first clear the affected areas and allow to dry. Only after scraping, wipe the walls with 5% vinegar, and the floor with diluted tea tree oil (a drop into a glass of water).
Furacilin will also destroy mold and fungus.Furacilin will also destroy mold and fungus.
  1. Pharmaceutical solution furatsilina weak, the desired concentration can be obtained from tablets. We part them in furatsilinovom solution or in water (10 tablets per glass). Using a sponge, wash the already scraped surfaces, but after they dry out, re-spray the affected area with a spray bottle.

For prophylactic monthly cleaning of surfaces, use 1 tablet of furatsilina per 2 liters of water.

Copper sulphate is a popular wrestler with fungal plaque in high humidity rooms.Copper sulphate is a popular wrestler with fungal plaque in high humidity rooms.
  1. 100 grams of vitriol dissolve ten liters of water. And wash fungal contamination. Although the walls will acquire bright blue, the question of a fungal plaque on the walls in the apartment will be closed for a year.

Radical ways to combat mold

It is necessary to find out the cause of infection. After all, the listed funds from mold will only temporarily neutralize small stains, and the essence of their formation is not eliminated.

It is necessary to warm the apartment from the outside, arrange waterproofing, provide ventilation. Or even to close up all the external cracks. And on the first floor it is advisable to install a warm floor.

We remove everything that limits access to the mycelium for its destruction.We remove everything that limits access to the mycelium for its destruction.

Then you need to clean the ceiling, rip the wallpaper. Extensive dirt on the plasterboard lining is removed along with the plasterboard.

How to remove the fungus from the wall? Spatula or stiff brushHow to remove the fungus from the wall? Spatula or stiff brush

Visible moldy plaque must be completely scraped off. And then “Whiteness” wash the cleaned surface. Its toxicity is effective only on flat surfaces.because they do not penetrate deep gaps.

Double coat the wall with antifungal primer.Double coat the wall with antifungal primer.

Apply a special primer with the mark “Anti-mold” twice (preferably with a brush) before plastering. Copper sulfate is added to the putty and eliminate cracks.

Until complete destruction of black mold, further repair is not possible. Therefore, we use more aggressive measures of prolonged exposure.

The drug with a period of protection of 12 years.The drug with a period of protection of 12 years.

Top funds from the fungus on the walls

Active gels work professionally and efficiently.Active gels work professionally and efficiently.

After the elimination of excessive humidity in the apartment, you should use special tools developed specifically to combat fungi. How to remove mold from the walls in the apartment now forever? I propose to get acquainted with modern professional compositions.

The effect of the use of "Dali" lasts more than one year.The effect of the use of "Dali" lasts more than one year.

Dali (Dali) - recognized by all universal antiseptics of the Russian company "Rogneda". Its price is 600 rubles. for 5 l and 150 rubles. for 0.6 l.

This antiseptic applied to:

  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • ceramics and tiles;
  • plaster;
  • wood;
  • wallpaper;
  • drywall and cardboard;
  • sanitary ware;
  • painted or lacquered shoals.

"Dali" will eliminate even mosses and algae - the instruction suggests an appropriate concentration. Respirator, glasses, gloves are required. Moreover, for 2 weeks it is necessary to process the surface up to 6 times.

Fungicides (from the Latin "kill the mushroom") in the composition of the treated surface free from spores.Fungicides (from the Latin "kill the mushroom") in the composition of the treated surface free from spores.

Phongifluid of the Russian company (Alpa) Alpa - an active liquid fungicide worth 550 rubles. for 2 l:

  • harmless to tile and paintwork surfaces;
  • within 4 days the mold will disappear inside the apartment;
  • consumption - 1l / 4 m kV on a previously sanded surface;
  • severe damage will immediately require re-treatment with a roller or construction gun. But in a year the spots will not appear.
The drug is effective even in greenhouses and basements.The drug is effective even in greenhouses and basements.

1 liter "Olympus" Stop-mold costs 100 rubles, it does not contain bleach and volatile toxins, i.e. it is completely safe. The drug is also colorless, so it does not spoil the gloss of lacquer, ceramics, paint. Manufacturers claim that after double coverage the problem is effectively eliminated.

Used even in laundries.Used even in laundries.

Biotol spray is a universal biological antiseptic without chlorine and other poison. Half a liter of funds costs 300 rubles.

  1. First you need to scrape off the infected layer with a soft brush.
  2. Then spray the drug on the wall.
  3. After drying, rinse the area, preparing for further finishing.
  4. Threefold processing is enough even for a damp basement.

Fastening the result on the new finish

Only moisture-resistant coatings on the walls will prevent mold. Wallpaper stick only with moisture-resistant adhesive with the obligatory antibacterial additives. For the treatment of painted drywall and plaster suitable water repellent.

Impregnation pushes away moisture and provides air exchange of a wall.Impregnation pushes away moisture and provides air exchange of a wall.

Silicone water repellents do not allow moisture to penetrate into the surface treated by them.

In the photo - an artificial stone, covered with water repellent.In the photo - an artificial stone, covered with water repellent.
Profilux Anti-mold - protects the tree, with it the re-emergence of mold is impossible.Profilux Anti-mold - protects the tree, with it the re-emergence of mold is impossible.

Wood panels also do not leave without disinfection. Profilyuks (Profilux) - wood preservative. It is deeply absorbed and destroys fungal lesions. However, after processing wooden structures slightly change the shade.

Finally, the final touch: eliminate the rotten smell of mold.

Sodium bicarbonate will help from the bad smell.Sodium bicarbonate will help from the bad smell.

Some even non-infected surfaces absorb the unpleasant smell of damp and fungus. It is easily eliminated folk remedies. For example, you can grease the wall with a paste of baking soda, which after 2 hours should be brushed off with a vacuum cleaner. Also useful carbon filters used for regular air cleaning.


After reading this material, you have determined how to remove mold from the walls in the apartment. And when the solution is found, you can proceed to action! Just read more with the video in this article. And you can ask a question and get advice by writing in the comments.

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