1 Crashed thermometer - what to do?
- 1.1 first steps
1.2 Collect mercury balls
- 1.2.1 Remove the balls from the floor
- 1.2.2 Clear the mercury carpet and furniture
- 1.2.3 Eliminate mercury from the toilet
- 1.3 Following actions
- 2 What is the risk
- 3 summing up

From childhood, we more than once repeated that the need to carefully handle with the thermometer. The main thing - it does not break. After all, it contains mercury is hazardous to health. If this all happened, I will tell you what to do, so as not to harm the health, and how to collect the mercury from different surfaces.
Crashed thermometer - what to do?

first steps
If the thermometer has broken, no need to panic. Assemble yourselves, do not be nervous and start to carry out reasonable precautions. Instruction is as follows:
- Derive from the room of people and pets. Should remain only those who will be engaged in cleaning.
- Close doors to other roomsTo evaporation there is not penetrated.
- Open the window. The room should be ventilated, but do not create drafts.

- Protect yourself: Wear cotton-gauze bandages, rubber gloves and bags on their feet.
- First collect shards thermometerOnly then the very mercury.

Interesting fact - the mercury collection process even bought scientific name - Decontamination.
You can call the Ministry of Emergency Situations or specialized organization. Experts instruments measure the level of mercury in the room and conduct a thorough cleaning. Accordingly, the price for these services to be high.

You can remove balls of mercury, and with his own hands. It will be more economical. The main thing - to adhere to safety.
Collect mercury balls
There are 2 main ways to clean mercury from a broken thermometer:
- mechanical;
- chemical.
The mechanical method is much easier and more convenient than the chemical. You can use the means at hand, which precisely have any housewife:
- brush,
- paper,
- wool,
- Scotch.

The mechanical cleaning is performed both individually and combined with the chemical. But the chemical treatment is conducted after machining to consolidate the results.
With this method, applied reagents, which are not in every home. Requires ferric chloride solution or sodium polysulphide.

- 20% solution of ferric chloride is applied on the surface is treated with a brush and left to dry completely.
- After a day all washed with soapy water, then clean water.
It should be remembered that such a solution will spoil metal, wood and some plastic surfaces. To maintain the surface with the spray can handle portion potassium permanganate solution. By cleaning of mercury from a broken thermometer can begin after 1-2 hours.

Remove the balls from the floor
First of all, you need to know how to collect the mercury from the thermometer. A broom and a vacuum cleaner can not remove the metal. Come to the aid:
- Wet wool or newspaper;
- brush;
- syringe;
- rubber bag;
- tape or band-aid.
Before starting the neutralizing mercury, it is necessary to prepare the pot with water. Water does not allow the metal to evaporate more. Collected beads put in a glass jar and close the lid tightly.

Instead, the banks of water you can use a brush and a piece of paper:
- Smetana peals of balls brush.
- We put them in a sheet of paper, then in a sealed container.
Such methods are suitable for large particles that can be seen with the naked eye and to collect.

But little balls best to collect tape:
- Glue it to the surface, where the thermometer broke.
- After collecting and mercury, and used tape and placed in a jar.

The balls are very small, they can roll into the slot and under the plinth. Be sure to check out these locations. How to determine the mercury for skirting?
It's easy to find the balls with the help of a flashlight: they will shine the light metal. Get them out of there best with the help of needles or syringes.

If the metal is rolled under the plinth, this detail would have to be dismantled.
You can apply a magnet to collect the toxic substances. In this case the work is done in thick cotton gloves. When finished cleaning, remove the glove so that the magnet was inside. It must be disposed of as well.
Clear the mercury carpet and furniture
We now consider how to remove the mercury from the carpet. There are two ways to solve this problem:
- It is possible, as is the case with the floor, use a syringe and a jar of water. We collect balls and recycle thermometer.

- Carpet roll from the edge to the center, the balls do not "run away" in the room. Then pack the carpet in the bag or film. We submit it to the street and hang. Small impacts knock the mercury beads.
That mercury does not pollute the soil, it is necessary to lay under the carpet tape.

If the carpet with a long nap - how to collect the mercury from it, without hurting?
- Initially, it is necessary to collect all visible balloons toxic substance.
- Then treated with the product 2 times. First apply soap and soda solution, and the second - any cleanser. Do not forget to use rubber gloves.
If silver balls hit on the furniture, I recommend to wipe the surface with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Be careful, the furniture can change the shade!

Eliminate mercury from the toilet
Even if you're out of ignorance threw the contents into the toilet, do not panic. There are two ways to remove mercury from the toilet.
- The first method is the use of a rubber bulb or enema. With it, trying to pull all the balls. Then all give MSU or in a special organization for the management of hazardous substances.

- The second way - to get the balls with your hands:
- Completely flushes the toilet.
- Then block access new water.
- Rubber gloves and gat mercury particles. It can be used with the magnet.
- Then all put into a jar of water and pass the art.

Following actions
After the collected mercury from a broken thermometer:
- Dispose of the gloves, which worked.
- Rinse the soap-soda solution or potassium permanganate shoes.
- Gargle with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, clean teeth.
- Drink more diuretic liquids. It can be tea, coffee or juice. Mercury vapor that entered the body to be excreted by the kidneys.

- Take 2-3 tablets of activated charcoal.
- During the week, exclude the presence of people and pets in the room where the broken thermometer with mercury.
- Always ventilate the room and every day, wipe the floors above solution.

There are a number of "but", which in any case can not be done when the mercury collection:
- arrange drafts. Of course, the room should be ventilated. But if you create a draft, then the particles will spread and evaporate throughout the apartment.
- Collect mercury vacuum cleaner or a broom. Firstly, the particles settle on the mechanism, and the unit will have to throw out. Secondly, bars broom more razmelchat mercury particles, and they will gather much more difficult.

- You can not throw balls into the sewage system or garbage disposal. The metal deposited on the walls, and it will still evaporate.
- Clothing, gloves, and other accessories that are in contact with mercury should be packed in a bag and disposed of. In no case do not wash them in the washing machine.

What is the risk
How does the mercury after the impact, now you know - it's a small silver balls. However, it follows from the thermometer liquid metal, which evaporates at room temperature. And mercury vapor no smell, taste and color, these are dangerous.

How long the mercury evaporates? Even a small ball with a diameter of 0.5 cm can evaporate for a year! The rate of evaporation depends on:
- room temperature;
- amount spilled metal;
- the area in which the pollution occurred.
I must say that even a small amount of this material detrimental effect on our health. Couples tend to accumulate in the body. Even if you feel good, such a state is deceptive.
Mercury vapor can cause:
- Acute poisoning;
- chronic poisoning.

If breathing fumes for a few hours, there will be an acute poisoning. It is characterized by:
- metallic taste in the mouth;
- headache;
- bleeding gums;
- nausea.
In this case, it is impossible to quickly bring poisonous metals from the body.
In chronic poisoning obvious signs may not be immediately seen. Only with time it appears unwell: you annoyed by little things, there are problems with sleep, suffering and nervous system.

summing up
Now broken thermometer will not cause you a sense of panic, you already know how to collect the mercury properly. If you decide to action with his own hands, follow the instructions above.
For a more accurate understanding of the solution of this problem, see the video in this article. And leave questions in the comments.
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