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Almost all crops need nutrient soil with low or neutral acidity. However, such a composition of the soil is a rather rare phenomenon, since it is mainly found that the soil is with high acidity. That's when agronomists, gardeners, gardeners and even gardeners come to the rescue with lime fertilizers.
This type of fertilizer is a special material that is used to neutralize the acidity of the soil, as well as to saturate it with calcium, necessary for the active development of plants.
To determine which fertilizer is best used for a particular soil when growing different crops, it is necessary to become familiar with the main types of lime fertilizers, their characteristics and application features.
Types of lime fertilizers
Lime fertilizers are divided into three groups depending on what natural rock they were extracted from:
- solid( rocks that require additional grinding or roasting), such as limestone, chalk and dolomite;
- soft( do not require grinding) - marl, natural dolomite flour, calcareous tuff, lake lime;
- industrial waste, which includes a lot of lime( cement dust, shale and peat ash, belite flour, defecation mud).
In addition, they also distinguish the group resulting from the processing of natural rocks - it is burnt lime( quicklime and fuzz).
Use of lime fertilizers
When growing garden crops to reduce the acidity of the soil most often used such fertilizers of this type:
- Slaked lime( fuzz). It is introduced into the soil during the autumn or spring digging every three years, with very high acidity - annually. The norm for clay soil ranges from 4 to 10 kg per 10 square meters.m, and for sand - a maximum of 2 kg on the same area. It is also used to combat insects( per 1 sq. M. - no more than 500 g of fluff) and whitewash trees.
- Quick Lime .It is used to destroy weeds on heavy soils.
- Dolomite flour( crushed dolomite). Used for chalking on snow cover, if it is no more than 30 cm, and also for depositing on greenhouse ridges before planting. Norm - 500-600 g per 1 square.m for soil with high and medium acidity, and 350 g - with low. When chalking greenhouse beds - no more than 200 g.
- Mel. Apply for spring liming, the maximum dose - 300 g per 1 square.m. acidic soil.
- Marl. Suitable for light soil, digging along with manure.
- Lime Tuff. The composition has about 80% lime, is used in the same way as marl.
- Lake Lime( drywall). Contains 90% lime, applied with organic matter.
The lime fertilizers listed above can be used simultaneously with the manure( except fuzz).